Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1191 The house is very lively!

Ji's house is very lively these days.Many people come and go every day.Even the chef of the private dishes came, tactfully expressing that he would cooperate to take down the restaurant.

Parents are not as good as money.Ji Feiyun treats them equally, and under the same conditions, they have the priority to choose.

The Lantern Festival is particularly lively.The transfer of private dishes is arranged at 9 o'clock, the mall at 10 o'clock, and the food factory at 11 o'clock.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, someone knocked on the door.Wu Yangyang came to the auction site.Most of them come together.A total of 12 businesses participated in the auction, including catering businesses, chefs, some people who like private kitchen signs without money, and people who run recipes and follow traffic.The atmosphere is still lively.

Ji Feiyun deliberately played tricks and made a dozen digital cards in advance for auction.

From the perspective of the origin of private dishes, Xiaosi said that he is good at cooking six major cuisines including boiled cabbage for state banquets.So far, he has accumulated more than 300 recipes, with the highest daily income, monthly income, and annual profit.In short, his status is good, he has many customers, and he cannot stand being deceived.

The starting price is 28000 yuan, and an additional 500 yuan will be added for each card raised.Officially begin!
Everyone enthusiastically raised their cards, but at 34000, the speed slowed down significantly, and finally set at 39000. In the end, colleagues from the county, Jingfu Restaurant, together with several chefs and service staff won.

The rent is 800 yuan per month.Rent cannot be increased for three years.Pay a deposit of 10000 yuan first, and pay the rest within three days.If you regret the agreement, the deposit will not be refunded.

The two parties signed the contract on the spot and counted the money.

If private kitchen chefs are important, there is basically no threshold in the mall.Purchase channels and passenger flow are fixed.As long as you know how to operate, you can make a profit, so this is the focus of today's auction.

We all ask each other.We know that shopping malls are the hot spot today, and it is absolutely impossible to win 5 yuan, so many of them are composed of a few small partners.

Tian Weimin took a photo for him.Tian Shuchang and Tian Weimin stood together nervously.Their budget was $68000, and they hoped to hit it off.

The senior students are used to mobilizing the atmosphere, introducing the situation of the mall in a low-key way, and said that they will teach a lot of management experience on the spot, such as how to bargain with suppliers to reduce prices, negotiate delivery dates, etc.

5 yuan to start shooting, plus 1000 yuan for each card raised, "Start!"

"Fifty-five thousand."Those who are rich and rude.

"Fifty-five thousand once, fifty-six thousand, fifty-seven thousand..." The fourth child was smart and clear, and quickly memorized the license plate, "Fifty-nine thousand, sixty-six thousand, sixty-six thousand ?"

"Well, there are 64000. Is there any higher? If you miss such a great mall, there are no such stores in this village."

"If you don't play a card, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"The year 72000 is coming. Wow, big brother has tripled, 75000..."

The value has exceeded Tian Weimin's budget, but the mall is indeed a piece of fat.Under the atmosphere of the scene, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

As long as it can be dismantled, he will definitely do better than in the past.

After [-], the speed slowed down significantly, and only three companies were very nervous.

In the [-]s, no one dared to carry it except Tian Weimin.However, his palms were sweaty and his heart was pounding.

"Eighty-two thousand."

"Twice eighty-two thousand."

"Eighty-two thousand, three times, deal!"

After the crowd dispersed, the faces of Tian's father and son turned blue, and Tian Weimin's legs were covered with lead.

Tian Shuchang walked up to Nan Yongpeng. "Nan Yongpeng, Feiyun, Yao An, he's dizzy. We can't afford that much money."

Ji Feiyun's face suddenly changed: "Uncle Biao, you have already bid. Do you want it?" If you don't have enough funds, why are you raising funds?Wait for others to leave.

"Of course, I mean, can you give us more time to raise funds? We don't expect to get it all done in three days."

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