When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 25 1 Drunk to relieve anxiety

Chapter 25
That's a good relationship, Qingwu also wants to know if this innocent and lovely girl will develop a love story with Huaguangmen's number one dream lover.

She nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'm always welcome."

Jiang Qibai seemed to have let go of a big rock in her heart, she thought, Miss Lu is also quite a nice person, maybe she just didn't realize that Mr. Yan likes it, and she can't be blamed.

After the Qiaoguo was baked, Yan Chenjin's pouch-shaped Qiaoguo was still firm, but Qingwu's 'Little Fox' Qiaoguo was not so lucky.

Originally, it had the shape of a cat or dog, but after it was flattened, it looked like a little fat pig.

Qingwu looked at the three 'little fat pigs' he had made, and asked Yan Chenjin in great disappointment, "It's so ugly, do you want more?"

The young man twisted it carefully in his hands, "You can't go back on what you promised, and don't break your word this time."

Qingwu smiled, "I know I'm wrong, don't turn over the old score, wait a minute, I'll take you down the mountain, and treat you to drink two pots of milk, okay?"

Yan Chenjin said hello softly.

Qingwu grabbed a piece of pouch Qiaoguo and stuffed it into his mouth, it was still a little hot, not very sweet, but not bad.

She ate another piece and said, "Then wait for me, I'll borrow some money from Zhao Jinying, and I'll take you down the mountain right away."

After all, she grabbed the last piece of Qiaoguo, thinking of bribing Zhao Jinying with it, so that she could borrow money, but Yan Chenjin grabbed her sleeves, "I have money, so you can just lend me, why? Looking for him? Also, don’t give him the Qiaoguo I made.”

Qingwu looked at the Qiaoguo in his hand, and was startled, this kid can read minds?
She quickly took a bite of Qiaoguo and said, "I'll lend you money to treat you to food, don't you think...it's weird?"

Yan Chenjin snorted and said, "No wonder!"

Saying that, he pulled Qingwu out, Qingwu waved at Jiang Qibai, "Miss Qibai, remember to come and play with me tomorrow!"

Jiang Qibai nodded with a gentle smile and watched the two leave.

Mr. Yan and Miss Lu are really a good match.

Passing by the guest room, he met Cheng Anyi coming out of the room, frowning and smelling the smell on his body.

She has taken a bath three times, why does she still feel a disgusting smell?
Qing Wu couldn't help laughing lowly, Yan Chenjin asked her, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's a long story, I..."

Before Qingwu finished speaking, he heard Cheng Anyi shout happily: "Jin, do you want to go down the mountain? It just so happens that I am going down the mountain too, can I go with you?"

Yan Chenjin glanced at her indifferently, and said, "Sorry, I have an appointment with Ah Qing."



Cheng Anyi and Qingwu said these two words almost at the same time, not to mention Cheng Anyi, Qingwu wanted to ask, when did she have such a title?

But seeing Cheng Anyi's gloomy face, Qingwu suddenly felt that this title was quite good.

She said with a smile: "I like it when you call me that, call me again."

The young man seemed to have only heard the first four words, his face was flushed, and the fox's eyes were full of tenderness.

After a long time, he called her affectionately again, "Ah Qing!"

This title seems to be called out after years of anticipation and finally got what one wishes. The voice is magnetic and tender.

Qingwu felt his legs almost go limp after hearing these two words.

Why did this kid suddenly become so... affectionate, a little... inexplicable!
However, this cry made it clear how weak my legs were, and it made Cheng Anyi feel angry.

Qingwu made a face at her, held Yanchenjin's hand triumphantly, and bounced down the mountain.

The two found a beef restaurant at the foot of the mountain and ordered half a catty of beef, two pots of milk and one pot of kefir.

It was the first time for Qingwu to drink kefir, and he was very curious about what it tasted like.

She pushed two pots of milk in front of Yan Chenjin, "These two pots, one is for today, and the other is for you to make up for yesterday. If you drink it, you are not allowed to take my revenge."

The young man nodded, "But you have to promise me that you will not break your word in the future."

Just about to retort, "When did I break my promise?" Then I suddenly realized that she seemed to have broken her promise quite a few times, so she sighed and said, "I know this is my fault, I slowly Change, besides, I have a bad memory, if you forget, just remind me, so I won’t get sulking.”

But the young man said: "If you can't remember, it means that you are not paying attention. You are not sincere, and it is useless for me to remind you."


This set of nonsense, to put it... really makes sense.

Qingwu raised his head and drank the kefir in the glass. The drink had the aroma of milk and was a little sweet.

Yan Chenjin snatched her wine glass, poured a glass of milk, and said, "Young lady, don't drink all the time."

Qingwu has been drinking alcohol since he was sixteen or seventeen years old, and he has developed a habit for hundreds of years.

In fact, she doesn't like drinking that much, it's just that the book says...

"One drunk can relieve a thousand worries."

Qingwu smiled and took the milk and drank it, then poured another glass of wine.

Yan Chenjin snorted, "What worries do you have?"

She looked at him with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I am now, not to mention how happy I am."

This is the truth, she is really happy, to live again, everything makes her happy, even Cheng Anyi, whom she doesn't like, makes her happy.

She had never had these novel feelings.

Qingwu drank a pot of small wine with the sauced beef, and was in a good mood, so he asked the shopkeeper for a pot of kefir.

Xiaoer said: "Girl, this milk wine is sweet and has a lot of stamina. I haven't drunk the second pot in our shop. You should try other wines. The sake and sweet-scented osmanthus in our shop The wine is also good."

Qingwu didn't believe in evil, "I've never been drunk with a thousand cups, so I want milk wine, another pot, and half a catty of beef in sauce."

She insisted so much that Xiao Er had no choice but to go down and prepare.

The jug was empty again, and Qingwu felt a little drunk, thinking that this kefir was really extraordinary.

With a heavy head, Qingwu tilted his head and leaned on the table, watching Yan Chenjin drink the milk very carefully, as if tasting some fine nectar.

She smiled and asked, "Is it delicious? Do you want the shopkeeper to add some sugar for you?"

The boy didn't answer, put down the cup in his hand, and asked her, "Are you drunk?"

Qingwu waved his hand and said, "How could I get drunk with this little wine? I'm not drunk, I'm still waiting for you to finish drinking, and go out to watch the lantern festival with you."

Yan Chenjin had some doubts about her words, every time she was drunk, she said she was not drunk.

Looking at her blurred eyes, she seems to be drunk.

When Qingwu urged him again, "Hurry up and drink, at your current speed, I'm afraid you'll have to drink until tomorrow."

Ever since, Yan Chenjin drank one cup after another, obviously drinking very quickly, but he still had a feeling of nobility.

(End of this chapter)

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