Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1158 Where Are Your Parents?

Chen Mingjie almost vomited blood.In desperation, he had to use this hob meat to call his parents.

Zheng Hao is not afraid.Her family conditions are very good.In addition, Huo Tingting supports her.As long as Ji Feiyun is expelled from school, she will be able to approach He Zijun in the future.

Huo Tingting likes Li Yanzhao, but Li Yanzhao likes Ji Feiyun.As long as she drives Ji Feiyun out of school together, Huo Tingting will realize her wish and help her create opportunities to get close to He Zijun.They all got what they needed.

Zheng Hao pulled Ji Feiyun's clothes, but who made her stupid?No matter how wrong it is to pull clothes, it was serious in the first place.

The two looked at each other, with success shining in their eyes.

After Chen Mingjie called Huo Tingting and Xu Jia's parents, he asked Ji Feiyun's phone number, "Where are your parents?"

"They went on a business trip." Ji Feiyun, who was far away in the sky, didn't want Nan Yongpeng to worry in vain, "I will settle my affairs by myself."

There was blood in the fight, not to mention the pair threatened to call the police.Nature is bad, students can solve it by themselves.Chen Mingjie insisted that the parents come over.

Ji Feishuang, who was pregnant with three children, could not accept the stimulation.Ji Feiyun finally called Nan Yongpeng.Anyway, he won't come back, and it's useless for him to call.

Chen Mingjie dialed the phone and said simply: "Hi, I'm Feiyun's class teacher. She has some problems at school. Please come and deal with it right away. Um, um, I know."

Xu Liping was the first to arrive.Seeing her daughter's face covered with blood and bruises on her nose, she immediately became excited: "Tingting, what's wrong with you?"

Among the three students, only Ji Feiyun was not injured, and Xu Liping's lungs burst due to anger.Just as Yang Xinjie was about to explain the situation, she asked Ji Feiyun, why did you hit Tingting?What did she do wrong that you want to hit her like this?Thinking that there is an old man raising you, do you really not treat yourself as an outsider?If you don't give me an explanation today, please call the old man! "

Before everyone arrived, Ji Feiyun was too lazy to explain one by one and ignored her.

"Teacher, how is her attitude?" It is reasonable to hit someone! "

Xu Liping was irritated by her contemptuous attitude.As expected, she has the same virtues as Nam Yongpeng, who doesn't know where her arrogance lies.

Xu Jia's parents went back and forth and saw that their daughter was beaten beyond recognition.After Chen Mingjie explained the reason, he took a tough attitude and yelled at Ji Feiyun: "What's wrong with you? My daughter is joking with you, so you beat her like this?"

Ji Feiyun said coldly: "I hit her, I was just joking with her."

"Are you kidding?" If Chen Mingjie hadn't stopped him, Zheng Huamin would have done it on the spot, "Call your parents and see what he raised!"

"I'm here." A cold voice sounded.

Ji Feiyun thought there was something wrong with his ears, but a tall shadow appeared at the door of the office.

Looking at each other, grievances suddenly rushed to my heart.Isn't he in the Shanghai stock market?He called last night and said he wasn't coming back so soon.Did he fly back with wings?
"Brother." Huo Tingting remembered his dark flaws, and stood up looking at him eagerly regardless of her swollen face. "Look at Ji Feiyun hitting me."

Nan Yongpeng didn't look at her, his eyes fell on Ji Feiyun. "Are you hurt?"

Ji Feiyun held his hand, "Stomach hurts."

Nan Yongpeng frowned: "Did they fight?"

Xu Liping was trembling with anger: "Yishen, Tingting is your biological sister. Who are you looking for?"

Chen Mingjie was shocked.The relationship between the two is complicated.Why does it sound like a family?

Xu Jianjun's family was also shocked.Xu Jianjun's father learned that Huo Tingting was the granddaughter of Huo's parents, so he asked his daughter to get closer to him.He thought, if he could climb up to Huo's house, he could walk across G city.Why is Ji Feiyun's brother Huo Tingting's mother's son?

In other words, is the Huo family's grandson the majestic young man in front of him?
I can't help thinking that no matter which family he is in, the eldest grandson is undoubtedly the most important.

After everyone arrived, Chen Mingjie explained the reason for the fight again, and finally came to a conclusion, "First of all, Feiyun insisted on participating in the competition even though he was unwell. This kind of spirit should be encouraged, but hitting someone is always wrong.

Besides, students should help each other and love each other.Zheng Hao, if you don't help Feiyun, you may even expose her embarrassment in public.You are only fifteen or sixteen years old, and you can tell right from wrong.Once you can tell it's a joke.What did it matter if she pulled her clothes a second time?
Don't say that this is a critical moment of the game, it is related to the collective honor of the class.You can't do that even in normal times.Think about it from another angle.If you were exposed in public, would you say it was a joke? "

Nan Yongpeng was surprised.Where is Ji Feiyun?

Chen Mingjie's words were obviously biased towards Ji Feiyun.The beating was lightly exposed, and his words were all aimed at Zheng Hao.

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