Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1109 Are You Divorcing Me?

Zhuo Yuanyuan was stunned: "Feishuang, do you want to divorce me?"

Ji Feishuang hugged him gently: "Zhuo Yuanyuan, don't question my feelings for you, but we can't maintain a family just by feelings. I'm tired and can't keep going. If you really love me, love me, Just set me free."

Zhuo Yuanyuan's eyes turned red immediately, and he hugged Ji Feishuang tightly. "Fei Shuang, I can't live without you."

"I don't want to leave you either, but I'm not only your wife, but also the mother of Siyu's child. I want to protect my child and love myself well. I'm tired of being the daughter-in-law of the Wu family. Let me go."

Ji Feishuang and Zhuo Yuanyuan went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the procedures went smoothly.

Not only did Ji Feishuang get divorced, but she also moved her household registration back to Ji's family with her two children, and even changed the children's surnames to Jiang Siyu and Jiang Ziyu.

After leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, she looked up at Zhuo Yuanyuan and said softly, "Yuan Yuan, don't blame me for being selfish. I have two children to raise. Can the house we live in now and the house in Laojie compensate the children?"

The house on the old street is still called Zhuo Yuanyuan.He said without hesitation: "I will transfer the ownership of the house to you as soon as possible, and I will pay for the maintenance of Siyu's children in the future. When I want two children, can I visit them?"

"Of course, you are the father, but I hope not too often."

Ji Feishuang spoke very easily, but when she turned around, she couldn't help but shed tears.

She's divorced, her two kids, her house and all her savings.

I finally felt relieved, and since then I have nothing to do with the Wu family, but why is it still so painful?

Knowing that her elder brother had quietly divorced her and Zhuo Yuanyuan cleaned out the house, Ji Shuxing and his wife were puzzled.They wanted to convince her, but didn't know where to start.

Alas, life is really bad enough.let's leave.Although it is difficult for one person to pull two children, it is only by breaking an arm that he can survive.

Gao Lanxiang hugged the boss affectionately, "Feishuang, life will be better with me and your father."

However, the hardships of life have just begun.

On the night of his return, Jiang Siqi developed a fever and vomited for no apparent reason.Shortness of breath and general weakness.When crying, it is out of breath, like a wilted dehydrated cabbage.

In the middle of the night, the family rushed to the medical center with a flashlight to get an IV drip.

The child had poor immunity and had severe myocarditis when he was a child.His body was like a wrecked ship walking on a rough sea, which might capsize at any time.

Rao Ji Feishuang, he is ready again.Seeing her daughter's weak and haggard appearance, her heart was torn into pieces and her blood flowed profusely.

"Dad...Dad..." The child opened his eyes helplessly and searched among the crowd.

Children are most dependent on Zhuo Yuanyuan.He was always taking advantage of his father, telling him stories at bedtime.Zhuo Yuanyuan is also a qualified female slave.Father and daughter are very tired of their relationship.

The child did not see his father, and was coaxed to sleep for a long time, with tears of grievance still hanging from the corners of his eyes.

The doctor saw that the child was in a dangerous situation, and suggested that the family take the child to a large hospital as soon as possible, and there may be more hope.

Ji Feiyun thought: "Sister, why don't you bring the child to G City?"

The provincial capital not only has a good economy, but also has developed medical care.You can't give up any hope.

Ji Shuxing and his wife also think it is feasible, but practical difficulties are also ahead of them.Her daughter is divorced and has two children alone.Although Zhuo Yuanyuan left the house, he almost spent all his savings in order to find a child.

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