Chapter 31

Yan Chenjin suddenly stood up, raised his injured hand, and said, "Next time, my hand is injured, and I want to go back and rest."

Now, he can't pretend to be indifferent in front of her for a moment.

Qingwu slapped his forehead, and said: "Yes, yes, you have to rest well, don't worry, when your hand is healed, we will get drunk again."

Coming out of Qingwu's room, Yan Chenjin was in a daze, like a zombie whose blood had been drained, and his hands and feet were a little out of control.

He is so spineless that he dare not even admit that he likes him.

However, if you admit it, you will be abandoned.

She had left him in the cold for so many days, he really... couldn't bear it.

Or... Don't admit it, it's good enough to be able to look at her.

Not long after Yan Chenjin left, Zhao Jinying came to look for Qingwu.

He said to Qing Wu mysteriously: "I just heard some news, do you know about Senior Brother Jiang and that female disciple of Chaos Sect?"

Because of Yan Chenjin's words, Qingwu was refreshed, she crossed her legs and asked, "Which one are you talking about?"

Zhao Jinying said: "Oh, it's just the two of them flirting with each other. Didn't you get very close to that female disciple and she didn't tell you?"

Qingwu knew that Jiang Qibai liked Jiang Mingyun, but he never told Zhao Jinying.

Although she and Zhao Jinying are also friends, Qingwu always feels that it's inappropriate to gossip about friends.

In addition, Zhao Jinying has a big mouth, and what he knows, almost all the fellow disciples have to know.

Qingwu rubbed his nose and looked sloppy, "She didn't mention it, what's going on?"

Zhao Jinying shook her head with contempt in her eyes, "You really don't have the ability to gossip at all, and you can't get anywhere near the water. A while ago, Brother Jiang's illness suddenly worsened. You always know about it, right?"

More than just knowing, speaking of it, it might be directly caused by her.

Qingwu nodded his nose, and asked with a guilty conscience: "I know, what's the matter?"

Zhao Jinying rolled her eyes, "That good living person, if you say it's getting worse, it's getting worse? There must be something wrong with it, and the brothers asked me several times, but Brother Jiang never mentioned it, which means..."

Qingwu coughed lightly, which shows that he has no face to say it!

Zhao Jinying said to herself, and concluded: "This shows that he deliberately defends or...he is too embarrassed to say it."

Qingwu raised his eyebrows, "That's all you want to talk about?"

She suddenly lost interest. As one of the parties involved, she is still the culprit. Qingwu knows the whole story best.

Seeing that she didn't take it seriously, Zhao Jinying said again: "You don't know that, but before Senior Brother Jiang's condition worsened, someone saw the female disciple secretly washing Senior Brother Jiang's clothes in the middle of the night."

Of course Qingwu knew, if it wasn't for this, Jiang Mingyun wouldn't have misunderstood Jiang Qibai's misbehavior, let alone be scolded by Qingwu for vomiting blood.

She asked absent-mindedly: "Qibai took care of him, what happened to washing his clothes?"

Zhao Jinying rolled her eyes, "What do you know, the clothes are dirty, you can just wash them during the day, why do you have to wash them at night. Of course, there might be something terrible on them."

As he spoke, he smiled ambiguously at Qingwu, looking a little...wretched.

Qingwu didn't pay attention to why Jiang Mingyun's clothes were dirty, but if it was dusty, there was no need to wash him so late.

Look at Zhao Jinying's eyes again, could it be... that?
Qingwu had read many comic books before, so she was naturally not a simple and ignorant girl.

No way?Qingwu was a little skeptical, "Don't make random guesses and slander Qibai's reputation."

Zhao Jinying said with an expression of 'I understand', "Don't worry, I will only tell you about such a big matter, and I won't tell others."

However, Zhao Jinying's 'I won't tell others' is similar to what Qing Wu often said, 'Once I say something, it's hard to follow'.

Qing Wu said that he didn't really believe it.

After sending Zhao Jinying away, Qingwu went to Jiang Qibai to find out about the situation.

Unexpectedly, when he knocked on the door, no one answered.

At this time, if Jiang Qibai was not in the house, he would probably be taking care of him with Jiang Mingyun.

Qingwu stood in front of Jiang Mingyun's room door, and was about to knock on the door to enter, when he suddenly remembered Zhao Jinying's words.

She became more and more curious, so she withdrew her hand.

Carefully lying on the window, Qingwu pushed open a small gap and looked inside.

Jiang Qibai was supporting Jiang Mingyun, feeding him porridge and water.

After resting for a few days, Jiang Mingyun's body recovered a bit and he was able to speak, but his hands and feet were weak, and Jiang Qibai needed to feed him.

He watched the girl take care of him attentively, and felt more and more guilty in his heart.

Jiang Mingyun hadn't apologized for the previous incident, and he always felt as if something was stuck in his heart, which made him feel uncomfortable.

After drinking the porridge, Jiang Mingyun opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, his face turned red.

Mr. Jiang has never bowed his head to anyone in his life, not to mention apologizing, not even a soft word.

He tried a few times, almost biting his own tongue, and only choked out, "You'd better forget about the previous things!"

Hearing this, Qing Wu, who was eavesdropping outside, couldn't help but want to take off his shoes and throw them over, smashing his handsome face.

Qingwu frowned, this kid hasn't been scolded enough, he wants to beat him!

Jiang Qibai was not angry, but just smiled lightly, "Master Jiang, don't worry, I won't... say it."

Jiang Mingyun also felt that his words didn't sound like he was apologizing, so he mustered up his courage and said, "I didn't do it properly, but you also have your faults, so don't try to get into the wrong corner, you know?"

This time it doesn't look like a threat, but rather... preaching!

Qingwu tightened the hand holding an embroidered shoe.

Does this kid know what he's talking about?Looking for death?

However, Jiang Qibai's temperament is better than Qingwu's by more than 01:30, she nodded, "I know, I don't...resent you, Master, and you don't...don't worry about it, I already...forgive you in my heart."

Hearing what she said, Jiang Mingyun was relieved, but he still said stubbornly: "It's good that you are sensible, I'm not apologizing to you."

Obviously what he wanted in his heart was to apologize, but he just couldn't save himself.

There was a smile on the girl's ordinary face, and for no reason, Jiang Mingyun suddenly felt that she was a little cute.

Jiang Mingyun turned his head a little irritably, and said, "The Qiaoguo you made before was not bad, so make it again for me to eat."

Jiang Qibai froze for a moment, wanted to say something, but swallowed it back, "Okay."

Seeing that Jiang Qibai was about to come out, Qingwu hurriedly took a step back, stepped on something, almost fell, but was supported by the waist.

(End of this chapter)

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