Chapter 69
Qingwu shook his head, "I don't know what liking is, but if I were to choose someone to spend the rest of my life with now, I don't think I would choose anyone else except Ah Jin."

Ye Lanyu was silent for a long time, then grinned, "Awu has really grown up, it's very different from before."

In the past, she always didn't want to think too much about uncertain things. She didn't like choices, and she didn't like being decisive.

She can pretend that everything that can be left behind, so as to avoid responsibility.

If it was her in the past, when faced with Ye Lanyu's question, he thought she would say, I'm not sure, because she doesn't like anyone.

But now she said that although she was not sure whether she liked him or not, she was willing to spend the rest of her life with one person.

It's not that Qingwu doesn't know how to like him, she just didn't realize that she likes him.

She didn't understand, but Ye Lanyu did.

Ye Lanyu sighed deeply, with the same smile on his face as before, gentle and modest, he said: "I understand, Awu, I don't want you to repay me, I want you to owe me all your life .”

Qing Wu stared at him blankly, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

She doesn't like to owe others, besides Ah Jin, now there is one more...Ye Lanyu!

On the way back to Huaguangmen, Qingwu and Yanchenjin shared the same carriage with Ye Lanyu as they did when they came here, but there was one more person in the carriage, Huang Mingshu.

Along the way, Ye Lanyu, as if nothing had happened, still talked to Qingwu softly as before.

Qingwu only felt that this guy seemed to have been taken away by someone, but after all, considering the kindness from the past, she almost answered every question.

Huang Mingshu had never seen the outside scene before, and everything she saw was fresh. She lay her head on the window of the carriage and looked out.

Seeing something novel, she yelled, "Big Brother, Big Sister, look, what is that, how can it fly?"

Ye Lanyu lifted the curtain of the car with his hand, and said with a smile, "That's a kite. If you like it, I'll buy some for you to play with when you get back."

Huang Mingshu nodded in surprise, "How did the kite fly to the sky, did you use magic?"

Ye Lanyu was very patient, "I can fly up with the help of the wind, without using spells. When I feel better, I will teach you how to fly a kite."

The girl nodded happily.

Seeing that these two people get along well, Qingwu couldn't help thinking, maybe Ye Lanyu would be a good master.

Aside from her misunderstanding of him in the past, Ye Lanyu has a very good temper.

She still remembers the sword skills he taught her even after hundreds of years, which shows that he taught her at a very high level.

Yan Chenjin saw that Qing Wu was staring at Ye Lanyu with a smile on his face, his face was so dark that it was frightening, and he didn't say a word along the way.

Staying at the inn that night, Qingwu gave some milk to Yan Chenjin, the young man took the milk and turned Qingwu away with an ugly face.

Qingwu was stunned, and had to swallow the words again.

What's wrong with this kid?
If Qingwu were asked to find a word to describe Yanchenjin, the first thing Qingwu would think of would be 'no roof tiles for three days', but the outside and inside of a young porcelain vase could break him if touched.

Qingwu held his breath in his heart, every time Yan Chenjin lost his temper with her because he didn't understand, she would get very angry.

He wasn't like this before!

Qing Wu somewhat blamed himself for Yan Chenchen, and couldn't help but think that maybe it was because of her that he became what he is now, so he couldn't get angry at him no matter what.

It was the evening of the second day when we returned to Huaguangmen, Ye Lanyu took Jiang Mingyun to report the situation to the elders, and the rest of the disciples disbanded on the spot.

Qingwu chased after Yanchen Jin, "Ah Jin, are you still angry?"

The boy snorted and quickened his pace again.

He originally took advantage of his height and had longer legs than her, but now he deliberately quickened his pace, Qingwu couldn't keep up with him at all.

Ye Lanyu suffered serious internal injuries, and began to retreat the second day after returning to Huaguang Gate.

Before retreating, he specifically asked Huang Mingshu to move the large red-lacquered wooden box in his temple to Qingwu.

At the door of Qingwu's room, Huang Mingshu put down the big wooden box out of breath, rubbed her arms, and knocked on Qingwu's door.

As soon as the door was opened, Qingwu was also surprised by the large wooden box, "What is this?"

Huang Mingshu shook her head and said, "I don't know, Da... Master said, tell me to move this here, so I will."

Qingwu patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I can't tell, you are quite strong."

The little girl pouted, and said: "I'm very tired, and..." She said, holding Qingwu's hand and letting her touch her arm, "Big sister, look at me, do I have muscle mass? Is it? I won’t become a big disciple of the Immortal Sect, will I?”

Qingwu chuckled, "How can it be so easy, don't always scare yourself."

Huang Mingshu asked seriously: "Is there really not?"

Seeing that Qingwu nodded, she breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I'm going back to practice. Master has arranged a lot of tasks for me. If I don't complete them, they won't let me eat."

Qingwu smiled, "Then you go, if you haven't eaten, come to me, I'll hide two steamed buns for you."

The little girl smiled and nodded, then trotted away.

Qingwu moved the big box into the house, and as soon as he opened it, the thick dust almost choked Qingwu to death.

She sneezed twice and quickly opened the door to breathe.

Some of the old letters in the box have decayed into debris, and only a few of them can be considered complete.

It is even rarer to find those whose handwriting can be seen from these complete letters.

Qingwu moved a stool, sat in front of the door, and flipped through the letters one by one.

It turned out that Ye Lanyu hadn't lied, he had been writing to her all those years.

The content of these letters is not heavy, very much in Ye Lanque's style.

Most of them are sharing with Qingwu the interesting things that happened around him.

——I picked up a little wild cat in the back mountain today, pretending to be arrogant and coquettish, very similar to you, I regret asking my father to send the little fox to you, it’s time to give you a kitten, it’s even more annoying love.

——The peony flowers on the side of the mountain are blooming, and the fragrance is compelling. Although you said you don't like flowers, there are no such gorgeous flowers on Langya Mountain. Maybe you will like them.

——I made you a kite. When it was flying in front of the gate of Langya Mountain, the string suddenly broke and fell into the gate. I don’t know if you picked it up.

——My mother died. Although she was always strict with me and lied to me, it was still my mother. She died, and I was very sad.But people cannot be resurrected after death. If the living are too sad, the dead will not feel at ease, don't you think?
——Follow the senior brother down the mountain to catch the evil spirit, the flower demon born is somewhat similar to you.I accidentally set my brother's clothes on fire. I didn't mean to, but I was distracted by your thoughts.


(End of this chapter)

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