Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1128 It is really rare to marry her.

Nan Yongpeng said: "We are only living there temporarily. After school starts, we have to go back to our home in CUHK. Shamian plans to hire someone to take care of it. You can come and stay for a while. If it is not suitable, you can go back to the nursing home. "

Mr. Huo was clearly interested.He does not covet the comfort of Western-style architecture.No old man wants to be reunited with his offspring, but he is also afraid of causing discomfort to Nam Yongpeng.After all, young people don't want to live with old people.

"Grandpa, Yongpeng has worked so hard to earn money in order to be filial to you one day. Now that he is capable, why are you still hesitating?" Ji Feiyun is a lively person.In addition, Grandpa Huo is the family member Nan Yongpeng cares most about in this world.Although he will not say sensational words, he will undoubtedly expose his behavior.

Mr. Huo observed Nan Yongpeng, and saw that he was not perfunctory, so he readily agreed: "Okay, then I will live for a while and enjoy the feeling of living in a Western-style building."

He was very happy.If he accidentally makes a wrong move, he loses all the games.Mr. Huo cried: "He accidentally lost the place."

Ji Feiyun smiled and said, "Grandpa, you should be happy to lose one yuan. You train him. He is better than Lan."

This girl's mouth, I don't know who will be lucky in the future.It was a rare thing to marry her.

When it was time to eat, Ji Feiyun took the initiative to cook to make room for the two of them to get along.

Nan Yongpeng said: "I want to hire someone to help you look after the house in Shamian, mainly to help you take care of daily life and housework. What suggestions do you have?"

Seeing that he was serious, Mr. Huo thought: "When I went back to school some time ago, I happened to meet Mrs. Zeng, the aunt who took care of you when I was young. Her husband and wife have been working part-time at school. They are honest and kind, and they Know your roots."

"Then ask your help, come if you will. Come when it's ready, and I'll pick it up."

Mr. Huo reminded him: "I'm leaving. Your uncles and aunts can't help but visit you occasionally. I'm afraid you won't get used to it."

"There is no shortage of houses at home. I just live more in winter vacation and summer vacation. They can come to accompany you when they are free."

Mr. Huo's heart was pounding.Although his face was still indifferent, he finally recognized the Huo family.

After lunch, Nan Yongpeng took Ji Feiyun back to the company.

Mr. Huo was very happy and called Mrs. Zeng to ask for her contact information.

Not long after work in the afternoon, Su Jiarun came over: "I went to the Shapo district government today and talked to them about the winery. Many people are looking for other wineries to take over the offer, but in this industry, except for those big Brands and other factories are having a hard time. It is imperative for Shapo Winery to change jobs, but I don’t think our quotation is too low.

I disclosed to them my idea of ​​investing in a five-star hotel in Shapo, and asked them to help me find a way.This isn't limited to wineries.It's best to just dig out a well-located vacant lot.In short, the bait was thrown.It depends on whether they bite or not. "

This is just one of the candidate projects for Yongpeng Investment.Nan Yongpeng didn't care too much.At present, G City is full of business opportunities, and there is no need to be limited to one place.

Before leaving, Su Jiarun suddenly remembered a hot news that he had just heard, and couldn't help but share it.Linde coaxed him to win the second phase of the double-door project.He just finished the formalities yesterday, and he can't wait to come to work today.He really got off to a good start. "

Seeing his smug smile, Ji Feiyun knew that this "good start" was different.

"The forklift just came down and found some good stuff. Now the whole project has come to a halt. The archaeologists are said to be on their way."

Ji Feiyun's eyes were bright. "Has the ancient tomb been dug?"

"It's not clear yet, but it must be that the cultural relics can't escape."

Not bad.If the Bureau of Cultural Relics takes over and intervenes in the excavation of wonderful cultural relics, the second phase of the project will not be terminated, nor will it extend in the opposite direction, nor will it start after the completion of archaeology. Three years, or three to five years as slowly as possible.

Lindefa was really lucky.If you wait a few years before starting construction, you will earn less money for a few years, and it is estimated that the project price at that time will more than double.

Alas, Ji Feiyun is so happy.

After eating and drinking at night, Nan Yongpeng couldn't help reminding her: "Playing games?"

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