Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1145 It's not too late to clean up now.

Ji Feiyun pulled Wang Jing down, "Our books are gone."

Wang Jing, "..."

"The tables were empty when we came yesterday," the two boys explained.

When I first started school, I didn't know anyone.Where is the hatred?

Ji Feiyun glanced at Huo Tingting, his eyes sank.No wonder I failed the high school entrance examination for two years, my brain is really different from normal people.

She didn't speak.She and Wang Jing found it in front of the empty desk, looked at it row by row, and finally found it in the trash can in the corner.

Wang Jing was furious. She guessed it was Huo Tingting, a skinny monkey with a big mouth, who was about to settle accounts with her, but was caught by Ji Feiyun, "You are going to run for class cadre, forget it."

Forgot?The crane tail bought with money is not qualified to rule the affiliated middle school.

"It's not too late to clean up."

The book was picked up, and the two boys happily changed positions.They are honored to sit behind them. "Feiyun, you are so good at studying, you have to take good care of us in the future."

Ji Feiyun smiled, "It's easy to say."

One of the boys would come over and give Ji Feiyun the unopened milk.

This scene almost made Huo Tingting's nose crooked. She stood up, kicked the table away, and walked out.

Today, I came early and talked closely with each other.

"Cousin, cousin." He Zijun poked out half of his head and waved to Ji Feiyun.

Huo Tingting came out of the bathroom, just in time to see He Zijun bowing his head at the door of the classroom, happily walking over, "Cousin, are you looking for me?"

He Zijun was also standing next to a tall boy with facial features engraved on his face.With a smile, his sword eyebrows and starry eyes are sunny and handsome.Huo Tingting's heart was pierced immediately, and he stared at Huo Tingting without looking back.

He is good looking except for his brother.

No, my brother is cold and always has a strange face, unlike the boy in front of him, sunny and handsome.

"You..." He Zijun was taken aback by Huo Tingting's sudden appearance, "Why are you here?"

"Didn't you come to look for me?" Huo Tingting didn't take him seriously at all, and couldn't bear to take her eyes off Li Yanzhao. "Cousin, is this your classmate?"

Ji Feiyun was surrounded by people, and He Zijun didn't notice the classroom door at all.He Zijun was a little worried: "I'm looking for Feiyun, you can call her for me."

It's Ji Feiyun again!Huo Tingting returned to the classroom angrily and returned to her seat.

He Zijun became anxious and went straight in.

Ji Feiyun found him, "What are you doing here?"

"have you eaten breakfast?"


"I knew you overslept." He Zijun took out milk and bread from his bag and said in a good mood, "I brought this for you specially. Eat it."

"Thank you, cousin." I was really hungry.

Huo Tingting was murderous, "..." She also overslept and didn't eat breakfast!
He Zijun left excitedly, "Wait for me at noon, let's go to the cafeteria together."

The first part is the class meeting.First introduce yourself, and then run for class cadres.

Ji Feiyun was not interested.Wang Jing actively signed up to participate.Many junior high school students are promoted directly.In addition, Wang Jing's grades in the senior high school entrance examination are not bad, and she has good experience as a monitor.It is a great honor for me to be the monitor.

As soon as the bell rang at noon, Ji Feiyun picked up his schoolbag and ran away.

Wang Jing grabbed her. "Aren't you going to the cafeteria?"

"I'm going home for dinner."

walk briskly.When she arrived at the guard room at the school gate, she didn't forget to say "Uncle" to the guard.

In class in the afternoon, Huo Tingting was startled as soon as she walked into the classroom.Her table is gone!

Looking around, there was no room. The classmate accidentally looked downstairs and found that even the desks and textbooks had been thrown on the grass on the first floor.

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