Chapter 57
"Do you hate her?" Qing Wu's palms were sweating when he asked this question.

If he said hate, maybe he would blame himself and apologize with death.

But Yan Chenjin said: "I don't hate her, I know she wants to help me, but I didn't expect it. I know she treats me well, so I won't hate her. I...I like her."

Qingwu was stunned, Yan Chenjin's last sentence echoed in his ears.

"You...why do you like her?" Qingwu's voice was obviously a bit erratic.

The little fox also became nervous, "She treats me the best."

Although Qingwu is not the only one who treats him well, Qingwu is the most desperate one.

It is true that Qingwu is desperate because she has nothing to take care of, except Yanchenjin.

He is her only sustenance.

The little fox said angrily again: "But I am also angry with her. She just died without saying a word, and she doesn't care about me at all."

"No!" Qing Wu retorted thoughtlessly.

After a while, she realized that she had no position to say this, and said, "I think she should care about you, and she should also like you very much."

The little fox wagged his tail, "Then why is she going to die? She promised me that she would stay with me all the time, liar."

His voice became weaker and weaker, and gradually even tinged with a bit of aggrieved crying.

Qingwu's eyes darkened, "Maybe she just has no choice but to accept her fate. But she wants you to live well, you are different from her, even without her, you can live well."

"No!" The little fox almost wailed and shouted.

Qingwu felt guilty, hugged him and said nothing.

It's just bitterness in my heart, and I feel that I am not a thing.

I was dead, and I never thought about Yan Chenjin's thoughts.

I'm sorry Ah Jin, I'm sorry...

Qingwu sighed heavily, she used to feel that she had no shame towards anyone, but now she realizes that she is not only ashamed, but also ashamed.

"Jin, I'll be with you from now on, don't blame her, okay?" Qing Wu said softly.

The little fox's nose arched her chin, and hummed.

Qingwu held the little fox in his arms and stared at the top of the dark coffin in a daze. If he wanted to escape this time, it would be even more difficult.

She is a soul borrowed from Lu Yaoqing's body, even if the magic whip test fails, it still cannot change this fact.

In the ghost palace, ghosts are running around, and there is a lot of yin. If you are a little careless, ghosts will take advantage of it and enter.

Qingwu is only afraid of being possessed by a ghost and will be out of control at that time.

She darkened her eyes and said, "Jin, after dawn, we will be carried into the ghost palace. When I leave the coffin, I will leave a gap for you to get through. You must not wander around. Obediently stay in the coffin and wait for me. If you count to [-] and I haven't come back, you should find a way to get out, and then find a way to get out of here, understand?"

In front of him, the little fox turned into a teenager, although he couldn't see clearly, Qingwu could feel that Yan Chenjin must be looking at her with resentful eyes, "Liar, you just promised to stay with me in the future, and you lied to me again. "

He sounded aggrieved, as if he was about to cry.

Qingwu stroked his back, and said: "I didn't lie to you, Ah Jin, I will do my best to survive for you, just... just in case."

The young man choked up, and said, "There is no chance, I will... give you some more magic energy."

After finishing speaking, Yan Chenjin leaned down, kissed her thin lips, and opened her mouth in embarrassment.

Although it was inappropriate, Qingwu burst out laughing.

Yan Chenjin left her angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

He talked to her so sincerely, yet she... laughed at him! ! !

Qingwu laughed for a while, put his arms around his waist, and said, "Honey, you're not borrowing demonic energy, you call it kissing."

The boy was so angry that he couldn't speak, the hands behind him climbed up and pressed the back of his head.

Qingwu's voice was next to my ear, kindly reminding, "Don't hold your breath."

Even though Qingwu said so, Yan Chenjin still couldn't control it, his mind went blank when he was nervous, how could he take care of so much?
Qing Wu bit his lip, "Breathe!"

The boy then began to pant.

It was soft, sweet, and had a milky smell. The young man was dazed by the kiss, and responded unconsciously.

Qingwu felt the warm touch, froze for a moment, and reminded, "Jin!"

The boy woke up with fright, and wanted to get up, but Qingwu pressed him down again, "Don't move."

Fortunately, the surrounding area was dark, otherwise, Qingwu would definitely see him blushing from top to bottom.

After a long time, Qingwu felt that it was almost done, tilted his head, and held him in his arms, "Okay, is Ah Jin tired?"

The boy nodded, "Yeah."

His voice was trembling, a little pitiful.

"I'm sorry for belittling you." Qing Wu said.

Yan Chenjin shrank into her arms and said, "I don't blame you."

So obedient, Qingwu likes his obedient appearance the most, although he has a weird temper, good and bad, but as long as he is pleasing, Qingwu still likes him.

Yan Chenjin was exhausted, changed back to his original body, and lay on Qingwu's body, "Baby, sleep for a while, when you wake up and count to [-], I will find a way to take you away."

"Don't lie to me." The little fox said hoarsely.

Qingwu darkened his eyes, there was no way to guarantee it.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a crackling sound in the coffin, like firecrackers.

Qingwu understood that it was almost time.

There is an agreement between the ghosts, so Huang Jiatun can only marry his daughter when the sun is rising.

The coffin was lifted up, Qingwu poked a hole in the side of the coffin, and looked out while lying on his stomach.

Vaguely saw a touch of dark red, weird and gloomy.

With just such a small hole, Qingwu can feel strong yin and resentment.

Xiling is a well-deserved ghost valley, this place is really not for the living.

The little fox arched her palm, and Qingwu patted his head reassuringly, "Don't be afraid, Ah Jin, just wait for me obediently, and remember to count to [-]."

The coffin was carried into a courtyard, said to be a courtyard, more like a dilapidated ruin.

Soon, the inner and outer coffins landed smoothly, and half of the coffin was opened. Qingwu quickly got up, poked his head out, and hid the fox under the bones to cover it.

The dark red light reflected the dilapidated walls and houses.

It wasn't until Qingwu's eyes fixed on the four people who carried the coffin that he realized that these were not living people at all, but four ghosts with hanging eyes, drooping foreheads and rotten faces.

Although Qingwu has lived for a long time, he has never seen such a scene.

There was no living person around, and the whole body was shrouded in yin and resentment. The ghost looked at her, which made her shiver involuntarily.

Suddenly, a fat female ghost dressed in bright red walked in, her face was pale with makeup, but she could vaguely see the bulging pustules and the gloomy hands of ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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