Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1020 What do you want?

Su Jiarun assured Nan Yongpeng that he might know nothing else, but crying poor is definitely a good skill.He practiced when he was young.

Nan Yongpeng didn't care about anything else for the time being, looking at Ji Feiyun: "What do you want?"

Ji Feiyun waited for him to ask, and prepared a map of City G in advance.

She spread out the map, took out a pen from the pencil case on the table, and drew a circle on the long-coveted piece of land without hesitation. "We have lost a lot in the double-door project, and we need to make up for it." This land is our compensation.Brother Su, if you don't come down, just pack up and leave. "

Su Jiarun picked up the map and looked at it.The land is very biased.It's just a village on the outskirts of the city.By the way, Ji Feiyun also picked up trash there.Just like he secretly bought a private house, he couldn't rent it out at all.

"This place is out of the way. What are you doing here?"

Ji Feiyun smiled and said: "It's a bit biased now, and it won't be biased in the future." In the future, it will become the first CBD in the country, a place where every inch of land is expensive.

Su Jiarun's task is to take this land and turn it into a commercial land.

Looking at Ji Feiyun's eyes, Su Jiarun was in a daze.How did he feel when he saw that she was not for the reconstruction of the double gate project, but coveted the land in the village?
Crazy, these two are crazy.

Nan Yongpeng was not like this before.Ji Feiyun must have led him astray.

Su Jiarun prepared all the materials and took Lin Min to the battlefield.

Go in the morning and come back after noon.

After returning to the company, Su Jiarun replied to Nan Yongpeng immediately: "I was surprised to see our design above. I don't think I thought we would be so willing to invest and consider it very comprehensively. However, they can't decide The conditions we put forward, so they have to pass these conditions to the top. Now they can only wait for the news."

Su Jiarun has expressed his loyalty to the above-mentioned "G City is my home, I love my home" many times, coupled with his sincere plan, there is absolutely no half-perfunctory, which is quite unexpected.

The land value of the first phase is as high as 60, but Yongpeng Group is willing to invest 308 million, which shows that they really want to stay in G City for development, and there are not even many smiles on their faces.

"The design is very good. We look forward to working with your company."

A few days later, Su Jiarun called Lin Qingshan over, and it took a whole day before he came back.

This time the tourism bureau came forward, and they made suggestions on the modification of the design drawings.The design hasn't changed much, but the details have.In order to better match the architectural features and cultural heritage of Yangcheng, the cost was increased after the renovation, and the total budget reached 310 million.

The added cost is not much.Also, the total budget is a bit small.Su Jiarun agreed on the spot, "Principal Lu said that we will cooperate with you unconditionally and contribute to the construction of Xinyang City."

After the design is realized, the next step is to talk about cooperation.

Yongpeng Group agreed to take over the project without saying a word.The company is not only willing to provide design drawings, but also willing to pay 310 million yuan.Relevant departments also had to show sincerity.They promised to come forward to negotiate with the state-run factory and provide large-scale consumables such as cement, steel bars, and sand at cost prices.

Regarding the low-interest loan policy, after several exchanges between you and me, coupled with Su Jiarun's excellent acting skills, the relevant departments have also calculated the cost.Now Yongpeng Group is really clean, and finally agreed to use the clothing wholesale city as a mortgage loan of 200 million, with an annual interest rate of 3%, and repayment in ten years.

310 million is the external budget. After deducting all cash expenses, the actual expenditure is 240 million, deducting 200 million bank loans, plus the cost price of building materials, that is to say, there is not much real gold and silver.

Su Jiarun and the others went crazy.This is to make money from the bank and repay the loan after making money.It's like pie in the sky.

As he said a long time ago, Ji Feiyun has never been the owner of losses.This time, it's really cool.

However, these are not what Ji Feiyun cares about, "Brother Su, where is my land?"

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