Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1155 When are you coming?

When Ji Feiyun came back from school, he felt very sad when he saw a stack of stock subscription certificates on the table.

Nan Yongpeng just came back from Meijiang.His ass isn't hot yet.He is going to the Shanghai stock market again.

What made her even more depressed was that this time he was half a month faster and a month slower.He doesn't even know when he'll be back.

The school sports meeting will be held soon, I think he can come to cheer her on.

Nan Yongpeng packed his things and handed her 200 yuan. "This is your living expenses. Keep your money loose and don't show it off, so as not to lose it. You can go to your sister's house on weekends, or you can go back to Shamian to live with grandpa."

Ji Feiyun doesn't want money.His eyes were aggrieved and gloomy, "When are you coming back?"

"It depends. If you have something to call." He wasn't going to turn it off any time soon.

His nose suddenly became sore, Ji Feiyun suddenly hugged Nan Yongpeng: "Yongpeng, I don't want you to go."

What a fool!How could he build the five-star hotel and landmark she wanted without making money?
If you stay at home with her every day, will money drop from the sky?Even if money falls from the sky, you have to get up earlier than others to pick it up.

However, her reluctant attitude still made Nan Yongpeng useful, and she couldn't help softening her heart: "You are very sensible at home. If you want to eat anything, I'll bring it for you."

Speaking of food, Ji Feiyun felt a little better, "I want pan-fried buns, fresh meat mooncakes, steamed buns, green onion cakes, pot stickers, all kinds of delicious food."

Nan Yongpeng held his head and said, "Okay, then I'll give it to you."

Dissatisfied, Ji Feiyun deliberately made things difficult for him: "I want the steaming hot one just out of the oven."

Nan Yongpeng got used to it, "Okay."

The next morning, Ji Feiyun took out a red envelope, "Yongpeng, I wish you all the best when you go out and make a lot of money."

Not only red envelopes were stuffed in the suitcase, but also two apples were stuffed, implying safe travel.

However, his suitcase was empty, with only two sets of clothes and the most basic toiletries.Ji Feiyun felt that it was not enough, so he stuffed a lot into the box, ate and drank everything, and prepared some medicine.Then he went to school with confidence.

Once Nan Yongpeng left, Ji Feiyun lost half of his soul and was too lazy to cook three meals a day.Eating alone is boring, cooking less is not enough, and doing more is wasteful.

Wang Jing just let her go home.

The school sports day comes with great expectations.It is held on Friday and Saturday.Finally, there is no need to go to class, and the atmosphere of the school suddenly becomes relaxed and active.

He Zijun stood at the door of the classroom and waved.He took out two bottles of Jianlibao from his bag and handed them to Ji Feiyun. "Cousin, you run 100m and 400m back-to-back in the morning. Have a bottle before the race. Make sure you run faster than the four-legged one."

Ji Feiyun really didn't drink it.Don't you worry about filling up with pee before running?
"It's not wrong, professional athletes drink it." He Zijun said firmly, "It's to supplement physical fitness. It was given by the players in our class, but Li Yanzhao specially asked him to buy it. Last year, he ran 10000 meters without breathing. By the way, There's a girl in our class who's really good at sprinting and broke the school record last year. Listen when you see her."

Ji Feiyun is very confident in himself.Today, he is wearing the imported sneakers he bought with Nan Yongpeng.He spent more than 100 yuan.It is very comfortable to wear on his feet.

At 8 o'clock on time, the principal gathered in the playground and delivered an opening speech. Then student representative Li Yanzhao took the stage to speak and held the entrance ceremony for each class.

At around [-]:[-], with the sound of "March of Athletes", the school sports meeting officially kicked off.

Due to the large number of people in the 100-meter sprint, it is necessary to conduct a team competition first.Ji Feiyun was divided into the third group.When the whistle sounded, she rushed out with a "huh", and there was no doubt that she would be No.1 in the group.

After two rounds, Ji Feiyun entered the final of the 8-person group and ran amid the cheers of the whole class, 0.5 seconds faster than last year's champion.

He Zijun rushed out excitedly and hugged Ji Feiyun. "Cousin, you are amazing."

He's happy, but he's looked down upon by the class, so you stick your elbows out.

All sports events will be held at the same time and awards will be given out as they go.

Ji Feiyun took the stage to accept the award.Li Yanzhao standing next door is the men's 100m champion.

He squinted at Ji Feiyun, with a bright smile on his face, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Ji Feiyun couldn't control his joking mouth. "Drinking Jianlibao means running fast."

"I have." Li Yanzhao raised her mouth. "I'll get you some bottles later."

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