Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1114 The child's situation is serious!

Even the doctor frowned, "Heart disease is the most taboo." You should pay special attention to your child's emotions and try to meet her needs. "

Hearing that the child was crying and even out of breath, the doctor had to stress: "Where is the father of the child?"

Ji Feishuang felt very bitter, "The child's father is on a business trip."

The doctor's face was bad, "The child's condition is very serious. Your parents should coordinate well, and everything should focus on treatment."

The doctor's words pierced Ji Feishuang's heart like a knife, but she didn't even have the strength to refute, "I will do my best."

"Try not to, I hope you can pay attention." The level of children's medication has increased, but the treatment of heart disease is not only drug treatment.Sometimes a good environment and mood are more important than drugs.Adults can't stand crying for half an hour.Watching a child cry endlessly for his father is very difficult to treat. "

Ji Feishuang knocked out his teeth and swallowed: "My father and I are divorced."

The doctor was stunned, "divorced, the child is also his, and the gratitude and resentment of adults cannot involve the child." I am still saying that if you really want the child to get better, your husband and wife must get rid of the grievances of the past , put children first. "

What can Ji Feishuang say?My heart is full of pain and helplessness, but I can't even cry.

Ji Feiyun took Siyu out and bought a lot of toys and delicious food. "Siyu, your father is not here, and you are a young adult. Should you take care of your mother and sister? When your mother is unhappy, you should comfort her; when your sister is crying for her father, you should also Should you coax your sister?"

Siyu didn't understand, her eyes were full of things to eat and play, "Okay, okay."

When he came home with a bunch of toys, Ji Feiyun carried the child over and coaxed him, saying, "Hey, did my child cry during the injection today?"

The child's eyes are red and swollen, and he doesn't admit it: "No, no." My aunt said yesterday that if you don't cry, you will have delicious food.

"Wow, the baby is so powerful. Give her a quick kiss. She misses you the most."

"Auntie." The child lay in her arms, showing two black hands full of needles. "I do not want."

Ji Feiyun hugged her and took out a bunch of newly bought toys. "Do you think this Barbie doll is pretty?" I bought it for my child specially, as a reward for not crying today. "

There is no child who does not like dolls.The child couldn't put it down in his arms. "Auntie, I won't cry next time."

Two sisters were playing with toys on the bed and giggling non-stop.

Ji Feiyun went to the kitchen to help with cooking. "Sister, what did the doctor say?"

Ji Feishuang concealed her emotions, "The overall situation is good, but the child loves to cry, and her body can't stand crying."

Really troublesome.Children over the age of three don't understand anything.When encountering bad things, the most intuitive expression is to cry, but they have this fatal disease again.

In the afternoon, seeing that the two children were in a good mood, Ji Feiyun planned to go home and go to the hospital. "Sister, I'm going to get some clothes and come back tomorrow."

"Feiyun, go about your own business. I'm not at work right now. It's more than enough to take care of two children."

Ji Feishuang was exposed as soon as she was worried, but how could the sisters really feel it?Ji Feiyun persuaded: "Sister, there is no rush for work. When the child is better, I will open a store for you in the wholesale city. If the business is good, earning a few thousand yuan a month is not a problem. It's just a bit hard, and then hire someone to help. "

I'm going to be in high school soon.Don't always treat me like a child.Let's discuss what happens and don't keep it all to yourself.In short, money is not a problem, work is not a problem, the child's illness is also temporary, everything will be fine. "

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