Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1167 What is his reaction?

Dark clouds covered Nan Yongpeng's face, "How did Li Yanzhao get injured?"

"There were burns to the shoulders and neck and several blisters."

Nan Yongpeng took Ji Feiyun to the hospital and bought fruits and supplements on the way.

When he arrived, Li Yanzhao was packing his luggage and preparing to leave the hospital.Seeing Ji Feiyun, he was surprised, "I don't think it's a big deal. The doctor said to go home and rest, and change the medicine on time."

Nan Yongpeng put the gift on the bedside table, "Thank you this time."

His imposing manner showed oppression, and Li Yanzhao's smile did not diminish, "Don't say that Feiyun and I are alumni, but strangers, I will be brave."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Nan Yongpeng was just about to take Ji Feiyun away when he ran into Father Li.

Father Li asked in surprise, "Principal Lu?"

Nan Yongpeng was slightly surprised, and it took him a long time to recognize him as the head of the Southern Iron and Steel Group.

Yongpeng is one of Southern Steel's customers.Almost all the steel needed for construction was imported from the South.Although they only met once, Li Fu was very impressed with Nan Yongpeng.

After Li's father knew that Ji Feiyun was Nan Yongpeng's younger sister, he became a little more interested and began to chat about this topic.

Convinced that Li Yanzhao was fine, Ji Feiyun's suspense finally settled down.

When he left the hospital and was about to pick up the old man to climb the mountain, Zhuo Yuanyuan called.

He was looking for Ji Feiyun.Ji Feishuang launched it ahead of schedule.He had to take her to the hospital immediately, and asked Ji Feiyun to help take care of the two children.

Although the unloading period has been advanced, it has already passed 9 months, so it is not considered advanced.

There is no doubt that women are going through hell when they give birth.Ji Feiyun thought of the danger of his elder brother Sheng Siyu.She couldn't wait any longer at home, so she sent the two children to Xiao Guo's house and asked them to play with Xiao Xiao.

Nan Yongpeng accompanied her to the gynecology department of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Ji Feishuang was born smoothly, and the door of the delivery room opened more than 3 hours later.

The obstetrician came out holding the baby, "Ji Feishuang's family."

Zhuo Yuanyuan hurried forward, "How is my wife?"

"Mother Safety".The nurse congratulated him: "It's a son, six pounds and seven taels."

Zhuo Yuanyuan was stunned, his brain didn't respond.

Ji Feiyun pulled him, "Brother-in-law, he is a son."

Zhuo Yuanyuan woke up like a dream, and picked up the child from the nurse's arms.

Mother Zhuo has been looking forward to the arrival of her grandson for many years.Now he is held in Zhuo Yuanyuan's arms, but his face is not happy at all, and his expression is very majestic.

Ji Feiyun was not happy either.

It was already afternoon when Ji Feishuang woke up.When she heard the news of her son, her tears flowed slowly.

She once looked up at the stars and the moon, and now she has finally given birth to a son, but her home is scattered.

After so many years of suffering, only you can understand.

Zhuo Yuanyuan wiped away his tears. "Even if we divorce, I will take care of him."

Ji Feishuang leaned her head on his shoulder and swallowed again.

Zhuo Yuanyuan hugged her gently, "Feishuang, you haven't changed in my heart." It's his daughter-in-law, the child's mother.

Ji Feiyun called his parents to report the good news.Gao Lanxiang was silent for a long time and sighed deeply.

Feishuang is less than 30 years old and still has a long life.Parenting two daughters is hard enough.Now she has another son.It will not be easy to find a good job in the future.

Not to mention the character of this man, three children can scare each other away.

With a son, Feishuang's difficult life has just begun.Don't think about raising three kids alone.People still need to find a mate.Children will leave when they grow up.She is old and dead, who will accompany her?

Not to mention getting older and having filial sons and daughters, Gao Lanxiang raised five children by herself, and none of them was accompanied by her.In the end, she was a young couple.

"When Feishuang gave birth to a son, how did Zhuo Yuanyuan react?"

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