When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 205 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 13

Chapter 205 Extra Story - The Little Master and the Cold Monster 13
Jiang Chenglan lowered his eyes to look, and sure enough, he saw that the man's leg was scratched by the carving on the side of the couch.

Where did it hit, blood flowed out.

Jiang Chenglan hurriedly helped him up and sat down on the couch.

Just as she was turning around to get some wound medicine, Yan Muqing held her hand relentlessly, and refused to let go no matter what.

Jiang Chenglan held back the anger in his heart, and said, "I'll get the medicine, let go!"

Yan Muqing was still not obedient, but instead said: "I don't want wound medicine, it will leave a scar, it's ugly, you use spiritual power to heal me."

Spiritual healing?

Jiang Chenglan has been injured countless times since he was a child, and has never used spiritual power to heal him.

This kind of minor injury doesn't need to consume spiritual energy at all, but Yan Muqing has always been delicate, not to mention that injuries are rare, even if they are injured, they always cry out for pain.

Wound medicine heals slowly, but spiritual power heals faster.

It is true that he has a good father who loves him, so naturally everything goes with him.

Jiang Chenglan was silent for a long time, and finally, with Yan Muqing's expression on the verge of crying, he still spent his spiritual energy to treat him.

Seeing the girl in front of her eyes lowered, carefully treating the wound, although Yan Muqing was in a little pain, her heart was sweet.

He suddenly said, "When will we get married?"

It's good not to say this, but once Jiang Chenglan said it, he didn't type it out.

She glanced at him angrily, and said, "Didn't you have someone else to marry? Since you have a fiancée, don't mess with others."

Yan Muqing rubbed his nose, looked frustrated, and said: "I... lied to you, my mother only wanted me to marry you, how could she really find someone else for me?"

Jiang Chenglan raised his head, with some incomprehensible emotions in his eyes.

Yan Muqing blinked guiltyly, and asked, "I apologize to you, does what you just said still count?"

Jiang Chenglan withdrew his gaze and said, "It doesn't count."

The young man pursed his lips, unwilling to let go, "No, count, count, you said it yourself, once a word is made, it is hard to follow, you can't say something like this, otherwise, if not, I will tell your father."

Jiang Chenglan glared at him, and the man immediately shut up.

After a long time, Yan Muqing asked again: "You said you want to marry me, do you mean that you like me?"

Jiang Chenglan suspected that he was asking questions knowingly, and felt even more displeased, and said stiffly, "No!"

Yan Muqing's face collapsed, and he said, "Is it because you pity me?"

Jiang Chenglan: "..."

She has always thought that Yan Muqing is shameless, skinless and brainless, but she has always been complacent about everything about herself, and has never thought about problems with such low self-esteem.

Jiang Chenglan suddenly remembered what his mother said, that when you like someone, you will feel inferior.

She is not like this, but Yan Muqing seems to be like this.

Yan Muqing lowered his eyes, looked like a puppy who had been swept out of the house, and lowered his head to fiddle with the quilt in his hand.

Jiang Chenglan coughed lightly, as if he had made up his mind, "I'll only say these words once, and I won't say them again if you don't hear them."

"Yan Muqing, I don't know what you have done to me. It is clear that I despise people like you the most, but a person with my temper has allowed you to stay by my side until now."

"I don't know what liking is, but if someone asks me who is the person I most want to see and spend the rest of my life with besides my parents and relatives, it must be you."

"I thought, maybe this is liking, but I can't figure it out myself."

"Seeing that you are dying, I want to beat you up, but at the same time I want to hug you."

"If you think about it, there's nothing wrong with marrying you. Although you're noisy and annoying, it's not that bad."

Yan Muqing was clear-headed at the beginning, at least when Jiang Chenglan emphasized 'I'll only say these words once'.

However, when it came to "who is the person I most want to see and spend the rest of my life with", Yan Muqing's mind had already started to go berserk.

He began to wonder if he was dreaming, and then began to wonder if the person she just mentioned was himself?

How to do?It seems that I didn't hear clearly.

Yan Muqing pursed her lips, and suddenly slapped herself on the forehead.

This time, Jiang Chenglan frowned, and asked in confusion, "Are you crazy?"

Yan Muqing said aggrievedly: "I... I really didn't hear clearly just now, please say it again, please."

Jiang Chenglan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and resisted the urge to beat him up.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I've said it before. I only say it once. Don't make me repeat it!"

Yan Muqing said with a sad face: "But, it's all your fault. You didn't emphasize that I wasn't that nervous. It was because you insisted on saying it once. When I got nervous... I didn't listen."

Jiang Chenglan: "..."

Is it too late to regret it now?
Jiang Chenglan made a bold decision, she pressed the back of Yan Muqing's head and kissed her.

Now, there is no need to say anything, if he asks again, Jiang Chenglan will really beat him up!

Yan Muqing's eyes widened, and she was kissed in a daze.

Until there was a loud noise behind him, Jiang Chenglan was so frightened that he immediately separated from him.

I saw that the door of the room had been opened, and Qingwu was lying on the ground with a sneer.

Jiang Chenglan was a little astonished and blushed, "Godmother, what are you... doing?"

Qingwu couldn't say that he came to eavesdrop on the conversation between his son and his daughter-in-law, so he could only touch his nose with a smirk, and said, "Oh, I... I just walked to the door and tripped over a damn stone. Wow, hahaha, did I come here at...not the right time? Disturbing you? Go on, go on."

With that said, she got up from the ground, closed the door and went out in desperation.

After Qingwu left, Jiang Chenglang realized something belatedly, cleared his throat in embarrassment, and asked, "Dear mother, is it..."

"I've seen it all." Yan Muqing added, "My mother always likes to listen to things in the corner, she must have been hiding outside the door a long time ago, saying... maybe, she's still outside now."

Yan Muqing pursed her lips, feeling the sweetness of Jiang Cheng's kiss from just now on her lips.

Jiang Chenglan rubbed his forehead, lowered his voice and asked, "What should I do?"

Yan Muqing glanced at her cautiously, "I'm going to get married anyway, doesn't it matter?"

Jiang Chenglan raised his eyes to look at him, but he thought about it.

"Forget it, anyway, I've said everything I want to say today, you should understand...you understand now. Don't make any fuss, don't mess around. If you're happy, you can still come to the barracks in the future." Jiang Chenglan After all, stand up and leave.

Yan Muqing took her hand again, "You can stay with me again."

Jiang Chenglan was silent for a moment, and said, "I've been lying down for a few days, and my body is completely broken. Let's go for a walk?"

The young man smiled and nodded quickly, and did not let go of Jiang Chenglan's hand, turning over with difficulty and laying down on the bed.

It's been a long time since I stood up. When Yan Muqing stood up, her legs were still a little weak.

He half leaned on Jiang Chenglan's body, and said aggrievedly: "I don't seem to be able to walk anymore."

Jiang Chenglan was helpless, "No, it's just that I haven't left for too long, I'll support you, don't be afraid."

When the two opened the door to go out, Jiang Chenglan vaguely saw a turquoise figure flash past.

"..." The godmother seemed to be peeking again!

Yan Muqing also noticed it, and whispered, "My mother...that's it, don't be angry."

How could Jiang Chenglan be angry with his godmother, it was just a little awkward and embarrassing.

She shook her head and said, "It's okay."

Jiang Chenglang helped him walk around the yard, Yan Muqing couldn't stand it anymore, he yelled: "I'm tired, I want to sit down and rest."

The two sat down in the gazebo, Yan Muqing's stomach began to growl again.

He pressed his belly, but without any embarrassment, he said very frankly: "I'm hungry, I haven't eaten for several days. It's okay to not move, but as soon as I move around, I start to feel hungry."

Jiang Chenglan stood up and said, "Then I'll get you something to eat."

Before she turned around, a wooden food box appeared on the small table in the gazebo.

Both Jiang Chenglan and Yan Muqing were stunned.

Jiang Chenglan turned his head and looked in the direction where the turquoise figure flashed by just now, and he saw a hem of his clothes.

"Is she a little too obvious?" Yan Muqing asked in a low voice.

Jiang Chenglan nodded awkwardly, "It's a bit."

The next moment, something happened that made Jiang Chenglan even more embarrassed to dig his toes on the ground.

Yan Muqing cleared his throat, and shouted, "Mother, don't go too far, hurry up, or Chenglan will get angry."

Jiang Chenglan: "..."

It was a good thing not to yell, but Jiang Chenglan wanted to die on the spot if he yelled.

Qingwu came out from the corner in embarrassment, rubbed his nose with a smirk, and said, "I... I'm here to deliver food. Just now, I lost something and I was looking for it. I just heard you said that I was hungry, so... er ...I'll give you the food box first."

Yan Muqing didn't believe her words, and asked, "Then did you find your things?"

Qingwu was afraid of disturbing the two of them, so he had no choice but to say: "I found it, I found it, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now."

Seeing Qingwu disappear at the gate of the courtyard, Jiang Chenglang always felt uneasy, and asked, "Did she really leave?"

Yan Muqing whispered: "It's hard to say."

"Mother!" Yan Muqing shouted at the top of his voice, but there was no sound in the surroundings.

Only then did Yan Muqing reply affirmatively, "It seems that I really left this time."

Jiang Chenglan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I didn't expect the godmother to have such a hobby. It's really strange."

The boy said: "What's so strange? It's because my father doesn't often accompany her. She is too boring and always does this kind of thing."

Jiang Chenglan nodded, not continuing this topic.

Since this incident, neither of the two families has mentioned the matter of marriage. After all, whether or not the two children should be together cannot be decided by a marriage contract.

On the contrary, Qingwu became more and more interested, and even took Jiang Qibai to gossip about the two children.

Ever since Jiang Chenglan confessed his thoughts, Yan Muqing also returned to the barracks, still helping Jiang Chenglan with the accounts.

The difference is that he began to push forward and demanded to work on the same desk as Jiang Chenglan.

Jiang Chenglan didn't really care too much, and agreed to it repeatedly.

But this is just the beginning, Yan Muqing's face is getting thicker and thicker, and even secretly touching Jiang Chenglan's hand when reviewing the memorial.

Jiang Chenglan frowned, "Don't mess around, be serious."

The boy let out an aggrieved cry, and withdrew his hand.

But this kind of thing, once there is the first time, there will be a second time.

Yan Muqing often took advantage of Jiang Chenglan's inattention to shake hands.

Full, Jiang Chenglan didn't bother to argue with him, and he didn't want to keep talking about such a trivial matter.

As a result, it turned out that Yan Muqing had to hold Jiang Chenglan's hand when approving the memorial.

Fortunately, there was no one else in the room. Although Jiang Chenglan felt embarrassed, he didn't very much reject Yan Muqing's touch.

The two gradually reached a tacit understanding, as if it was a convention that they could hold hands.

More and more, Yan Muqing was not satisfied with holding hands anymore, and asked for a kiss when no one was around.

Jiang Chenglan couldn't bear holding hands, anyway, the two of them used to hold each other a lot.

But kissing is always too intimate.

When Jiang Chenglan refused, Yan Muqing cried.

Jiang Chenglan was angry, but Yan Muqing was still crying!
Even Jiang Chenglan didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup he was being fed, so he agreed in a daze.

With the lessons learned from the past, Yan Muqing started his devious tactics again, so much that even kissing became a habit.

For a while, the barracks will start intensive drills.

Therefore, Jiang Chenglan has been busy with things over there recently, and has no time to spend time with Yan Muqing.

Yan Muqing quarreled with Jiang Chenglang like a god, and quarreled with his father lawlessly.

In the end, Yan Chenjue, who loves his son like his life, had to come forward and arrange another person to replace Jiang Chenglan.

Although His Majesty the Demon King didn't say it clearly, who can't see what's going on?
Not only Jiang Chenglan, but Jiang Chenglan was already under strict control in the barracks, and the guys who had some opinions on her also used this as an excuse to make irresponsible remarks both openly and secretly.

Jiang Chenglan has always lived an upright life, and has never acted out of line in the slightest. All her exceptions were given to Yan Muqing.

Jiang Chenglan, who had never been poked in the back since childhood, finally broke out in this incident.

She almost rushed to Yan Muqing's dormitory, and as soon as she entered, Yan Muqing asked her with a smile, "Chenglan, why are you here?"

Jiang Chenglan's face was livid, as if he didn't come to flirt with him.

Yan Muqing didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and even said complacently: "My father has arranged for someone to pick you up, right? This way you don't have to go outside..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Chenglan rushed forward and pressed Yan Muqing against the table with his backhand.

Jiang Chenglan was furious, "Yan Muqing, who do you think you are? Why should you decide for me?"

Yan Muqing's arm was folded behind her back, and the end of her eyes turned red from the pain, "It hurts, what are you doing, let me go, it hurts so much!"

The boy's shout was full of grievance and sadness, but this time Jiang Chenglan didn't feel sorry for him, but pressed down even harder.

Yan Muqing yelled out in pain immediately, tears fell down along with it.

(End of this chapter)

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