Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1187 Time is running out!

Ji Feiyun said: "If you don't manage your own people, the people below you will have hoes and iron rakes. Although it is not obvious now, people's appetite will grow. In the end, everyone will follow the same pattern. When you Who wants to pay for it when it’s not making money? Money can’t be earned, and we have no shortage of profitable projects. If it disappears, we can make up for it elsewhere. We’ll only make more and more money, and You're still relaxed."

These originally belonged to Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun.Seeing that both of them were determined to sell, Ji Shuxing and Gao Lanxiang couldn't stop them, "You can decide for yourself."

"Well, the building material store is up to you. It's okay to open it to pass the time. From now on, the commercial street will only be responsible for collecting rent."

The next day, Nan Yongpeng called the staff back to check the inventory of the goods and evaluate the fixed data.At the same time, it was announced that it would be packaged and sold.Taking into account the difficulties of senior employees, they have priority under the same conditions.

The mall did a stocktaking around the New Year holidays.Tian Weikuan and his staff quickly rechecked the inventory.The inventory value is more than 23000 yuan, and the dismantling and dismantling of cabinets is 3600 yuan.

Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun discussed that the minimum transfer fee for the shopping mall was 5 yuan, and they immediately called for public bidding, and the person with the highest bid would win.

Seeing that the two had made up their minds, Tian Weimin wanted to make a deal. "Nan Yongpeng, Feiyun, do you have a price in mind to buy now?" I really want to make a deal, but I don't have that much money on hand. "

He has been in charge of this mall for more than a year, and he knows how much money he can make every month.No need to worry about buying channels.Many customers also come to the mall every day.If the 5 yuan can really be sold, he will find a way to borrow the bad money, and then go to the credit union to borrow it. How can he eat it.

Business was business, and his brother knew how to settle accounts.Ji Feiyun will not make a lot of money because of the good relationship between the two countries, "Brother Yao An, our valuation is no less than 5." As for how much we can bid, it depends on the reaction of the market.If you really want to win and are worried about not having enough money, you can ask old employees or other people to take the shares. "

As for the rent, the market price will prevail.

Salt baked and stewed foods have a limited shelf life.Inventories are all cleared before the end of the year.The valuation of other food and other fixed assets was 3.2, and Nan Yongpeng gave a package transfer fee of 15.

Ji Shuxing was surprised, "Is 15 too much?" Although life is better than before, my hometown is not the provincial capital after all.The street is full of households without ten thousand yuan.Who can withdraw 15 at a time?
Ji Feiyun unconditionally supported Nan Yongpeng, and even felt that 15 was too little.

Although there are not many stocks, the real value of the food factory is the formula, sales channels and customers.

After years of hard work, Salt Roasted Brine has gained a certain voice in the food industry, and their business has even expanded to the next city or county.As long as the successor cares about the brand and manages the brand well, it will surely carry forward and become bigger and stronger.

If it weren't for Lu Yuan's pain and no one at home, Ji Feiyun would really be reluctant to sell.

Valuations for private restaurants are much lower.Cooking requires practice, and dishes must be innovative.Many chefs have been in training for years, and many of them have either been poached with high salaries or started new businesses.However, the turnover rate of repeat customers is still good, and it is tentatively set at 28000 yuan.

The time is tight and the tasks are heavy.Ji Feiyun took photos for the promotion.Nan Yongpeng took her to the city TV station to advertise in newspapers, and then went to Zhao Hongqi's house.

At the same time, Tian Shuchang's family mobilized the whole family to hold an emergency meeting.

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