Chapter 41
The young man looked at her deeply, was she talking about Jiang Mingyun?
"I don't know!" Yan Chenjin said coldly, and said again: "I'm tired, I'm going back to rest, you can take a walk by yourself!"

"Huh???" Qing Wu watched the boy stride away, feeling very surprised.

What's the matter?Did she say something wrong?Just discussing with him, why are you still angry?
It has been more than a month since she returned to Huaguangmen, Yan Chenjin didn't like to talk to her these days, and she didn't even drink milk.

The promised half-monthly hug experience card is gone, and Qingwu feels very depressed.

Coupled with the fact that Zhao Jinying was ordered to go down the mountain yesterday, Qingwu was completely bored.

At night, Qingwu made a few jugs of wine and sat on the roof to drink.

Under the moonlight, a young man came back from outside with a sword in his hand.

Qingwu raised the wine pot and shouted: "Brother Jiang, do you want to come up for a drink?"

Jiang Mingyun just came back from the martial arts arena, sweating all over, and was about to go back to take a bath and rest, when he saw Lu Yaoqing sitting on the roof in a frivolous manner, he couldn't help frowning, and ignored her.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Qingwu rolled his eyes and changed his words: "Brother Jiang, don't be in a hurry to leave. You have been mentioned in Qibai's letter these days, do you want to read it?"

The boy paused, looked up at her, "boring!"

He didn't stop, and went straight into the house.

Qingwu felt that it was boring, so he had no choice but to continue to drink and watch the moon.

After a stick of incense, the door of Jiang Mingyun's room opened, the young man took a shower, changed into clean clothes, stood up, and sat down beside Qingwu.

This Jiang Mingyun really likes to put on airs, even in front of people he hates, he has to maintain his image.

No wonder he refuses to admit that he likes Jiang Qibai, this man is proud in his heart, how can an ordinary woman make him feel good?

Qingwu sneered, shook the jug beside him, found a full jug and handed it to Jiang Mingyun.

Jiang Mingyun didn't take the drink, and asked bluntly, "Where's the letter?"

Believe it, there are some, and they all greet Jiang Mingyun, but Qingwu didn't bring it with him.

Qingwu smiled and raised the jug, and said, "You drink this first before talking about it."

The Huaguang Sect is a master of the Immortal Sect, and they always value tea over wine, unless there is a major banquet where the Sect Master is present, tea is always used instead of wine.

Jiang Mingyun hadn't attended a major banquet since he was an adult, so he hadn't had a drink yet.

While hesitating, Qingwu laughed at him, "Can you do it?"

These words undoubtedly plucked the hair on No.1's head in Huaguangmen. Jiang Mingyun grabbed the jug, raised his head and drank the jug dry.

The spicy wine trickled down his throat, choking him to tears, but Jiang Mingyun held it back, and finally wiped his mouth pretending to be cool.

Qingwu was amused by his childish behavior, "Jiang Mingyun, why are you so handsome?"

The boy had a belch and started to feel dizzy. He said with a red face, "Young master is handsome!"

He's so drunk after just a pot of wine, what's so handsome?

Qingwu sat up straight and looked at him, raised a finger, and asked, "Master Jiang, what is this?"

Jiang Mingyun's cold face almost met his eyes, and finally said firmly: "Four, it's just that three fingers are missing."

These words made Qingwu laugh out loud, is this kid drunk or not?
Qing Wu asked: "Do you still know who I am?"

The boy stared at her for a while, and said, "Damn it!"

Qingwu: "..."

It seems that the brain is quite clear!
Qingwu suddenly thought of something, and asked with a smile: "Master Jiang, do you have someone you like?"

Jiang Mingyun lowered his head, and suddenly raised the corners of his lips sweetly, with a shy and shy look, he said, "Yes."

"Then... who is the person you like?" Qingwu continued to probe.

The boy was silent for a moment, Qingwu saw that he hadn't answered for a long time, so he took a sip of wine impatiently.

"Damn it!" Jiang Mingyun replied.

These three words made Qingwu spit out all the wine he had just drunk.

She coughed a few times, thinking: Is this kid crazy?

Jiang Mingyun, however, seemed to be immersed in his own world, not paying attention to her movements, and murmured, "You two are both annoying ghosts."

Only then did Qingwu heave a sigh of relief, it turned out that he also hated Jiang Qibai.

She thought he liked her!
She rolled her eyes and said: "It's fine if I hate her, Qibai is so good, why do you hate her?"

Jiang Mingyun fell into deep thought, and said after a long time: "She's so ordinary, still have to force me to like her, it's disgusting!"

Who forced you to like it?shameless!
Qingwu shook his head helplessly, Qibai fell in love with such a thing, what a bad luck!

While talking ill of Jiang Qibai, Jiang Mingyun showed a sweet smile on the other hand, and finally concluded, "Actually, she is not that bad, she is very gentle to me."

Qingwu rolled his eyes and said, "Don't pretend to be affectionate, Qibai is gentle to everyone."

These words aroused the dissatisfaction of the young man, "It's different! She treats me the most gentle."

Qingwu glanced at him, "Yes, yes, I am the most gentle to you, so why do you still dislike things?"

Jiang Mingyun said: "But my young master is too handsome, she is not good enough!"

The jug in Qingwu's hand shattered with a click, and veins popped up on his forehead, "Do you have the guts to say it again?"

The boy murmured: " not worthy, but I still like her."

What a young master's temper, what a contradiction!Qingwu shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Mingyun babbled a few words about his liking for Jiang Qibai, then fell asleep in a daze. He tilted his body and almost fell off the roof, but Qingwu was frightened.

After dragging Jiang Mingyun into the house and throwing him on the couch, the kid woke up again, shouting loudly that he wanted to marry Jiang Qibai.

Qingwu saw the pen and paper on the table, smiled, and said: "If you really like Qibai, make a written proof, otherwise, I will treat you as nonsense."

The drunk young man couldn't stand Qing Wu's shock at all, he sat unsteadily in front of the table, and began to write crookedly.

But the ink on the pen dripped onto the white paper, and he didn't write any more. Instead, he turned around and asked Qing Wu, "How do you stand?"

Qingwu coughed lightly, and said, "Just write about me, Jiang Mingyun, who likes Jiang Qibai."

When Jiang Mingyun finished writing, Qingwu saw it and almost vomited blood. This kid really wrote the big characters of "you just write me Jiang Mingyun, I like Jiang Qibai".

Qingwu: "..."

She folded the paper, cut out the three big characters "you just write" on the top, folded the rest, and put it in the Qiankun bag.

Qingwu thought to himself, now I have evidence, I will make you die hard!
A contented Qingwu came out of Jiang Mingyun's room, just in time to meet Yanchenjin who was about to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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