When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 62 That Bowl of Poisonous Porridge

Chapter 62 That Bowl of Poisonous Porridge
The person who came was Jiang Mingyun, and he went straight to him and said, "Elder Lanyu is seriously injured, cough...he said he wanted to see you for the last time."

When he said this, Jiang Mingyun's expression was very unnatural, as if he was not good at telling lies, but he had to spread lies for others.

Qingwu raised his hand and was about to close the door, but was stopped by Jiang Mingyun, "Although he is not serious, he was seriously injured, you'd better go and see him."

This sentence does not seem like a lie.

Qing Wu asked: "Do you want to return to Huaguang Gate immediately?"

Jiang Mingyun said indifferently: "Elder Lanyu said that taking advantage of the chaos in Xiling, he should go to the remnant soul first. If...cough cough...if you accompany him, he can carry it for a while."

Qingwu couldn't help frowning, he was not serious, he was obviously not upright!
Before leaving, Jiang Mingyun gave Qingwu a strange look.

Qingwu thought for a long time before knocking on Ye Lanyu's door.

A dying voice came from the room, "The door is unlocked."

Qingwu pushed the door open helplessly and went in. As soon as the person lying on the couch saw her coming in, he immediately acted as if he was seriously injured and died.

"Awu... come here quickly, let me... have another look at you." The man raised an arm, then fell back as if powerlessly.

I have to say that Ye Lanyu's acting skills are more than clumsy!

Qingwu rolled his eyes, sat down in front of the couch, "What exactly are you going to do?"

Ye Lanyu poked the back of her hand, putting away her flamboyant acting skills, a little aggrieved, "Awu, I haven't seen you for so many years, why are you so indifferent to me? You obviously liked me very much before."

Qingwu responded to him with his previous words, "Guess why I am so cold?"

Unlike Qing Wu, Ye Lanyu smiled slightly and said, "Is it because I haven't visited you for hundreds of years?"

Qingwu was silent, only thinking that he was avoiding the important and taking the light of the matter.

Ye Lanyu said to himself: "I didn't mean not to see you. I remember everything I promised you, but... I couldn't see you later."

Listen, what is this saying.

I remember my promise, it's just that I can't keep it.

500 years, can't even see one side?
Qingwu asked him with a cold face, "Is there any way? Is there no way or is it unnecessary? Or...you don't dare to see me again."

Ye Lanyu knew she was angry, but he really didn't understand the last sentence, "Why didn't I dare?"

Qingwu stood up and faced him, "Why? You poisoned the porridge, and you wanted to poison me, but I didn't die. How dare you come to see me?"

Ye Lanyu was startled, a little surprised.

This kind of astonishment fell into Qingwu's eyes, causing Qingwu to have an illusion that he seemed to have wrongly blamed him.

Ye Lanyu thought for a while and asked, "You mean the bowl of porridge I made for you the day before I left?"

"Otherwise?" Qingwu stared coldly.

Ye Lanyu suddenly understood something, "You told Mingshu that I wanted to kill you not because of the assassination, but because of...poisoning?"

Qingwu stared at him firmly, "Do you dare to say that you didn't do it?"

Ye Lanyu nodded, "I really didn't do it. Even if I want to poison, why bother to cook a bowl of porridge by myself? You don't even know that the hot pot is so hot. For that bowl of porridge, my wrist There are several blisters! My mother must have ordered it!"

He said with a long sigh, "It's too much, it's a pity for the bowl of porridge I cooked."

Qing Wu was speechless, "Ye Lanyu!"

The man smiled and said, "I really didn't do it, but if it's because of this misunderstanding, I'm relieved. I thought you were always angry that I was going to assassinate you back then, and I was still a little nervous!"

Qingwu looked at him gloomyly, "Then why didn't you show up again?"

Ye Lanyu was stared at condescendingly by her, feeling a little uncomfortable, so he simply sat up cross-legged and said, "Well, it's a long story."

Qing Wu frowned, "Then you make a long story short!"

Ye Lanyu patted his side, "Come and sit down, I'll talk to you slowly."

Qing Wu didn't sit down, she was still angry with Ye Lanyu and didn't want to sit with him.

She moved a stool and sat face to face with him at a distance.

Ye Lanyu couldn't help but smiled, "Awu, why are you still so cute?"

Qing Wu glared at him, "Stop talking nonsense, and explain quickly!"

It's not that she's impatient, Qingwu is just worried that Ye Lanyu will talk nonsense, and Yan Chenjin will be angry if he doesn't see her after waking up.

Ye Lanyu: "The thing is like this. I was sent to Langya Mountain by my mother in the first place. It was indeed to kill you. Of course, I didn't hide it. Before I met you, my mother said that you are a big devil who is a disaster for the world." Speaking of which, I was quite apprehensive when I stepped into the gate of Langya Mountain..."

At that time, although Ye Lanyu had learned a lot of swordsmanship, he hadn't started to practice Dharma, and he didn't have any spiritual power.

Therefore, he didn't understand why his mother let all the outstanding senior brothers and sisters in the door not to be used, but let him, a lazy and idle person, assassinate him.

As soon as he stepped into the mountain gate, Ye Lanyu was almost in tears due to the strong smell of blood.

The first time he saw Qingwu, he thought it was some kind of evil spirit, but he didn't expect that she was just a dying girl lying on the corridor.

At that time, what Ye Lanyu thought was that such a fragile girl didn't need any brothers and sisters to help her, even any village woman who came to deliver food could easily kill her.

But his mother is so shrewd, how could she miss such a good opportunity.

Although Ye Lanyu is incompetent, he is the only child of his mother.

His mother is the head of the Huaguang Sect, and also the master of the current head, Bai Mi.

Senior Brother Bai Mi was the most outstanding among the disciples of Huaguang Sect at that time. Even without him, there were thousands of senior brothers and sisters, all of whom were better than Ye Lanyu.

After all, Ye Minglu was hiding her selfishness, as long as Ye Lanyu could eliminate harm for the people and kill the demon Qingwu, she would become famous in one fell swoop.

But she never expected that her ineffective son would feel pity for her the first time he saw the bloody girl, and he was reluctant to kill her.

The incident of Qingwu inducing a blood crow to commit suicide is well known, even if Ye Lanyu didn't kill her, Ye Minglu would still send others to kill her.

Even if one's cultivation level is as high as that of a heavenly demon, and he holds a heart of death, it is still irreversible.

Ye Lanyu can only stay, give her hope, accompany her, and protect her.

The two have been together for a few months, and Qingwu's body has recovered, and he is much more cheerful.

But Ye Lanyu hadn't been home for several months, hadn't seen his parents, after all, he was worried, so he left a letter for Qingwu and left with a bowl of porridge.

Ye Lanyu, who returned to Huaguang Gate, was locked in a dark room by her mother for three days and three nights.

(End of this chapter)

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