"Yes, I did it." Ji Feiyun approached her, "But what can you do?" Throw my desk down, can you climb in through the window?If you dare to throw my desk, next time I will throw you off the stairs, and it will be the kind that no one sees. "

Huo Yiting: "..."

"If I were you, I'd better tighten my tail and come to the attached high school to be a man, otherwise don't blame me for revealing your past scandals." Ji Feiyun was afraid that his brain would not work.He reminded her like a treasure: "He was so angry that he almost had a stroke, cheated when he re-read, and dared to smash my game console and push me downstairs." If you don't choose a way to die, I will satisfy you.There are so many excellent students in the attached middle school, they are ashamed of you, a poor student who has not made progress.If you want to mess up again, I promise to make you famous. "

Then, don't forget to pat her on the shoulder and leave gracefully.

Huo Tingting, "..." This lunatic!
There was no pressure when I first started school, so I just ran off with my schoolbag after school.

After leaving the school, seeing Nan Yongpeng's car parked at the school gate, Ji Feiyun jumped over, "Yongpeng, what are you doing here?"

Nan Yongpeng asked, "Can't I go?"

Ji Feiyun asked suspiciously: "I mean, you rarely leave early."

Knowing that he came to find the head teacher, Ji Feiyun was very happy. "Come back another day. He's having a class meeting and doesn't have time to talk to you."

"What about you?"

he asked inexplicably.Ji Feiyun was covered in fog. "It's still early. Shall we go home to the hospital, or to Shamian?"

"Choose yourself".Nan Yongpeng started the car.

"Back to Shamian, I haven't seen Grandpa for two days."

When the car drove to Shamian, Nan Yongpeng rarely took the initiative, "How is the school?"

"It's all right, except for a pile of fly shit." The attached middle school has a strong learning atmosphere.Almost everyone who can be admitted attends this university.Of course, it does not rule out those rich and powerful people looking for a sense of presence.

This is none other than his own sister.

I didn't want to bring it up at first, but I found fault with her early in school.I guess I can't stand being alone anymore.Ji Feiyun thought about it and told him.

Hello, you still have to call in advance. In case she breaks up with Huo Tingting in the future, he also has a heart that can't be prepared. Is it to help his sister, or... um
Nan Yongpeng had no expression on his face. "Have you made any new friends?"

Ji Feiyun has no time to make new friends.Don't think she doesn't know Nan Yongpeng's tricks.It is estimated that she has saved several boxes of counseling materials for her to brush.When she dodges the questions, she even spits them out.Where is she in the mood to make friends?Now she just begs him not to be so cruel.

Only through these three years can we usher in a real new life.

"Did He Zijun not come to see you?"

"Yes, I have breakfast today." The Huo family's genes are not bad.He Zijun is tall and handsome, but he is a bit wordy, but I heard that he is very popular with female students.

"Don't stay up late. Go to school after breakfast."

Ji Feiyun felt that his face was wrong. "Yongpeng, have you been under a lot of work pressure recently?" I always feel that he is suppressing something.

Nan Yongpeng sneered and stopped talking.

Ji Feiyun, "..." greeted him silently in his heart.

Mrs. Zeng's cooking skills are not bad, and her cooking skills are better than those in the nursing home.However, Nan Yongpeng is used to cooking by himself.As long as she gets off work early, she cooks for herself.

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