Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1171 Why Didn't He Die?

Chapter 1171 Why Didn't He Die?
Ji Feiyun: "..." Why doesn't he go to heaven!
Buy noodles outside in the morning, grab lunch and dinner from the cafeteria.Ji Feiyun thought, Nan Yongpeng didn't take enough care of her.How could Li Yanzhao serve her?Neck of fate?
My heart was full of panic, but when I saw a ribbon wrapped around his neck, I had to swallow it.

In the evening, I came back to reconcile with Yan Lise and asked Mrs. Zeng to make steamed stuffed buns.I was afraid of being seen by Nan Yongpeng, so I nicknamed it for children to eat.

Fearing that Li Yanzhao would find fault again, she prepared several fillings such as celery, shiitake mushrooms, leeks, pickles, pork, and Chinese cabbage, and steamed them for him to change the taste.

After eating for a few days, Li Yanzhao really came up with a new idea, "I want to eat wontons tomorrow."

"You're thinking of peaches!" Ji Feiyun turned over. "Do you like to eat?"

Her injury has healed long ago, but he is still wrapped in gauze like a zombie every day.He's in good shape and should recover quickly.Why is he sick every day?
Li Yanzhao was severely "hushed" by Ji Feiyun, and gently covered the back of her neck, "You scare my wound open."

This is real.It's also cute when it's fierce.

After handling the company's important affairs, Nan Yongpeng returned to the Shanghai Stock Exchange again.Still no results from the police department.He reminded Ji Feiyun to be careful and leave the school together in the morning and evening.

Mr. Huo spoke and asked Xiao Zhou to pick him up sooner or later.

Ji Feiyun, who was in a bad mood, sent Nan Yongpeng off and asked Wang Jing to go shopping.He was tired of beating Li Yanzhao every day, so he came out on weekends to relax.

The two of them went to the Oriental Mall to eat KFC.Just before entering the store and queuing up, they accidentally saw Xu Liping walking in from the door with a bag on her arm.She hurried upstairs, looked in all directions, and listened.

The police station did not find any clues, but Ji Feiyun always felt that it was related to Xu Liping's mother and daughter.He is very popular at school.Even if the company's competitors are bad, they should target Nam Young Peng or Su Jia Run.

Either Xu Liping or Xu Xueqing hated her so much.Xu Xueqing has been bullied, but Zheng Aifen is good at dancing, and her daughter should not be allowed to do such stupid things.

So Xu Liping is still the biggest suspect.

Ji Feiyun couldn't come, so he had to ask Wang Jing for help.

Wang Jing readily agreed, and took Ji Feiyun's bag, which contained a tape recorder and a camera.

Don't laugh at her for losing too much.She's been carrying it around lately.

Xu Liping walked into the western restaurant and chose a seat by the window.Wang Jing followed her in and sat behind her across the sofa, pretending to be waiting for her friend to come to the appointment. "Waiter, have a glass of water."

Ji Feiyun was sitting at the door of the store next door, wrapping his face in a scarf.

Xu Liping waited for more than 20 minutes.A man in a black coat sat across from her. "Li Ping, why do you think of me?"

He was in a good mood and handed several paper bags to Xu Liping: "I just came back from Meijiang. This is a gift for you and Tingting."

"I'll buy whatever Tingting wants. Don't buy her anything in the future."

The man sat down and put Xu Liping's hand on the table naturally, "It's not good. No one can hurt her."

Xu Liping was startled and backed away like an electric shock. "I have something to do with you today."

"You said."

Xu Liping lowered her voice and said, "Lin Defa, are you looking for someone to throw Ji Feiyun?"

The man was stunned, and said with a smile: "No, I have been in Meijiang, you know."

"The police knocked on the door and asked, Tingting couldn't sleep for several days."

"You didn't do it. Nothing to worry about."

Seeing that she couldn't ask, Xu Liping didn't stay long, got up, packed her things and left.

The man finished his coffee, sat for a while and left.

When Wang Jing stood up, she found her legs were shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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