When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 67 Baby, Don't Hold Your Breath

Chapter 67 Baby, Don't Hold Your Breath
Qingwu was submerged in the darkness, and only then did he come to his senses, "What are you doing? Sneaking around."

The young man hooked Qingwu's palm with his little finger, "I don't like being with Ye Lanyu, let's hide here for a while, okay?"

This is exactly what Qingwu wanted, she didn't want to face Ye Lanyu at first.

A few rays of moonlight were cast on the wall of the alley, half of which was blocked by the wall, and the other half was sprinkled on the opposite wall.

Yan Chenjin is tall, with half of his face illuminated by the moonlight, eyebrows, nose bridge...

Only those two thin red lips were hidden in the darkness.

Qingwu moved closer to him, wanting to see it clearly.

The boy was forced by her to take a few steps back until his back completely touched the opposite wall. The moonlight shone on his neck, and he could vaguely see a little bit of exposed collarbone.

Qingwu stared at it for a while, feeling a little restless in his heart.

In the end, she fixed her eyes on Yan Chenjin's lips, thinking of the fact that he was kissed in her mind, she was a little annoyed and a little unwilling.

Qingwu raised his hand and pressed his lips, and asked in a daze: "Can I kiss you?"

The boy's eyes trembled, and under the slightly bright moonlight, the shadows cast by his eyelashes shyly and timidly covered his eyes.

The Adam's apple moved up and down for a few rounds before he said, "I asked you to tell me, but I didn't ask you... to ask me."

Qingwu smiled, hearing what he meant, so he tiptoed and wanted to kiss him.

But Yanchenjin is tall, Qingwu still feels uncomfortable standing on tiptoe.

She pressed Yan Chenchen's shoulder, "Squat down a bit."

The boy was short, and was at eye level with her.

Qingwu hugged Yanchenjin's slender neck with both hands, tilted his head and kissed it.

It's so sweet, she wants to ask him if he secretly eats candy.

Yan Chenjin was dazed by the kiss, not moving or breathing.

Qingwu let go of him, "Why are you like a log, without any reaction?"

As soon as the words were finished, the young man came up to him with a blushing face, responding to Qing Wu like Qing Wu kissing him in a dignified manner.

If it wasn't for the fact that he still didn't even have a sound of panting, Qingwu really thought he had improved.

Qingwu pressed his head to force him to separate, she smiled sweetly, "Baby, don't hold your breath."

The young man nodded his head lightly, Qingwu touched his waist, took out a candy, and put it in his mouth.

The soft, glutinous and sweet nougat spread in the mouth, and Qingwu kissed again with the sweet taste.

'Now, I'm as sweet as you. 'Qing Wu thought so.

There was a muffled bang, and Qingwu turned his head in a daze to look at the source of the sound. In the light outside the alley, Ye Lanyu stood there with his eyes wide open, in a daze.

The candied haws in my hand fell to the ground, covered with mud.

Qingwu's mind seemed to be exploded by something, he suddenly woke up, took a step back, and looked at Yan Chenjin in disbelief.

There was grievance and bewilderment in the boy's eyes.

Soon, the disciples came over, and Jiang Mingyun frowned, not thinking that the two of them could do anything good by hiding in the dark alley.

"Lu Yaoqing, what are you doing here?" Jiang Mingyun asked her.

Qingwu came back to his senses and said, "Just now there were... fireflies!"

It's late autumn, where did the fireflies come from?
Jiang Mingyun didn't bother to expose her, so he said: "Elder Lanyu thought you were lost, so why don't you hurry up and follow her?"

Qing Wu glanced at Ye Lanyu, that person seemed to have not recovered from the shock just now, he was dumbfounded, as if he was stupid.

Yan Chenjin held her hand, lowered his head, his ears were red, and did not speak.

Qingwu and Yanchenjin followed up with the disciples' large team again, while Ye Lanyu walked in the front without saying anything, far away from them.

She asked lightly: "Jin, just now...did you use the incense on me?"

The boy lowered his head, bit his lip, and said after a long time, "I...don't know."

Qingwu sighed, she knew that Yan Chenjin had always been unable to control her fragrance, and it wasn't intentional.

It's not that she hates kissing Yan Chenjin, it's just that it's embarrassing to be seen by others, especially Ye Lanyu who just said that she likes her today.

Qingwu felt that when he told Ye Lanyu that he would think about responding to him, he saw him impatiently kissing Yan Chenjin in the dark alley.

This matter is really... too embarrassing.

The disciples were happy and lively, but Qingwu was not at ease.

After walking with her for more than half an hour, Yan Chenjin wanted to buy her something to please her again and again, but Qingwu didn't give him this chance.

The young man lowered his head, looking like he had done something wrong, and Qingwu also felt uncomfortable when he saw it.

Whether it's Huoxiang or not, Qingwu can't deny that he really wants to kiss him.

Even if Yan Chenjin didn't control it well, it was probably mobilized by her emotions, Qingwu held his hand and said: "I'm not angry with you, I just have no appetite."

Yan Chenjin's eyes lit up, with a shy smile on his face, he hummed deeply.

It was late at night, and the night market on the street was about to disperse, so everyone returned to the inn full of enthusiasm.

After all the disciples entered the room, Ye Lanyu called Yan Chenjin, "Ah Jin, come to my room, I have something to tell you."

Yan Chenjin glanced at Qingwu, his eyes were light, but he didn't say anything, then turned around and nodded to Ye Lanyu.

Qingwu was a little worried that Yan Chenjin would not be able to handle it alone, so he bit the bullet and said, "I'll go with him."

Ye Lanyu said expressionlessly: "Qingqing, this is a conversation between men, you'd better leave it alone."

It sounds like they are going to fight, why do you think they are going to fight?
Qingwu became more and more worried.

Yan Chenjin shook his head at her, "It's just talking, Ah Qing, don't worry about me."

How can you not worry?
Yan Chenjin was delicate and frail, but he couldn't bear Ye Lanyu's casual suddenness.

But the boy's eyes were firm, and for no reason, Qingwu felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if the boy in front of him was not as weak as she thought.

Yan Chenjin followed Ye Lanque into the room, and Ye Lanque poured him a cup of tea politely, "You are weak, sit down and talk."

The boy sat down and took a shallow sip of tea.

Ye Lanyu sat across from him, looking him up and down with a strange expression.

It's no wonder that Ye Lanyu couldn't accept it. He always regarded Yanchenjin as a little fox from more than 200 years ago. He never thought that Yanchenjin would have something to do with Qingwu.

A pet and owner...

This is beyond Ye Lanyu's cognition!

But if you look carefully now, the young man in front of you is no longer what he used to be, and he is handsome and extraordinary.

Ye Lanyu only felt like a fool, but never felt that the actions between Yan Chenjin and Qingwu could actually be defined as...intimacy! ! !
He only regards those behaviors as the pet's dependence on the owner and the owner's love for the pet.

(End of this chapter)

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