Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1118 The child's illness is a bit recurrent!

Ji Feiyun sneered, the old widow was indeed not dead. "Isn't she the proudest? Was she thrown back to the village by her son-in-law, regardless of life or death?"

"All ants steal their lives. Do you think that old widow really wanted to die? Just for the outsiders. This old disaster has been killing her for a long time."

"When will this case end?"

"I asked the police station, and they said that the court will start in about half a month." Gao Lanxiang scolded on the other end of the phone, "Your father and I paid for a lawyer, and then I'm going to sue that old widow and go to jail."

After talking about the old widow, Gao Lanxiang began to care about her daughter, "Is the boss okay?"

Afraid that she would be worried, Ji Feiyun dared not bring up his boss's recurrence of depression. "My sister is fine, but the child's illness is a bit recurrent."

Gao Lanxiang was in a hurry, "The disease in the provincial capital has been cured. How can it be repeated?"

Ji Feiyun told the truth, "The child has always been close to his brother-in-law. It is terrible to get injections and medicine every day. When a child is sick and weak, he will miss his father and talk about looking for his brother-in-law every day. If He cries and makes trouble, and his situation will never happen again."

She gave her doctor's advice.

Gao Lanxiang sighed: "Your brother-in-law disappeared after the divorce, and even the old widow was thrown back to the village without showing up." The elder brother was also very impulsive.He divorced without saying anything.No matter how he wants to cure the child's illness, how can he bear everything silently.

Having been through two marriages, I'm stupid.I didn't understand the meaning of marriage at all.I'm going to have to endure a hard time in the future.

Zhuo Yuanyuan is also true.If he said divorce, he would divorce, if he said disappeared, he would disappear.His own daughter was seriously ill, and he simply ignored it.He is so cruel!
The crowd is endless.Where did you say to find it?
Listening to the complaint on the other end of the phone, Ji Feiyun had no choice but to tell the truth, "His brother-in-law asked his comrade-in-arms to bring 2000 yuan."

Gao Lanxiang was stunned. "What does he mean now?"

"I guess he was worried about the children, but he was worried that his eldest sister would not want to see him, so he asked his comrades to visit him."

"Now is the time for adults to save up front for child care."

Ji Feiyun thinks so, but it depends on the attitude of the boss.

Inpatient checks are not strict.Seeing that the child was doing well, he agreed to let the family take the child home.

The kid is in a much better mood because he doesn't want the toys his dad bought.Two sisters are playing in the room.

Ji Feishuang's foot was sprained, which made it difficult for her to move.Ji Feiyun helped with housework.After eating and putting the child to sleep, she took out a thick envelope, "2000 taels to Zhao Yufei, 2000 taels to brother-in-law."

"I divorced Zhuo Yuanyuan. How do you pay him back?"

"Sister, you have two children with him. Even if you are divorced in this life, it can't be irrelevant. Besides, he has the obligation to raise children. You are not Iron Man. Don't carry everything on your shoulders .” Ji Feiyun stuffed the money into her hand. "You don't have to worry about yourself, you have to think about the two children."

Ji Feishuang held the money and talked for a long time, then left with only a few clothes.Where did he get the money? "

"You don't care where he got the money from, stealing, robbing, selling blood or robbing, as long as you fulfill the responsibility of a father to your two children." Ji Feiyun took the opportunity to persuade the boss: "Sister, if you live selfishly, everything will be fine." Only by thinking for yourself can you live a comfortable life.”

Ji Feishuang stopped talking and put away the money.

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