When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 44 She's Not the Devil

Chapter 44 She's Not the Devil

Qingwu was afraid that he would lose his temper when he heard this, so he didn't say anything, but lowered his voice and said, "What do you care about him? It's not like he courted death once or twice. Can you look up to normal people?"

I don't know if these words touched Yan Chenjin's favor, the boy's originally cold face suddenly eased a lot.

He snorted and said, "I'll be fine, Ye Lanyu has agreed, so don't worry about it."

As soon as this elder was mentioned, Qingwu felt even more inconceivable, and asked, "What is the relationship between you and that young elder? Why does he favor you so much?"

Even such an important investigation can bring him in as a drag bottle at will, this elder must love Yan Chenjin very much.

Yan Chenjin said: "I have known him a long time ago, I have received his kindness before, so I am a little familiar with him."

Unbelief was written all over Qingwu's face.

He received the elder's kindness?But the elder treated him so kindly, it was more like the elder received his kindness.

Everyone has already followed, and Qingwu has no right to tell him to go back, but just told him, "Don't be arrogant in everything, and you must know how to avoid danger, remember?"

Yan Chenjin said: "I promise you, but you also have to promise me that no matter what happens, you must let me follow you."

If there is any danger, it is the safest for the little fox to follow Elder Lanyu, so what's the matter with her?

Seeing Qingwu's hesitation, the young man begrudgingly said, "If you agree, I'll let you hug me."

Qingwu's eyes lit up, "Deal."

It's okay to follow her, she now has a demonic energy around her, and ordinary evil spirits are not to be feared.

If you really meet someone who is powerful, the worst thing is to take him away.

After going down the mountain, three carriages stopped.

Ye Lanyu said: "Jin, come and ride in the same car with me."

Yan Chenjin glanced at Qingwu, his eyes full of expectation, waiting for Qingwu to say to go with him.

However, Qingwu just persuaded: "Good boy, let's go!"

The boy glared at her angrily, "Liar!"

"..." Qingwu is helpless, this is not her decision!

Ye Lanyu saw the clues between the two, and said with a smile: "Lu Yaoqing, you also come together."

Ever since, Qing Wu, Yan Chenjin and Ye Lanyu took the same car, and the rest of the disciples, four people in a car, set off on the road.

Ever since he got into the car, Ye Lanyu stared at Qingwu with a strange look. Qingwu was uncomfortable being stared at by him, so he coughed lightly and asked, "Elder Lanyu, where are we going this time?"

Ye Lanyu replied, "Xiling Ghost Valley."

Legend has it that Xiling was originally a place of paradise, but after years of changes, the entire city was slaughtered overnight, filled with gloom, and became a ghost town.

Later, as the region changed, the terrain of Xiling collapsed, forming a valley surrounded by mountains, where ghosts gathered.

Usually after a person dies, his soul enters the underworld, and Po Meng judges the good and evil things of this life.

If you do good deeds and accumulate virtue during your lifetime, you can re-enter the six realms of reincarnation. If you do a lot of evil during your lifetime, your soul will go to hell through the underworld, where you will be tortured by swords, mountains and seas of fire.

Among them, there are many heinous people, or those who lack souls, who will be swallowed by Yin officials such as Meng Po, and can also be exempted from torture.

Since the ghosts in Xiling were rampant, many evil spirits and remnants entered Xiling to seek shelter.

The leader of Xiling Ghost Valley calls himself the Ghost King, and has been at odds with the underworld for a long time.

It's not that the ghost king's cultivation can rival the underworld king's, it's just that Xiling Ghost Valley is too sinister, and there are wild monsters entrenched in the ghost valley, staring at each other, and the underworld doesn't want to lose both.

Qing Wu asked: "Elder is suspicious, those missing girls have their souls removed?"

Ye Lanyu nodded, "I have checked some suspected corpses brought back. There are fragments of souls on the bones. These ghosts may have gone to Xiling. If you can find the souls, you may be able to follow the clues and find the perpetrators."

Qingwu twitched his chin and thought about it, but it made some sense.

Now there are no clues, and we can only find a little possibility from the cracks.

Just as he was thinking, the young man beside him suddenly tilted his head and leaned on Qingwu's shoulder, Qingwu quickly turned his head, "Tired?"

Yan Chenjin nodded, "Hold me! I want to sleep for a while."

Qingwu responded, "Okay."

The boy transformed into a fox, and lay obediently on Qingwu's lap.

Qingwu hadn't been able to touch the fur of the little fox for a long time, and unconsciously, his hands became a little heavy.

The little fox wailed, "Be gentle, it hurts so much!"

Qingwu hurriedly raised his hands, not daring to move around, waited until the little fox closed his eyes, then Qingwu carefully put his hands on his furry back.

Ye Lanyu smiled softly, "Ashin seems to...rely on you."

Qingwu raised his head, looked at him, and said with a smile, "Maybe I'm more friendly."

Ye Lanyu shook his head and said, "You look very similar to his former master."

These words made Qing Wu stunned. Has she ever seen this Ye Lanyu?

Qingwu was silent for a long time, thinking for a long time, a boy appeared in her mind, which made her frown involuntarily.

is it him?
Qingwu asked tentatively: "I heard that Ah Jin's previous master was... a female devil on Langya Mountain. Elder Lan Yu also recognizes her?"

Ye Lanyu opened the car curtain beside him and looked out, "I recognize her, she is a very good girl, not a witch!"

It was him, it was him!
Qingwu frowned, and couldn't help feeling a bit defensive, "Really? There seems to be some relationship between the elder and her?"

Ye Lanyu withdrew his gaze, paused for a while on Qingwu, and said, "Yes!"

He evaded the important and lightly answered, which made Qing Wu's eyes darken even more.

The carriage drove for a whole day and settled in a neighboring city before dark.

Yanchenjin was still asleep, so Qingwu carried him out of the carriage.

On weekdays, he sleeps very lightly, especially during the day, if he moves his body, he will wake up.

Today was a good day, he slept until dark, Qingwu carried him out of the car, but he didn't even notice.

The disciples share a room with each other, because Qingwu is the only girl, so they can only share one room by themselves, and Ye Lanyu, as an elder, naturally also has a room alone.

Ye Lanyu said: "Ah Jin doesn't like to be close to people, so give him a room alone."

The disciples looked at Elder Lan Que, and then at the little fox that Qing Wu held in his arms as Elder Lan Que said, "I don't like to be close to people".

Qingwu sent the inkstone dust back to the house first, and just put him on the couch, the little fox opened his eyes, yawned, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"It's getting dark, I'm going back to sleep, are you hungry, do you need me to get you something to eat?" Qing Wu said.

The little fox shook his head, stared at a pair of round fox eyes, and said in a soft voice that had just woken up, "Aren't you going to hug me?"

(End of this chapter)

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