Chapter 97 A Burnt Corpse

Jiang Mingyun snorted coldly, "Magic Blade, Immortality Curse, never hold back."

Qingwu said angrily: "Shut up, find an exit quickly."

The black-blue stone wall encloses an independent space, except for the loess on the top of the head, the rest is piled up with stones.

Jiang Mingyun threw the blade upwards, touched the sand, only penetrated an inch, and then stopped.

He jumped up and pulled out the blade, saying: "It seems to be sealed by an enchantment."

It seems that there is only another way out.

Qingwu noticed that on the four walls, three of them had sharp stones, and there were even white bones stretching out from the cracks in the stones.

It can be seen how many bones are pressed under the stone.

Only one of the stone walls was very flat. It was not made of piled stones, but a whole stone wall, like a wide trap door. She waved at Jiang Mingyun, "Come here!"

Jiang Mingyun looked at this stone wall, knocked on it, and there seemed to be a hollow sound, "The back is empty."

Qingwu pressed one hand on the stone wall, closed his eyes, and detected the breath behind the stone wall.

A very strong Yin Qi permeated through the stone wall, Qing Wu shivered and opened his eyes.

She turned her head and said, "Lend me your finger."

Jiang Mingyun didn't know what she was up to, but he still spread his hands in front of her trustingly.

Qingwu grabbed his index finger and pressed it against the stone wall, "Don't let go."

She let go of Jiang Mingyun, and changed the movements of her fingers. Soon, a black devilish energy flowed from her fingertips, poured into the back of Jiang Mingyun's hand, and condensed on his index finger.

Qing Wu grabbed his wrist and poked it forward, his fingertips penetrated the stone wall, Jiang Mingyun suddenly felt that something on the opposite side seemed to be eating his fingers.

"Quickly stop!" Qingwu yelled, pulling his wrist with all his strength.

It was as if Jiang Mingyun's fingers were being torn apart, and it took a lot of effort to pull them out from the stone wall.

The two of them fell to the ground with too much force.

Jiang Mingyun looked down and saw that his index finger had been bitten off, exposing a small piece of flesh and blood.

He asked angrily, "Why don't you use your own hands?"

Qingwu pushed him, "It's just a small injury, you big man, please be more generous. I am a woman, and I am a half-demon yin body, and I have been fighting with ghosts for so long, so I am stained with ghost aura. It's serious, if I stretch out my hand, the female ghost will definitely get on me, do you want your only teammate to become an opponent?"

Jiang Mingyun also felt it just now, the yin energy on the opposite side of the stone wall is very heavy, his pure yang body leaned over, and even though he was bitten, a half-demon like Qingwu might really be possessed.

He got up and looked through the hole he just pierced.

In the light cast from above on the other side of the stone wall, Jiang Mingyun saw a wide stone bed on which was a burnt black corpse.

Jiang Mingyun frowned.

Qing Wu asked him, "What did you see?"

He withdrew his gaze and said: "The stone wall is too thick, and the range that can be seen is very small. There is only a stone bed and a charred corpse."

Qingwu asked nervously: "The burnt corpse? Is it Qibai?"

Jiang Mingyun shook his head and said, "The charred corpse looks old, so it shouldn't be Miss Jiang."

It would have been better if it hadn't been Jiang Qibai, Qingwu heaved a sigh of relief.

Jiang Mingyun said again: "There is faintly visible light on the opposite side, and it should be connected to the outside world."

But this is another difficult task. There is so much yin over there, how can the two of them get over there?
Qingwu was afraid of getting Yin Qi into his body, so he pushed him, "Look carefully, what else is there?"

Jiang Mingyun leaned over to look again, but before he could see the scene clearly, the female ghost suddenly pierced through the stone wall and rushed over.

The two immediately took precautions, but saw that the female ghost didn't want to fight, and rushed straight to the ground, and a big hole appeared above her head.

Qingwu was only thinking about the inkstone dust that was still on it, and hurriedly chased it out.

Just when Jiang Mingyun wanted to follow her up, he heard a girl crying.

Qingwu chased to the ground, but there was no trace of the female ghost, only Yan Chenjin sitting in a circle on the ground.

It didn't know when it started to snow, and the boy's body was covered with a layer of white snow. He hugged his knees with his hands, and buried his face in the knees.

The fur collar of the cloak on his shoulders trembled. It was unknown whether it was blown by the wind or he was trembling.

"Ash?" Qingwu quickly squatted in front of him, and patted the snow on his shoulder.

The young man raised his head slowly, the eyes of a pair of charming foxes turned red, which made people feel distressed.

After confirming that the person in front of him was Qing Wu, he sniffled, rushed over and hugged her, "Sister Qing, I'm so scared!"

Qingwu hugged him, patted the snow off his body, stroked his back, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, baby, don't be afraid, I'm here, don't be afraid, don't cry, don't cry."

The young man held back his tears aggrieved, "I have, be obedient and wait for you."

The guilt in Qingwu's heart reached its peak in his sensibility.

If he was making trouble, it would be fine to lose his temper, but on the contrary, he wronged himself, which made Qingwu feel even more distressed.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have left you here alone." Qingwu apologized loudly.

Yan Chenjin leaned on her shoulder, without saying a word.

He must be terrified, Qingwu wished he could rub him to the bone so that he wouldn't be sad.

After coaxing Yan Chenjin, Qingwu noticed that Jiang Mingyun hadn't followed, and the pothole she rushed up just now had disappeared.

The night is already deep, in the barren hills, hundreds of ghosts are walking at night, Qingwu still has the dust of inkstone, so he can't stay here for long.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, Qingwu helped Yan Chenjin up, but the boy couldn't move, "My legs are numb from the cold."

Qingwu squatted down, "Come up, I'll carry you on my back."

The young man crawled on her back, hugging her neck, and was entangled by him before, and his white skin was still grinning.

He helped her arrange her clothes, and put his cheek on the back of her neck, warming her frozen skin.

Just as the two were about to walk out of the ancestral hall, they heard a burst of laughter like silver bells.

Qingwu hurriedly quickened his pace, dodging behind the door of the ancestral hall, a girl's voice came from beside his feet, "Mother, why did it take you so long to come and see me?"

It was that little devil who bewitched people's hearts. Qingwu was not afraid of her now, and kicked the little girl out with a lift of his long legs.

This kick was real, and Qingwu immediately realized that this little ghost was parasitic on the skeleton of a child, and it had a physical body at this moment.

Taking advantage of the kid being kicked away, she ran out of the ancestral hall in a hurry, but the girl chased after her with a smile until she hugged Qingwu's leg tightly.

She suddenly felt that the leg that was being hugged was worth a thousand gold, and she couldn't move away.

Qing Wu frowned, this little female ghost, besides this move, does she have any other tricks?
She raised her hand and pressed it on the top of the little ghost's head, concentrating the devilish energy, trying to shatter the little ghost's body.

The overwhelming cries of women rushed over from all directions in an instant.

The woman's voice was very sharp, and her crying was loud, as if trying to pierce someone's ears.

Covering her left and right ears with both hands, the sound was blocked immediately, Qingwu turned his head, "Ah Jin, leave me alone, cover your own ears."

The boy shook his head and didn't let go.

With nothing in hand, the little girl was taken away by a ghost, and the crying gradually disappeared.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, so big that it affects the sight even more than the thick fog.

Yanchenjin grabbed the cloak on his body and covered it over Qingwu's head.

Even so, Qingwu also found it difficult to go down the mountain.

The snow was too heavy, covering the mountain road. It was really difficult to walk on such a road, but there was an enchantment on the mountain, so it was impossible to fly with the sword.

Helpless, Qingwu could only say to Yan Chenjin: "Jin, it seems that we can't go down the mountain, we have to rest on the mountain for one night."

The boy leaned against her ear and murmured, "Okay."

The two returned to the ancestral hall, Qingwu had no other choice, Yan Chenjin was too weak to hide in the snow, even if the ancestral hall was full of dangers, she could only come back.

Qingwu carried Yan Chenchen into a hut, warmed the futon with magic energy, and then let him sit down.

There were several old altars in the hut, Qingwu hurriedly used his sword, split the altars into pieces of wood, piled them up in front of Yan Chenchen, lit the karmic fire, and kept Yanchen Jin warm.

Fortunately, when Qingwu left from Yaozu, he was afraid that inkstone dust would be frozen on the road, so he put a lot of thick quilts and clothes into his Qiankun bag.

Qingwu took out the quilt and clothes, spread the quilt on the ground in two layers, and covered Yanchen Jin with the rest, and wrapped Yanchen Jin one by one with a cloak.

He just wrapped the slender boy into a round rice dumpling.

Yan Chenjin lifted a corner of the quilt and said, "Sister Qing, sit here."

Qingwu got into the quilt and sat beside him, the young man lifted up the cloak on his body, wrapping Qingwu together.

The two snuggled together, Qingwu found that Yanchenjin's body was very warm, like a small stove, she quickly stretched out her hand and touched Yanchenjin's forehead.

After confirming that he didn't have a fever, he was relieved.

"Tired or not, lean on me and sleep for a while!" Qing Wu said.

The young man shook his head, leaning against her lightly, without putting all his strength on her, "Sister Qing, will we be eaten by a female ghost in the middle of the night?"

Qingwu smiled and held his hand, which was wrapped three layers inside and outside, and asked, "Are you scared?"

Yan Chenjin said: "I am not afraid of death, I am afraid that sister Qing will abandon me."

Qing Wu tucked the quilt for him, and said: "No, Ah Jin will not die, and neither will I, and I will never leave Ah Jin behind."

The boy hummed, and rubbed against her neck.

Qingwu was really tired, but he still dared not sleep because he was afraid that the female ghost would come to attack him at night, he was afraid that the firewood would burn the bedding, and he was afraid that the fire would be extinguished and he would be frozen.

Yan Chenjin's hand caressed Qingwu's back, and suddenly a heavy tiredness crawled up his back, making Qingwu unable to open his eyes.

Soon, the girl tilted her head and fell asleep.

Yanchen put her body flat, wrapped the quilt tightly, and pulled out from the quilt, waved his big hand, and cast a spell on the burning fireworks.

In an instant, the flame seemed to have life, controlling the spread of the fire. When the flame was small, the firewood would automatically jump into the karmic fire; when the flame was high, a gust of wind would blow the flame down.

Yan Chenjin glanced back at Qing Wu, and said in a low voice, "Sister Qing, I will make your wish come true."


"Miss Jiang, Miss Jiang, are you alright?" Jiang Mingyun followed the voice and found Jiang Qibai buried behind a stone wall, and the girl's cry could be heard from the gap.

Hearing Jiang Mingyun's question, the girl choked up and said, "Master Jiang, where am I...? I can't... see anything."

Jiang Mingyun comforted: "Miss Jiang, don't be afraid, I will rescue you right away."

He didn't dare to use spiritual power to chisel through the wall, nor did he dare to use the blade, for fear of hurting Jiang Qibai.

Therefore, Jiang Mingyun could only dig out the stones on the wall bit by bit with his bare hands, one piece, two pieces...

Originally, his hands had been bitten, but now he kept digging the soil and digging rocks, and all ten fingers were scratched by the sharp stones.

But he didn't dare to neglect for a moment, Jiang Qibai was trapped in this stone wall, if he was a little careless, he would be oppressed and suffocated to death.

For more than an hour, Jiang Mingyun's hands were already numb, and he managed to remove the stone covering Jiang Qibai's head.

Jiang Mingyun carefully brushed the sand off Jiang Qibai's face, and the girl finally opened her tearful eyes.

The original bright red makeup on his face had been covered by the sand, but the cinnabar mole on the center of his eyebrows that was mixed with magic energy was still intact.

Jiang Qibai noticed Jiang Mingyun's blood-stained hands, and couldn't stop crying, "Young Master Jiang, you are injured, Young Master Jiang, leave me alone."

Jiang Mingyun continued to dig the stones, and said: "The air here is thin, and your cultivation base is weak, try not to talk, don't get excited, otherwise you will feel depressed."

With tears in her eyes, the girl thanked him weakly, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, thank you..."

Jiang Mingyun thought to himself, he didn't do it for anything else, just treat it as repaying his wishful thinking!

After removing two stones, there is a hole, and it will save a lot of effort to dig other stones.

It wasn't until Jiang Qibai was completely dug out from the wall that Jiang Mingyun sat on the ground exhausted.

Jiang Qibai had been trapped in the mud for a long time, and her body was a little disorganized. With trembling hands, she struggled to tear off two pieces of cloth from the bright red wedding dress, and wrapped them around Jiang Mingyun's fingers.

Jiang Mingyun asked her, "Are you feeling unwell?"

The girl shook her head, "It's just a little stiff, and it will recover soon."

She looked at the blood stains on Jiang Mingyun's white clothes, "Young Master Jiang, you..."

Jiang Mingyun shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's all small wounds."

He looked up at the pothole above his head that had disappeared, and said, "Right now, we can only wait for Lu Yaoqing to come and save us."

Thinking of the spells used by Lu Yaoqing, Jiang Mingyun couldn't help but dim his eyes, thinking in his heart, this person is definitely not Lu Yaoqing, so who could she be?

In Xiling back then, Wang Mingyang used the magic whip to test her, but she didn't respond.

Could it be that she didn't seize the house, but occupied Lu Yaoqing's body in other ways?

Jiang Qibai asked nervously: "Ah Qing, how is she? Is she injured too?"

"No, she wasn't injured. However, it must be late at night outside now, and she still has Junior Brother Yan with her, so I'm afraid the situation will not be very good." Jiang Mingyun replied.

Jiang Mingyun had personally learned the skills of that female ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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