Chapter 53
Even if no one treats you well, you should treat yourself well.

Huang Mingshu shook her head and said, "Actually, I haven't thought about it. I pray every day, praying that one day Brother Hu Immortal will suddenly come and take me out of the sea of ​​suffering. But..."

She glanced at the little fox and said: "But, after all, it's just a vain fantasy. Brother Hu Immortal may have forgotten me long ago. I can't escape by myself, and even if I escape, I don't have the ability to survive. My father said that the outside world is full of monks who slay demons and eliminate demons, they are all terrible, and they will kill me without explanation."

Qingwu felt a little helpless, although she herself felt that there was a lot of chaos in the fairy gate, but there were still many good monks.

For example, the optimistic and lively Zhao Jinying, the gentle and demure Jiang Qibai, and... Jiang Mingyun who is a little out of order.

Most importantly, there is such a cute little fox.

Qingwu lowered his eyes, and gently stroked Yan Chenchen's little head.

"The few of us are monks, so we're not as scary as you said, right?" Qing Wu smiled.

Huang Mingshu was stunned for a moment, "Are you the legendary monks? But aren't monks all big men who can tear a demon in half with bare hands?"

As the girl spoke, she drew a tall, big imaginary figure like a stone.

Qingwu burst out laughing, and said, "Has your father really seen a monk? People in our immortal sect pay attention to their image, they are not so big, and they are all good-looking. Ah Jin is also a monk of the immortal sect. There is Jiang Mingyun, that cold-faced elder brother, isn't he also pretty?"

As soon as the words fell, Qingwu's hand was scratched severely by the little fox.

Qingwu lowered his head to look, the little fox seemed to be still sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed.

Feeling uneasy when he fell asleep, Qingwu patted his butt as a punishment.

Huang Mingshu tilted her head and said, "I think that gentle big brother is good-looking."

She was referring to Ye Lanyu, Qingwu said disapprovingly: "What's so good about him, he looks treacherous."

The girl shook her head, "No, big brother is very good-looking, gentle and kind. If I hadn't met Brother Hu Immortal, I would definitely fall in love with big brother."

But Qingwu said: "You, you are still ignorant of the world, and don't know the sinister heart. He just looks gentle, but in fact he is worse than anyone else. He is like an oleander, which looks beautiful, but is actually poisonous. Be alert, the kind that will kill you with one blow."

Huang Mingshu obviously couldn't understand what Qingwu said, so she just asked her: "Big sister, is there any misunderstanding between you and big brother?"

Qingwu shook his head, "It's not a misunderstanding, it's hatred. He and I are mortal enemies."

"Why? Big brother is so nice." Huang Mingshu never interacted with the outside world, and it was only natural that she didn't know the dangers of people's hearts.

Qingwu touched the tip of his nose and said, "He wanted to kill me before."

Huang Mingshu's eyes widened, and she looked at Qingwu in disbelief, "Really?"

Qingwu nodded, and said: "But he didn't succeed, but I remember him, and this grudge is over."

Knock, knock, someone knocked on the door.

Qingwu stood up and opened the door, and a handsome boy in yellow clothes stood outside the door.

As soon as Huang Mingshu saw the man, she came up to meet him, "Second Brother, why are you here?"

The boy in yellow lifted the plate in his hand and said, "I'll bring some food to the two guests."

Qing Wu stared at those meals, hesitating a little.

She couldn't tell whether these things were also changed, and when she thought that the whole Huangfu was fake, she was not interested in these good-looking meals.

Huang Mingshu explained: "These are normal foods, big sister, you can eat with confidence."

Qingwu nodded, seeing that Huang Mingshu was about to leave with the boy.

She lowered her voice and said to Huang Mingshu: "I told you just now, you have to think about it carefully. If you really want to leave, I am willing to help you."

Huang Mingshu nodded gratefully, followed the boy and left.

The land of Xiling is too yin, and the food sent can replenish yang.

After eating two mouthfuls, Qingwu hugged the little fox and fell asleep.

When she was drowsy, Qingwu felt that someone was moving her body, but her body was so heavy that she couldn't wake up.

Indistinctly, a few fox calls rang in my ears, and Qingwu couldn't open his eyes even though he tried his best.

She was finally thrown on the ground, and her back hit something hard. She frowned in pain, and there seemed to be the sound of wood rubbing against each other in her ears.

As soon as the fox called, Qingwu suddenly felt a dull pain in his stomach, as if he had been punched.

Yanchen turned into a human form, and patted Qingwu's face, "Ah Qing, Ah Qing, wake up quickly!"

Qingwu really wanted to wake up, but he couldn't open his eyes, and couldn't move his limbs.

Damn it, there must be something wrong with the food sent by Huang Mingshu's second brother.

Qing Wu didn't know how long she lay there, Yan Chenjin's voice kept calling her.

After a long time, she finally opened her eyes faintly, and the surroundings were so dark that she couldn't see anything clearly.

She could only faintly feel someone laying on top of her, "Jin?"

The boy's body froze, he lowered his body and hugged Qingwu, "You're finally awake, Ah Qing."

Yan Chenjin's voice was a little choked up, as if he had been wronged.

Qingwu really wanted to pat him on the back to comfort him, but he couldn't move his hands or feet.

"Jin, don't be afraid, where are we?" she asked.

Yan Chenjin whispered: "We are in the coffin."


The boy said again: "It's the coffin for the ghost king to marry. They want you to marry the ghost king instead of Huang Mingshu."

Qingwu frowned, "Why did you come in?"

Yan Chenjin said aggrievedly: "I'm afraid you're in danger."

Afraid of her being in danger, aren't you afraid of being in danger?
Qingwu's heart warmed up, and she only felt that Yan Chenjin was the only one who was by her side wholeheartedly from the beginning to the end.

Knowing that there is nothing he can do, knowing that he is incapable of protecting her, he still stays with her regardless of life or death.

"Why are you so stupid?" Qingwu murmured in a low voice.

The boy lay on her body, rubbing his cheek against her neck, "I'm not stupid, Ah Qing, I want to be with you."

After a long time, Yan Chenjin whispered: "Are we going to die?"

Qingwu asked: "Are you afraid now?"

The boy shook his head, "If Ah Qing is by my side, I won't be afraid."

At this moment, Qingwu couldn't move, and there was only Yan Chenjin, a weak man with no strength to restrain a chicken, beside him, Qingwu had no choice but to wait for Jiang Mingyun and others to rescue him.

She sighed, and said, "Ah Jin, you insisted on going down the mountain, is it because of me?"

Yan Chenjin hugged her waist tightly, and murmured: "Well, I'm afraid... if I'm not by your side, you will have other little pets."

Qingwu was helpless, "Didn't I promise you that there would be no other pets!"

(End of this chapter)

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