Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1022 He owes a lot of debts!

Nan Yongpeng said: "We invested 10 yuan to update your equipment. Yongpeng holds 51% of the shares, and you own 49%. The management personnel are appointed by us, and we are responsible for project negotiations. You are mainly responsible for the materials. Acceptance, project site, etc.”

Zhang Li nodded in agreement, without thinking about how long she would have to wait.With 10 yuan, he can not only solve the debt problem, but also update the equipment.

The most important thing in cooperation is character.Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun also knew what was right for him.If it weren't for the help of two people, the equipment in his hand would have been sold at a low price.He owed a lot of debt and had to work all his life to pay it off.

In the beginning, as a thank you to them, contracts were signed at real prices, without making any money, just to keep the company alive.However, during the construction of the auxiliary building, Yongpeng Group took the initiative to amend the contract and raised the construction price by a few points.

Although he sold out 51% of the equity, if Yongpeng can get the first-hand project, he will definitely make more money than if he takes over.

Nan Yongpeng stood up and extended his hand to Zhang Li, "Welcome to Yunyuan Group."

Ji Feiyun took over the contract for the first phase of the Shuangmen Project, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, this is your first business in Yongpeng. Come on, I hope you can make Yongpeng Construction famous as soon as possible."

With Yongpeng, Lin Qingshan and Wang Zhiping naturally allocated it.The design department is in charge of Lin Qingshan, the construction supervision department is in charge of Wang Zhiping, and the front line is in charge of Zhang Li.

Nan Yongpeng asked Su Jiarun to train a successor and assign him to a construction company for project negotiations to maintain the relationship between all parties.

With Yongpeng Building, the cost of the double-door bottom renovation project has been greatly reduced.Lin Qingshan made a new budget.If Yongpeng's share in the construction company is deducted, the project not only does not need to pay, but also has a small profit of 10000 yuan.

As for the loan of 200 million yuan, the term is 10 years.The money paid out every month is not much, and it will be returned slowly.

Lin Qingshan and their eyes towards Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun are pure, and their admiration cannot be concealed.The salted fish item located at the bottom of the double door was born with two hands.

The water in the construction industry is very deep, and it is much more difficult than running a clothing wholesale city.Once there is a problem with materials or technology, the loss will be immeasurable.

Making money is very important, but first of all, we must be the conscience of a company. Whether it is Nan Yongpeng or Ji Feiyun, it is for the long-term goal, and we must not let chaos happen under our noses.

Nan Yongpeng decided to set up an audit department to conduct irregular and strict audits on all companies or projects under his name to prevent the breeding of bad habits.

The goal of creating Yongpeng Building is not just to build a commercial street or an office building.These are not challenges for Zhang Jinpingjun and Wang Zhiping.As long as they sign up to bid and do a good job in public relations, they can win the bid.He takes a longer view. "I'll give you two to three years to make up for the short time. After the land acquisition of Pengcheng, the landmark project will be undertaken by you."

As soon as this sentence came out, the three nervous people were too shocked to speak.

To undertake the landmark of Electronic City?This is something they never imagined, let alone large-scale infrastructure design.There are too many technical hurdles.

"That's why I want you to learn from each other."

Lin Qingshan's brain was buzzing, "But..."

"Is your goal an ordinary office building and commercial street, or a welfare home connected to a public institution?" Nan Yongpeng said impolitely: "If this is the case, then what's the point of establishing Yongpeng Architecture?"

Over the years, Yongpeng has been challenging the impossible.Lin Qingshan also knows that Nan Yongpeng's ability is immeasurable, but they...they are not idlers, but the hard bones of the landmark building are really hard.There are many practical technical barriers that they cannot break through. 2~3 years is too short to be sure.

"You can't overcome technical hurdles. You can guide professionals through them instead of waiting for technology to drop from the sky."

They all know that Nan Yongpeng doesn't like to say it twice.

The so-called three cobblers top Zhuge Liang.If they want to survive in Yongpeng, they have to face difficulties.They simply don't have the courage to refuse.

Lin Qingshan reluctantly agreed: "Okay, let's go back and do an in-depth analysis, try to find relevant experts in the industry, gnaw down the technical problems one by one, and build the landmark as soon as possible."

Well, if we can build landmarks, Yongpeng Architecture must be famous.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, and they had already made a decision of life and death in their hearts.It is not a tortoise that walks on Pengfei.You have to run faster.

After the meeting, Lin Qingshan and Wang Zhiping left, as if there was something difficult to hide.

Ji Feiyun asked: "Brother Zhang, is there any difficulty at work?"

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