Chapter 75

No wonder, no wonder Ah Jin would rather stay under the sect of the enemy than return to the Yaozu.

Such a father is more terrifying than an enemy.

Qingwu's heart was full of bitterness, she knelt down, put the boy down, turned around and hugged him.

She hugged it gently, not daring to use force, for fear that if she exerted a little force, the poor porcelain doll would be broken into pieces.

"Jin, from now on, I will protect you, no matter what happens, I will not let anyone hurt you." Qing Wu's voice was a little choked.

Yan Chenchen hugged her waist, his eyes were moist, "Well, thank you."

Sister Qing, I don't want you to protect me, I just need you to be with me, that's enough.

The noon meal is served in Yu's room.

Exquisite dishes are on the table, just looking at them is very appetizing.

Yu Shi said: "Ah Qing, I cooked these myself, and I don't know what flavor you like, so I made it according to Ah Jin's taste."

Yan Chenjin said: "Mother, Ah Qing likes spicy and salty food, she doesn't like you doing these things."

Qingwu took a bite, it was indeed sweet, but it was difficult for Mrs. Yu to express her affection, she smiled and said: "I think it's not bad, it's delicious."

Yu said with relief: "That's good, that's good, I'll make a note, next time I will make some salty and spicy dishes for Ah Qing."

Qing Wu smiled and thought to himself, since he will be on the road tomorrow, he may never have the chance to eat Madam Yu's dishes again.

After lunch, Yan Chenjin was summoned again.

Before leaving, he told Qingwu, "Ah Qing, don't wander around, there are all kinds of people in the demon king's palace, so be careful."

Qingwu nodded, "I'm not a child, you go, don't worry about me."

After Yanchenjin left, Qingwu played with small things in the room.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the window outside.

Qingwu looked over, through the reflection on the window, it looked like tree branches or something.

She pushed open the window, and there was a young boy standing outside, none other than the boy who pulled out his tongue.

"Why are you here again? Run for a while and come back for a while, what do you want to do?" Qingwu asked him.

The young boy tugged Qingwu's wrist a few times, as if he wanted to take her somewhere.

Qingwu sighed, had no choice but to climb over the window and follow him.

The little boy took her to the Demon King Palace again, but this time, it was the back door of the Demon King Palace.

The back door was locked and unguarded.

The surrounding area is overgrown with weeds, and it seems that it has not been tidied up for a long time.

Qingwu thought to himself, this is really careless, the front door is extremely gorgeous, and the back door is dilapidated.

The little boy pushed aside the weeds, and a small... dog hole appeared in front of his eyes.

"..." Qingwu wondered: "You don't mean you want me to dig a dog's hole, do you?"

The other party nodded quite naturally, opened his mouth and said something, probably explaining to Qingwu that this is not a dog hole.

After explaining, the boy took the lead to get in through the dog hole.

Qing Wu sighed, thinking that her first life fame as the 'devil head' would be ruined because of this little dog hole today.

Climbed in with the boy, passed through a curtain, and entered the Demon King Palace.

The two hid behind the screen, and they happened to be able to see the back of the seat in the middle of the hall.

This is the demon king's seat, it's quite gorgeous.

Qingwu suddenly remembered that someone had just sent Yan Chenjin to the main hall to discuss matters, and quickly whispered: "Your father is here, don't be found out, let's go out quickly."

But the boy didn't intend to leave, he took Qing Wu's hand and walked out of the screen.

Little by little, the line of sight shifted from the back of the chair to the front.

After seeing the person on the seat clearly, Qingwu's eyes suddenly widened.

There was indeed a person sitting on the chair, but that person was not a living person at all, but a corpse with a blue complexion and closed eyes.

This is... a puppet?
Qingwu took a step back in surprise, pressed his back against the wall, and made a muffled sound.

The people in front of the temple heard the voice, "Who, who is there?"

There were two people at the other end of the curtain, one had his back to Qingwu and couldn't see clearly, and the other Qingwu could tell at a glance that it was Yanchenjin.

And the person who spoke just now was Yan Chenjin.

When Qingwu was flustered, he took a step back, but accidentally stepped on the foot of the demon king.

As soon as he turned around, he saw that the young boy was lying in front of the demon king. Seeing her looking over, the boy immediately opened the demon king's eyes.

When Qingwu met those all-white eyes, he suddenly felt dizzy, and his head fell heavily on the ground.

Yan Chenjin and another boy lifted the curtain and rushed up, and saw Qingwu who was fainting beside the Demon King, and the young boy who was pinching the Demon King's eyes.

"You're courting death!" Yan Chenjin stared at the young boy beside the Demon King and shouted.

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and tore off a curtain from the beam, wrapping the demon king and the young boy tightly.

The curtain was drawn tighter and tighter, and the little boy was suffocated to the point of convulsions, on the verge of death.

The young man beside him pressed Yan Chenjin's arm, "Brother, Miss Qing is just in a dream, her life is safe, please spare Ah Zhen!"

The crimson in Yan Chenjin's eyes receded slightly, and the curtain was loosened a little bit. With a wave of his finger, a red light flashed, and a bloody hand under the curtain fell to the ground.

The boy who pulled out his tongue wailed in pain, but he could only yell uh uh ah ah, unable to express his pain.

"Brother, you..." The young man wanted to say something, but he was so frightened by Yan Chenjin's gaze that he closed his mouth.

Yan Chenjin bent down to pick up the girl on the ground, and said to the young man, "You better, watch him closely, and if you dare to attack her, it's definitely not as simple as asking him to give her a hand."

It wasn't until Yan Chenjin hugged Qingwu and left the Demon King's Palace that the boy pulled off the veil covering the boy's face. Hearing the boy's hoarse cry of pain, his face was full of worry, "Ah Zhen, you don't want to die!" Yet?"

Yan Chen really got into the boy's arms and burst into tears.

He knew that he couldn't do anything to that person, he just hated and wanted revenge, even if it caused that person a little pain, it was worth letting him die.

Yanchenjin carried Qingwu back to the side room of the Yaowang Concubine's bedroom.

The eyes of a fox are the window to the soul. A living fox can be bewitched by the eyes and supplemented by a deceptive fragrance. Even the most powerful master will fall into confusion; the eyes of a dead fox can drag people into the abyss of pain.

Enter the most feared dream, get stuck in it, unable to extricate yourself.

Unless you can wake up after experiencing the pain, you will sleep in a dream forever, repeating the cycle, and suffering the pain over and over again.

Yan Chenjin stayed by Qingwu's side, seeing her frowning but her rapidly rolling eyes, he knew that she had fallen asleep.

Just waking her up when she was most distressed would bring her back to life.

He used half of the magic energy as a guide, and with blood as a medium, interlocking his fingers, he followed her into a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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