Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1153 Pockets are cleaner than faces!

Nan Yongpeng stayed in Meijiang for a whole week.Even though there are calls at noon and night, and a pager at night to remind her to rest on time, Ji Feiyun still feels that life is like a year and counts her fingers.

This time I went with Professor Guo in my own name.Although Nan Yongpeng studied finance in the past two months and added a lot of stock knowledge, Ji Feiyun was still very worried.

Stock trading is easy.The so-called "one gain, two draws and seven losses" is something that no one in the stock market can afford.In recent years, the business has been booming and the income has been considerable.The money earned, except for the purchase of fixed assets, is in the hands of Nan Yongpeng.She has very little pocket money every month.If she takes the initiative to contact, it depends on his appearance.What if she is traded in stocks?
Ji Feiyun asked nervously: "Yongpeng, did you win or lose today?"

"Not lost."

OKWhat's the situation?Will winning or losing kill him?
But, he just didn't say anything, and hanged her like a skinny monkey!

Ji Feiyun dreamed that Nan Yongpeng not only bet all his hard-earned family property, but also added high leverage.His hands stink, he loses everything, and he parades on the rooftops.

There was a shadow in her heart, so that when Nan Yongpeng came back for the first time, she reached out and took it out of his trouser pocket, "Ah, Nan Yongpeng, where is the money?"

No, the pockets are cleaner than the face!

Nan Yongpeng brought the suitcase in, and she couldn't wait to read it again.Except for a few clothes, it's all snacks for her.

Biscuits, butterfly cakes, egg rolls, wife cakes, fish eggs, etc., are all things she said she wanted to eat before.Even Huang Daoyi brought back a few bottles of korro oil to prevent her from sports injuries.

With snacks in his mouth, Ji Feiyun put one hand restlessly in his trouser pocket, "Yongpeng, have you made any money yet?"

"Made some money."

The next day is the weekend.Nan Yongpeng took Ji Feiyun to the communication store to buy a mobile phone.It's dumb as a brick.It cost more than 20,000 bucks.

Ji Feiyun is really amazing.It seems that he was lucky and made more than 20,000 yuan.

After answering the call, Nan Yongpeng went to the auto shop again.

Ji Feiyun is very supportive of changing the car, but if he doesn't buy it, he has to buy the best one.

The latest black Mercedes has a high-end vibe.Seats are comfortable.I don't want to move, I can drive steadily.

When paying, Ji Feiyun's heart was bleeding, but Nan Yongpeng didn't blink, "I didn't spend your money."

Ji Feiyun took his hand. "Yongpeng, what are you talking about?" My money is your money.We don't care about each other. "

Although Nan Yongpeng has made money with her skills and her abilities are becoming more and more outstanding, she still does not forget to keep fighting, "Yongpeng, although you have changed cars, the co-pilot position is still mine."

Nan Yongpeng asked: "Why are you so serious about this position?"

Two days ago, I met a couple quarreling in Meijiang.Woman slaps man twice and blames him for cheating on her best friend.

"When are you going to hide it from me, you dog?" The woman scolded and cried, "Only my girlfriend and wife can sit in the co-pilot with a man." You left me in the back row, let Qianqian Sitting in the co-pilot, you still say that you don't have a leg with her? "

The woman brandished her bag and hit the man, and the young couple broke up in the street.

At first, she didn't feel easy.Ji Feiyun asked Nan Yongpeng why she valued the co-pilot so much.

"This location is the best, with enough space and a wide view. Of course, I will choose it." Ji Feiyun was very happy. "You can't sit for other people, especially for women."

Nan Yongpeng concentrated on driving, "Yes."

Every penny counts.Ji Feiyun was very dissatisfied with Da Ben. "Yongpeng, let's take grandpa to ride a horse at night and let him enjoy it."

Nan Yongpeng didn't mind, "Yes."

Her eyes were full of greed. "Yongpeng, how about giving me a car when I'm admitted to university?"

"Wait until you get your driver's license when you're an adult."

Someone was suddenly discouraged.It will take several years.

Nan Yongpeng is very talkative, but not stupid, "It must be a key university."

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