Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1067 You still don't care?

Ji Feiyun teased the boss: "Sister, your brother-in-law left you to go out to play, you still don't care?"

Ji Feishuang said with a smile: "He doesn't have many friends in his hometown. He always hangs around me and my children. It's a rare opportunity to get together with his comrades. Nothing can make him relax."

Regarding this, Ji Feiyun said: "Sister, is there too much pressure at home? I see that my brother-in-law is very emaciated, so I really can't recruit more people to share?"

Nan Yongpeng is not here.Zhuo Yuanyuan is in charge of food factories, shopping malls, commercial streets and private restaurants in his hometown.He is a little quiet, but he can really endure hardships, like a tireless old scalper.

Ji Feishuang explained stiffly: "Everything is fine at work. The two brothers of the Tian family are working hard."

There were no outsiders, and Gao Lanxiang didn't have to hide it, "It's not the old widow's ghost."

Ji Feishuang reminded: "Mom, Siyu's child is getting old. You should pay attention to what you say. It is not good for children to listen to too much."

Gao Lanxiang said angrily, "I'm not wrong. It's that old widow. If she keeps haunting her like this, Yuan Yao will be dragged to death by her sooner or later!"

Because of this matter, the family quarreled many times, and Ji Shuxing's ears were covered with calluses, but who could make his daughter-in-law have such a temper, "Siyu child, grandpa will take you downstairs to go shopping."

After the two children left, Ji Feiyun said, "Mom, what happened to her?"

Zhuo Yuanxia gave birth to two sons and brought them to her, but she was still not satisfied.She runs over every day and makes your sister and brother-in-law haunt her like a ghost.She blocks your sister in the mall entrance, or your brother-in-law in a private dining room.She dressed shabby on purpose, like a crazy woman.Now your sister and brother-in-law are the laughing stock of the town. "

It's okay to keep her son and daughter-in-law out.She even went to Siyu's children to give them candy and coax them to call them grandma.

Gao Lanxiang bumped into it a few times, and suddenly got goosebumps.

The old widow was not a nice person.A few years ago, she never asked Siyu about the life or death of her child, let alone changing diapers with milk powder.She didn't even glance at it.Now she wants to come back and live with her son, so she takes advantage of him.

Siyu is a smart person.Gao Lanxiang knew it as soon as she taught it.When she saw that Mother Wu didn't call her grandma, she didn't eat what she gave.Children are not yet sensible.She remembers eating or fighting.Gao Lanxiang stared at her.She didn't dare to ask for Zhuo's mother's things, but she couldn't help but seduce without Gao Lanxiang.

Zhuo Yuanyuan understands his mother's character, but her mother is a family member whose blood is thicker than water.It's okay if she's out of sight.But she comes every day.Sometimes she's disheveled and looks a bit like a psychopath.No matter how tough Zhuo Yuanyuan was, he couldn't remain indifferent, but he also knew in his heart that his mother had not given up on the idea of ​​having a grandson.

Once she returns, her family flies away like chickens.

At first, Zhuo's mother stopped traffic alone, but over the next few months, she started to join her children.

After so many years of torment, Ji Feishuang has long been hard-hearted, but he also gave Zhuo Yuanyuan a chance to choose.If he brought his mother home to care for her, he could do so, provided the two divorced and the child went to her.

Is there a problem?
Don't mention Ji Feishuang.Even Ji Feiyun had a headache.That old widow is a cruel person, she can afford to go out and have fun.In order to give birth to a grandson for her son, she did not hesitate to tarnish Zhuo Yuanyuan's reputation.

It doesn't matter if you say that she has damaged Ji Feishuang's reputation.After all, if your daughter-in-law is gone, you can remarry, but Zhuo Yuanyuan is her own son.What's the use of scolding him?
She used to be very worried about her son, but now she even kills her son.I'm worried she's really crazy!
"Brother-in-law said that the house in Laojie belonged to Zhuo Yuanxia and Zeng Nian. They bought something cheap, why didn't they tie her up?"

Gao Lanxiang was angry and didn't want to come alone. "Take care of it. At first, she wouldn't let her go out, but unexpectedly, she climbed up the window and almost fell from the second floor and died. How did Zeng Nian take care of it? Zhuo Yuanxia took care of her, she was still old Shut up your daughter."

Ji Feiyun's eyes almost fell off. "Didn't she use Zhuo Yuanxia as her eyes before?"

Before returning, the old widow was stunned.Once, the rheumatism was so severe that he couldn't walk, so he crawled on the ground and said he was going to die at his son's house. "

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