Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1133 Do you want to open a factory?

Nan Yongpeng didn't explain his purpose, Su Jiarun was a little confused. "These places are so remote you can't even see a few houses. It's not too much to say that birds don't shit. What do we do?"

Nan Yongpeng asked: "Do you know how many people build factories in the southern coastal areas every year?"

Su Jiarun was confused.He doesn't know how much money he has, but the current economic situation is very good, not to mention that many people from City X and Taiwan come to invest in the mainland.Foreign capital alone keeps pouring in, and many Chinese people yearn for the south. "

"Along the way, how many well-planned factories have you seen?"

Su Jiarun was stunned, "Do you want to open a factory?"

He's not interested in joining manufacturing, but he can be the front end of a factory. "The terrain here is flat and open, less than five or six kilometers away from the provincial road. If scattered factories are integrated into industrial parks, or new investment projects are settled, can the land be effectively used for industrial operations?"

"Open an industrial park?" Su Jiarun's eyes almost didn't drop. "How much land are we going to take?" We don't have that much money. "

Although the stepmother is not favored, she is still the flesh and blood of City Y in the end.No matter how cheap the land is, it is more expensive than other cities.

Nan Yongpeng asked: "Did our double-door project lose or win?"

"Of course, this is a sure bet." The economic development of G City has far exceeded expectations, and the rent of shops has also risen accordingly.It is still a diversified commercial street, and its future is bright.

That's what Su Jiarun meant.Who says you can't get land without money?If you cooperate with the above development, can't you save the money for land acquisition?
Unlike commercial streets or development zones, the cost of factory investment is much smaller. He vaguely felt that Nan Yongpeng's real purpose was not to really want an industrial park, but to exchange time for space.

Of course, the development of industrial parks will definitely make money.The key is that through cooperative development, most of the land will fall into the hands of Yongpeng Group.

In the long run, let alone doing something with the land in the future, if you sell it, you will definitely make a fortune.

Staying at the Central Hotel in City G at night, the conditions are far worse than in City G.After eating and shopping in the square, my ears are full of dialects from all over the world.They are almost all migrant workers who go out for work and entertainment, and they are very lively.

Nan Yongpeng lived in a double room.He returned the map he had collected to Ji Feiyun, "What do you want to see?"

Ji Feiyun opened his map, which took him a lot of energy. "I watched two episodes today, and the rest tomorrow?"

"What do you want to do with this land?"

Ji Feiyun said perfunctorily, "You can do everything, such as planting fruit trees, agricultural products, etc."

Nam Yongpeng believes she is a ghost, "Tell the truth."

How to tell the truth?can not say!

Nan Yongpeng glanced at her, "Hoarding houses?"

Ji Feiyun hehe.Men are too smart to cheat!

Yes, the house will be commercialized sooner or later.In fact, the policy has become more and more relaxed in recent years, and even pilot projects have appeared in many cities.Many sharp-eyed businessmen have joined the real estate industry.

While this is just a pilot program, not everyone is eligible.It is mainly a state-owned enterprise, and it sells to a limited number of customers, almost all overseas Chinese.

Because it is a pilot project, the land transfer is very tight, the land acquisition area is small, and the price is several times higher than other types of land.In addition, the general environment has not changed, and ordinary people are not interested in commercial housing, so the market is far below expectations.

But sooner or later, the policy will be fully implemented and prices will skyrocket.Since she has the first chance, she must seize the opportunity and take the land first.The most economical way now is the contract system, which turns the land into commercial use after the policy is opened.

At that time, real estate was regarded as the mainstay of the economy in many places.In the early years, the policy was loose, and the nature of the land was easy to change. Even if it was unsuccessful, it would not fall into its own hands.

As long as you take it off in advance, the road behind will be easy.

"Come here." Nan Yongpeng waved to her.

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