Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1198 I'm not interested in him!

Ji Feiyun couldn't help understanding her thoughts, talking and laughing, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in Wang Zekai."

Wang Zekai is a sophomore in high school.He is secretly writing to Wang Jing.In the new year, he started a relationship with his parents without telling the school and kept in touch secretly.

As a classmate, Ji Feiyun had to remind: "Quietly speaking, Wang Zekai's grades are average, but his mouth is very strong. I think he loves to play. Don't be fooled. If you follow him, you will be in trouble."

If I remember correctly, it seems that Wang Zekai wrote her a love letter last semester.Unfortunately, he tore it up without reading it.

She convinced Wang Jing.However, Wang Jing has no resistance to the tall and handsome boy.She knew she couldn't contact Li Yanzhao.It happened that Wang Zekai was also her type, so she agreed after receiving the love letter.

Why are you blind when you are in love.

Now that the two of them are fighting fiercely, Ji Feiyun wants to brush past him.But Wang Jinggen didn't care.After talking so much, he is still worried about you.

Who hasn't been charmed in six years?Both of them have worn skirts since childhood.If they can, they can be rescued.

At night, the weather is still a bit cold.Ji Feiyun wore a thin coat and took a taxi to the barber shop for a haircut.

When he arrived at the company, it was already dark, and Ji Feiyun walked straight into Nan Yongpeng's office.

Nan Yongpeng raised his head, feeling that he was very busy.When he looked again, his face sank, "What the hell is this?"

Ji Feiyun knew that he would be angry, so he quickly took off the earrings, "Yongpeng, I don't have pierced ears, there are clips on the earrings."

Nan Yongpeng frowned: "Does it not hurt?"

"No pain." Clamped on her on the spot.

Nan Yongpeng looked at Ji Feiyun. Off White sleeveless knee-length dress, fresh hair, looks a little mature, like a peach that is about to ripen.The overall attire is decent.

However, he always felt that something was wrong?

So I watched it again and again from beginning to end, and finally found the mistake on the third time.

Although we get along day and night, Nan Yongpeng does not have enough space to pay attention to her own changes, so she is not sure whether her position is real or like hypocrisy.

This matter cannot be considered.Nan Yongpeng's mood became more and more depressed.In his impression, Ji Feiyun is a clingy dumpling.But now, Tingting Yuli is like a quietly blooming rose, and his heart cannot accept it.

Growing up so fast, working, falling in love, getting married, having kids in college graduation

Although it was true to take care of her all these years, it was not her parents, let alone his brother.When she grows up, she will have another man with her, it has nothing to do with him in the future.

Nan Yongpeng's heart is dull, he has an inexplicable sense of suffocation.

But Ji Feiyun didn't know.He dragged his skirt and walked back and forth in front of him, with a flower-like smile on his face, "Yongpeng, do I look good?"

"It's too ugly." Nan Yongpeng's attitude has never been so bad.

Ji Feiyun's face froze with laughter, "..." He said it again reluctantly, and she promised not to kill him!
However, he was even worse, "You don't have to go, I can go by myself."

It's a joke.She has prepared so carefully for so long.Now she says she doesn't want to go?What did he do long ago?
Besides, if she didn't go, what if he was spoiled by Xu Xueqing?Xu Xueqing held her breath and looked for him.Today, she finally waited until he appeared.Strangely enough, she didn't make a frantic rush to eat.

"Eat your stomach?" Nan Yongpeng's facial features twitched: "Ji Feiyun, where did you learn this word!" Does she know what it means to eat with your stomach?

Hmph, she doesn't admit that she secretly read the romance novels that her classmates brought back from Hong Kong and Taiwan.Of course, she knew what it meant, so she couldn't let Nan Yongpeng's sheep enter the tiger's mouth.

"Ayuan, I want to protect you." Ji Feiyun pounced on him and hung him up as an accomplice, playing hooliganism, "I don't care. I don't care anyway. I'm going, unless you don't."

In the end, it wasn't the dumpling that clung to him.Nan Yongpeng felt very uncomfortable, "Come down!"

"I don't." Ji Feiyun is shameless and is used to it. "You only have two choices, shall we go together or go home together?"

Nan Yongpeng was speechless. "Are you so worried about my meeting with Xu Xueqing?"



"I do not like her."

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