When I opened my eyes, my fox became a sick villain

Chapter 92 Jiang Qibai Is Getting Married

Chapter 92 Jiang Qibai is Getting Married

The two sat on the couch, on both sides of the small table.

Mrs. Yu is embroidering the shoe upper with her own hands. The light green shoe upper is half embroidered with orchids.

Qingwu didn't understand these either, so he just sat across from her and watched her embroider.

Yu Shi asked her, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Qingwu was taken aback by the question, thinking that Yan Chenjin had said something to Mrs. Yu, and said, "It was a bit chilly before, but it has been forced out with the magic energy, so it's not a serious problem."

Yu looked up at her, and said with a smile, "Silly boy, why am I asking you this?"

It's not asking this, what is it asking?
Qingwu was a little confused and went in, but saw Mrs. Yu put down the embroidery work in her hand, waved her hand, and signaled the attendants to go out.

Only Qingwu and Madam Yu were left in the room before she asked, "Did we go to the hot spring together last night?"

Qingwu was stunned for a moment, it turned out that Mrs. Yu did it on purpose.

She nodded.

Yu Shi smiled slightly, "Don't be angry, I asked someone to put some love silk grass in the spring water."


Can this be said?
No wonder Qingwu felt a little weak and hot after soaking.

Mrs. Yu asked her in a low voice, "I'm from here, Ah Qing don't have to be embarrassed, tell me, have you..."

Qingwu stroked his nose in embarrassment, and said, "No, I just soaked it, and didn't do anything."

This answer seemed to surprise Yu, her beautiful eyes widened, and she asked, "Ah Qing won't?"

Qing Wu shook his head, "Not really, it's... Ah Jin, he is not very willing, and I don't want to force him."

Yu Shi was startled, and her expression darkened, "It seems that Ah Jin still has a knot in his heart. I saw that the two of you behaved intimately, so I thought he let go."

Knot?What is it?
Qingwu felt that she didn't know much about Yan Chenjin, "Madam, can you tell me what's going on?"

Mrs. Yu hesitated again and again, but still told the truth, "About six years ago, after Ah Qing was killed by Xianmen, Ah Jin suffered a great blow. When Langya Mountain came back, he was already on the verge of death, and his life was hanging by a thread. That night, I took Ah Jin and knelt outside the Demon King’s bedroom, begging to see his father, hoping that his father could save his life.

But that night, Yan Lansheng summoned his concubine, and was in the palace clouding and raining, disregarding Ah Jin's life or death.Ah Jin vomited a lot of blood and was almost unable to hold on anymore. I had no choice but to kneel down and knock on the palace door.The movement was too loud, which angered Yan Lansheng inside. He kicked me away, pulled Ah Jin by the collar, and dragged me into the room.

I cried and begged him to let Ah Jin go, but Yan Lansheng just said coldly, "Since you want me to help, you can kneel in the hall and help Zhen'er and me. I am happy, so I will save him." 'Yan Lansheng, that bastard, used magic to force Ah Jin to kneel in the room, watching them with his own eyes..."

Yu Shi couldn't go on, and began to cry with tearful eyes.

Qingwu was extremely surprised, his fists were clenched, he never thought that there was such a father in this world, how could...how could he treat his son like that?
How old was Ah Jin then?He was still a young boy, and he had to endure this kind of torture.

No wonder he was so resistant, no wonder he... was afraid.

Qingwu suddenly remembered what Yan Chenjin had said to her in the coffin in Xiling.

Back then, she transferred half of the demonic energy in her body to Yan Chenjin, but she didn't expect him to be unbearable because he didn't have the body protection of the demon core.

He just said lightly that he was later saved by his father.

Unexpectedly, after enduring such torture, he was rescued!

Qingwu held back tears, blamed himself in his heart, but forced himself to comfort him: "Ma'am, it's all over, don't be so sad."

With tears in her eyes, Yu continued: "After Yan Lansheng humiliated Ah Jin, he saved his life. But Ah Jin survived, but he was dead and locked himself in the room for three days Later, when he finally came out of the room, he began to be afraid of women, so I could only quietly replace all the maids in the palace with servants, just to make him feel better."

"Later, Ah Jin still left the Yaozu, joined the Huaguang Sect, and became the disciple of the master of the Huaguang Sect. I know that Bai Mi, the master of the Huaguang Sect, is the enemy who killed you, and Ah Jin has always been in his heart. I feel ashamed of you, but there is nothing he can do. Ah Qing, I just hope that you don't blame him, and don't despise him because of it. He is a good boy, but... a mother like me has no ability, can't be pampered, can't protect him he."

So it is!Qingwu fell silent.

He would rather be by the side of the enemy who killed the one he loves than by his father.

At least that enemy would not torture him like this, humiliate him, and make him fear.

Qingwu raised his head and took a deep breath, only then did he control the tears in his eyes from falling.

After a long time, after Yu's mood stabilized, Qingwu got up and went out to take a breath.

Standing outside the gate of the dormitory, she remembered the scene when she came to pick him up the day before yesterday.

I also remembered that Mrs. Yu said that she didn't know that she would come that day, and she didn't prepare in advance.

That's right, Ah Jin just wrote her a letter, but she didn't write back to say when she would come, so she hurried on her way.

So, how does Ah Jin know when she will arrive?
In other words, he didn't know at all, but he was looking forward to it all the time, so he was waiting here.

Qingwu's eye sockets became moist again. When he was waiting here, what was he thinking?
If she didn't come the day before yesterday, or if she couldn't leave at that time and wouldn't come these few days, when would he wait?
When Yan Chenjin came back from the Demon King's Palace, he saw Qingwu standing at the door, looking at him.

The boy froze for a moment, then quickened his pace.

Qingwu called him, "Jin, don't move."

Yan Chenjin stopped, and was about to ask why, but before he could say anything, Qing Wu had already run towards him.

When he came to his senses, Qingwu had already hugged his waist, leaned into his arms, and called his name, "Ashin."

The young man was at a loss, so he could only hug her back and ask her softly, "Sister Qing, what's wrong with you?"

Qing Wu shook his head and said, "I'm fine, I just want to hug you."

It was rare to see Qingwu in such an appearance, it seemed a little fragile.

After a long time, Qingwu said, "How long have you been waiting?"

Yan Chenjin didn't understand, "What?"

Qing Wu raised his head from his heart, looked at him with slightly red eyes, "The day before yesterday, you were here, how long have you been waiting for me?"

The boy lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "Yes, not long ago, I just came out for a while."

"Don't lie." Qing Wu said angrily.

Only then did Yan Chenjin tell the truth, "After delivering the letter, I have been...waiting."

It was early in the morning in Qingwu, when it was just dawn, I received Yan Chenjin's letter, not counting how long it took for the letter to be sent from Yaozu to Huaguangmen.

It has been three hours since Qingwu got the letter and entered the Yaozu.

This also means that Yan Chenjin stood here motionless for at least three hours.

Qingwu's eyes were moist, and he blamed: "Why are you so stupid?"

The young man lowered his head, looking like a child being scolded, and whispered: "I miss you, I miss you when you come, I will see you."

Qingwu couldn't bear it anymore, stood on tiptoe, hugged the boy's neck, raised his head and kissed his thin lips.

She didn't want to offend him, she touched him lightly like a god.

But the boy quietly stuck out the tip of his tongue and swept it over her lips, as if... an invitation.

But Qingwu did not attack the city, and put his forehead against his drooping forehead, let go of his lips, "Don't do this kind of thing in the future, you are not in good health, if you stand for a long time, I will feel bad, okay?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders and replied softly, "Okay."

The Yu family took good care of Qingwu and Yanchenjin in their daily lives, so that Qingwu even forgot that the purpose of coming to Yaozu was to take Yanchenjin back to Huaguang Gate.

In a blink of an eye, he has lived in Yaozu for sixteen or seven days.

If Jiang Mingyun hadn't sent a letter to Yaozu, Qingwu would not have thought of Huaguangmen.

Qingwu was sitting on a chair reading the letter, Yan Chenjin wanted to peek at it, but he was afraid that Qingwu would get angry, so he could only wait helplessly for her to read it.

The letter consisted of two letters, one was written by Jiang Mingyun, with only seven short characters, 'Jiang Qibai's own handwriting passed on from generation to generation'.

And the other letter was from Jiang Qibai.

Ah Qing, I haven't written to you for a long time, this time I have an important matter to inform you, my childhood sweetheart, brother Guo Xirui, and I got married on the [-]th of this month. Come to my wedding.

A wedding invitation was attached to the letter, with bright red and gilt characters, very beautiful.

Qingwu raised his head, wanting to tell Yan Chenjin about it, but saw the young man staring at the letter in his hand, as if he wanted to see a hole.

She couldn't help but smiled, "Ash."

Seeing that he had been discovered, Yanchen quickly withdrew his gaze and looked elsewhere.

Qingwu shook the letter in front of his eyes with a smile, and asked, "Do you want to read it?"

Wherever the letter swayed, the boy's eyes followed, but he still pretended not to care, and said, "I didn't... didn't want to read it."

Qingwu saw his duplicity, put the letter in Yanchenjin's hand with a smile, and said, "I don't understand a few words in it, come and help me find out what is said, okay?"

After Yanchen had transformed into form, Qingwu taught him to read and write every day, how could there be characters she didn't know?
It's just to give him steps to satisfy his curiosity.

Yan Chenjin looked at the letter, and after confirming that Jiang Mingyun had only written seven characters, he didn't read Jiang Qibai's letter again.

He returned the letter to Qingwu, feeling that he was making a big fuss, "Do you think... I don't trust you?"

It seems that he still has self-knowledge.

Qingwu smiled and nodded, "It's true that you don't trust me, but it's not your fault. It's because I didn't do well enough in the past, and I didn't establish an honest and trustworthy image. I will work hard to improve in the future."

It was obviously his fault, but she was so tolerant, Yan Chenjin felt warm in his heart, and his brows and eyes became obedient.

Ever since Qingwu decided to go on with Yan Chenjin, he has carefully observed Yan Chenjin's thoughts.

Gradually, she discovered that Yan Chenjin's unpredictable thoughts had traces to follow.

It's just that Qingwu didn't care about these things in the past, and didn't think about them carefully, so that when he wanted to care about them later, he couldn't figure it out and felt that it was unfathomable.

In fact, as long as he puts his heart into it, Yan Chenjin is easy to coax and satisfy.

Qing Wu gave the wedding invitation to Yan Chenjin, and said, "Qibai is getting married on the fifteenth day of this month, will you come with me?"

The boy nodded, "Today is already the tenth day of the lunar new year, and there are still five days left, so we need to leave early."

"Then go directly to Chaos Mountain instead of going back to Huaguangmen, and go back after Qibai's wedding is over." Qingwu suggested.

Yan Chenjin: "Okay, I'll order someone to prepare some gifts, and then I'll inform my mother and elder brother, and we'll set off in the afternoon!"

Qingwu was poor and white, and if he didn't mention it, she didn't even think of preparing gifts for the wedding.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Yan Chenjin, thinking that sooner or later she would marry Ah Jin, so she should ask Qibai for advice.

After noon, Yan Chenjin prepared a carriage, and presents, large and small, piled up like a mountain. Naturally, not all of these were for Jiang Qibai, and there were some cakes and snacks prepared by Mrs. Yu for Qingwu.

Before leaving, Madam Yu called Qingwu into the room, and gave Qingwu the light green orchid embroidered shoes she embroidered a while ago.

Qingwu looked at the embroidered shoes in his hand, his nose sore, "Madam, these are the most beautiful pair of embroidered shoes I have ever seen, thank you Madam."

Since she was a child, her clothes, shoes and socks were sent to Langya Mountain by the fairy gate, most of them were plain clothes, white and clean, Qingwu likes green, and there are a few light green dresses.

It's just that the shoes are all plain white, with plain embroidery and no distinctive features.

Qingwu gently caressed the beautiful orchids on the shoe with his fingers, feeling touched in his heart.

Yu stroked her head lovingly, and said distressedly: "Poor child, I will treat you as my own child from now on, and when you come back next time, I will embroider more beautiful shoes for you."

Qing Wu pursed his lips, tears were about to well up.

She felt that she shouldn't bother Madam, but she liked the feeling of being loved, and nodded gratefully, "Thank you Madam, thank you Madam..."

Yu smiled softly, "Silly boy, you and Ah Jin are together, sooner or later you will be my child, why don't you thank me? Okay, put it on and try it, I just look at your feet It’s almost this size, and I haven’t measured it, so I don’t know if it will fit.”

Qingwu nodded, and hurriedly put on the shoes, "It fits, just right."

She jumped up and down happily, but was afraid of breaking her shoes, so she stopped quickly.

Yu said with relief: "That's good, that's good, let's go, Ah Jin is still waiting outside."

Qingwu was always careful when walking, for fear of bumping his shoes.

As soon as she went out, Yan Chenjin noticed the shoes on her feet and also saw the unconcealable joy on her face.

He helped Qingwu into the car, and said, "Mother made it for you?"

Qingwu nodded and asked with a smile, "Is it pretty?"

Yan Chenjin said: "Beautiful, when we arrive at Chaos Mountain, I will add another beautiful dress for you, so that it can match these shoes."

Qingwu's eyes were crooked with a smile, she hugged Yanchenjin's waist, and leaned on his shoulder, "You and your mother are so kind to me, I can't help but want to marry you."

The boy trembled, "Really?"

Qingwu smiled and said, "Yes, do you want to marry me?"

(End of this chapter)

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