Ji Feiyun was a little embarrassed, "It's okay."

He handed the strawberry flavored one to Ji Feiyun and the other to Wang Jing.

Everyone chatted while eating, and there was not much difference in age.The boys quickly became acquainted with Wang Jing and Ji Feiyun.

Li Yanzhao was sitting in the direction of the aisle, and was accidentally bumped into by the guests who were looking for their seats back and forth.The Coke in his hand trembled and accidentally spilled on Ji Feiyun's lap.

She wears short sleeves.Li Yanzhao couldn't wipe it clean with his hands.He quickly took out a tissue and handed it to her, "I'm sorry."

Ji Feiyun didn't take it to heart.He picked up a tissue and lowered his head to wipe it off. "It's ok."

The store is full of people.After eating, they left and walked along the commercial street.Li Jingxing hurried to look at the clothes, while the boys looked more at the shoes.

Ji Feiyun just bought clothes and shoes.He doesn't have much desire to shop.He just went shopping with them silently.

Li Yanzhao bought a bag of sugar-fried chestnuts at some point. "Give you."

Ji Feiyun said dumbfoundedly, "Thank you."

Just after peeling the fruit and throwing it into his mouth, Ji Feiyun opened his frightening eyes and let out a "hoo".She accidentally found Nan Yongpeng in the crowd, walking towards her, with Su Jiarun, Wang Zhiping and others beside her.

Her hands were shaking with fear, and Li Bao almost fell to the ground.

There are many people in the commercial street, but Nan Yongpeng's appearance and momentum are very prominent, standing out from the crowd, he is really powerful.

Instinctively, she ran and hid herself behind the pillars of the arcade.Mom, if he sees himself dressed like this, he won't have good fruit to eat when he goes back!
Watching him slip through the crowd, Ji Feiyun breathed a sigh of relief.Luckily, his eyes are strong enough, otherwise he'd be in trouble if he caught him on the spot.

As soon as I turned around, I nearly hit the wall.

Seeing who was in front of him, Ji Feiyun couldn't help becoming excited: "What are you doing with me?"

Li Yanzhao looked thoughtfully at the direction Nan Yongpeng left: "Are you so afraid of your brother?"

"Who, who's scared?" Are you kidding me?Yongpeng Group's current market value is tens of millions, but she signed a humiliating contract.If Nan Yongpeng deliberately teased her, she would be kicked out naked.

Never mind that treaties are illegal.Capital makes you die on the third alert, and the king of hell dare not leave you until the fifth alert.

It is said that it was this lingering feeling that made Li Yan summon so far.Every time she bumps into him, it's not a good thing.

Ji Feiyun's attitude immediately turned bad, "What are you doing with me?"

"You panicked all of a sudden. I thought you were in danger." Li Yanzhao smiled, his teeth were white, and the corners of his eyes were a little joking, "You are usually so bold in school, you would fight with your classmates if you said something you disagreed with. How can you see your brother like a mouse sees a cat? Can it eat you?"

Ji Feiyun rolled his eyes. "What's your business? I don't like you, and I won't fall in love prematurely."

"Feiyun, I don't mean that to you anymore." Li Yanzhao looked down at Ji Feiyun, Ji Feiyun looked like a fried cat, with a sunny and warm smile on his face. "Zijun and I are brothers, you are Zijun's cousin, that is my cousin. Besides, I am your senior, can we be friends?"

Ji Feiyun: "..." In the past three years, he really didn't write to her again.Occasionally, he just greeted her directly with a smile, without even saying anything ambiguous.

He is the school grass of the attached middle school.A girl who loves him openly and secretly is like a crucian carp crossing a river.Besides, three years ago, it was just a bud.After she replies, it's normal to fall in love with someone else.

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