Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 11 Not Like a Sick Child

Chapter 11 Not Like a Sick Child

The taste of the meat is familiar.Obviously last night's snake broth.

It seems that this snake is not simple.It should be the baby in the mountains.Otherwise, there would be no such mellow spiritual power.No wonder Ji Shuxing's legs felt better for most of the night!
Seeing that she was disgusted, Gao Lanxiang poured it into the dog bowl, hurriedly grabbed the dog bowl, and said anxiously: "Your child really doesn't understand things. If you don't eat, give it to me."

This kind of aura is nothing to Ji Feiyun, but it has a great effect on ordinary people, especially Gao Lanxiang, who has suffered a great loss.In her early years, there was not enough to eat and wear.She gave birth to four children in a row and fell ill.Otherwise, she wouldn't have gotten sick shortly after the death of Ji Shuxing and the original owner.

For Ji Feiyun, making money is very important, and more importantly, keeping his family alive.

With this pot of old soup, their health is obviously much better.Lao Ji was helped to bask in the sun in the yard.

His leg recovered too quickly.Ji Shuxing smiled dreamily and said, "Lan Xiang, I think I will be able to walk tomorrow."

Gao Lanxiang didn't have time to talk to him.She came out of the next room in horror: "Feiyun, why didn't you take your medicine yesterday?"

Ji Feiyun was teasing the dog. "I'm not sick and I don't take medicine."

The doctor warned that this drug cannot be stopped.Gao Lanxiang chased her daughter to feed her medicine.But Ji Feiyun quickly slipped away, jumping up and down in the yard, "I won't eat, I won't eat, I won't eat!"

She doesn't look like a sick child.Like a calf.Ji Shuxing was terrified and held her in his arms. "Good girl, don't eat if you don't eat."

He lowered his head to appease Ji Feiyun, and secretly winked at Gao Lanxiang.The doctor said not to do strenuous exercise because of heart disease.What if it happens?
Gao Lanxiang was terrified and dared not force her to take medicine anymore.

Ji Feiyun changed his mind, took the initiative to wash the dishes, and became a good boy.

At this time, Nan Yongpeng pushed the door in with a medicine basket on his back.Ji Shuxing asked him to come and sit down. "Thanks to you boy, you killed the snake and let me go back to the meat addiction. My stomach is full."

Nan Yongpeng was a little strange, "Did I hit a snake?"

"Are you still modest?" Ji Shuxing smiled. "Don't talk, let this pot of meat go down, look, my broken leg is almost healed."

Nan Yongpeng didn't say anything.He thought Ji Feiyun was afraid that they would worry, so he didn't tell the truth.

Ji Shuxing pulled him to sit down and said, "Yongpeng, I want to get some land for you to cancel the land distribution of the commune this time, but the village vote failed. It is not easy to support yourself without land, let alone get married and have children in a few years. Thanks to your help, Feiyun was able to come back this time. I discussed with your aunt and allocated an acre of land for you to solve the problem of eating first."

Nan Yongpeng directly refused, "Uncle, don't worry, I can support myself."

"You can't earn much by digging wells and collecting herbs every day." Ji Shuxing persuaded: "Just listen to your uncle and farm with peace of mind. Your aunt is in poor health and can no longer work in the fields. Farming is a kind of farming for my family. Help. Better than waste."

"Uncle, I don't want to farm." The Ji family gave him enough help.Nan Yongpeng has his own plan.In short, there are many ways to support yourself.You don't have to worry about me. "

Seeing that his stand was firm, Ji Shuxing stopped insisting.Nan Yongpeng is young, but he has his own opinions at first glance.It is wrong to stay in the countryside and work in agriculture. "Okay, tell uncle if you have any difficulties in the future."

The policeman Xiao Gao arrived on a bicycle, saying that the traffickers had been arrested, and asked the victim to go to the police station for identification.

Ji Shuxing's teeth itched with hatred.If he was not unable to move his legs, he would have to chop the traffickers into minced meat.

Nan Yongpeng is also a party.He also had to go to the police station to testify and take a statement.Ji Shuxing can rest assured, "Yongpeng, Feiyun will trouble you."

Ji Feiyun was worried that he would not be able to make money.She wanted to find a chance to see the world.There is no reason to object.She happily followed him into town.

(End of this chapter)

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