Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1130 She Can't Do Anything!

Gao Lanxiang shouted angrily.

The case has been pronounced.The old widow was sentenced to one year in prison, and the punishment and confiscation were unreasonable, but due to her physical reasons, the execution was suspended for one year.In this world, there really is no absolute justice! "

The one-year suspension means Zhuo's mother will not have to go to jail.

Ji Feiyun felt very sad, but there was nothing she could do.At this stage, the law is not perfect.Many abductors and traffickers escape justice as long as their biological parents do not prosecute.

She comforted Gao Lanxiang and said, "No matter how many years she has been sitting, she has been punished."

Because of her twisted love for Zhuo Yuanyuan, she has always been a cheap daughter-in-law.In order to have grandchildren, she finally broke up Zhuo's mother.Zhuo Yuanyuan completely abandoned her.Now she can only live alone in her hometown.If one day Zhuo Yuanxia doesn't care about her, she may starve to death.

Ji Feiyun told Jiang Yunyu the result.Ji Feishuang was silent for a long time without saying anything.

After making the list for the housewarming banquet, Ji Feiyun went shopping with Mrs. Zeng on the weekend.

The person in charge of the canteen and restaurant hotel is not available during the day and can only come at night.Ji Feiyun is not very particular about time, so he can simply hold a dinner.At that time, Jiang Fengnian and the others could still come to get the spoons.I don't know how much they saved.

Su Jiarun, Lin Qingshan and others came over in the afternoon and said they wanted to taste the taste of living in a mansion.

They are not lazy people.After eating and drinking, they help string the rope, and go back after the barbecue at night.

Su Jiarun chatted while pulling the chicken wings. "The treasure of the second stage at the bottom of the double gate has been found. Do you know what it is?"

Lin Qingshan and others laughed and said, "Ancient tomb?"

"It's the ancient capital of our city G." Su Jiarun grinned.The remains of the Five Dynasties are not only the remains of the old capital, but also the site of the shipbuilding factory of the Qin Dynasty.This caused a sensation across the country.I heard that the Bureau of Cultural Relics has decided to excavate it for protection and cover it with glass so that it can be exhibited at the original site.It is estimated that the project will not be completed for several years. "

There are many attractions near the bottom of the double gate.Now, the remains of the ancient capital have been discovered.Odds are, business and tourist gimmicks can't flourish.

The suspension of development in the second phase means that the stores in the first phase are more popular.At least in recent years, no one has robbed their own businesses.

When Lin Defa was unlucky, Su Jiarun was happy. The rent of Pain Shop was reduced, but the shop has already rented 7788, and the rest are relatively poor. It is not easy to increase the rent.

I have to wait another year.It's very tough.

While chatting, Professor Guo drove over.

The Guo family is very close to the Chinese Medicine Hospital, so they went to pick up Ji Feishuang and her daughter together.

Ji Feiyun rushed out to greet her, "Sister Siyu's child."

Along the way, Little Enz and his two little sisters got out of the car and started playing hand in hand, not knowing how happy they were.

Xiao Enzi saw the blue autumn feeling sharply, and shouted excitedly: "Mom and Dad, come and push me."

Seeing her elder brother's pale face, Ji Feiyun pulled her aside and asked, "Sister, are you feeling well?"

Ji Feishuang sat by the pool and gagged her mouth. "I accidentally caught a cold at night, and I was a little motion sick."

"Why don't you go to your room and rest?"

"That's good. I'll just take a break." Seeing the two daughters having fun, Ji Feishuang smiled.The doctor said that the child's treatment effect is good.After a period of observation, you can be discharged from the hospital.Then you can review on time. "

It was the first time since her divorce that she laughed from the bottom of her heart.

Ji Feiyun was very happy, "The child will be fine."

Thinking of the future, Ji Feishuang was a little worried: "I hope God will take care of the children more."

"As long as you and your brother-in-law cooperate well, the child will be fine."

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