Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 1205 Things fermented quickly.

Chapter 1205 Things fermented quickly.

Things escalated so quickly that even Ji Feiyun got wind of it.

Aunt Huo didn't dare to ask the old man.She called her privately and asked: "Feiyun, did Nan Yongpeng suffer at the reception that night?"

Ji Feiyun was also gossiped, and immediately reversed the news, "Sister-in-law, how do you know such a secret?"

"What secret? Yangcheng Lake knows." Aunt Huo got angry when she mentioned it. "If Mr. Xu hadn't personally apologized, the matter would not have ended at all!" Decades later, Zheng Aifen still failed to get to the negotiating table.I don't know why Xu Jianjun married her blindly.Now, it's okay.It's really embarrassing for people in their teens to get divorced. "

What?Zheng Aifen and Xu Jianjun divorced!

"Let's go." Aunt Huo is not afraid that Ji Feiyun will know, "Xu Anshan may miss the old relationship, but having such an unclear daughter-in-law and daughter will affect his career." Mr. Xu left. "

Marriage in a large family is not decided by individuals.Much of it has to do with interests.Don't think that everyone is as open-minded as the old man.

The He family is also very powerful, and the Xu family is willing to marry the notorious Xu Xueqing.Although He Hanming's reputation is not good, how could Xu Xueqing be better?Bad pots with bad lids, only take what you need, and bring benefits to your family.

But Xu Jianjun couldn't take it anymore.He rescued Xu Xueqing.

But no more than that. G City can't go on any longer.She can only be sent to other places to seek more blessings for herself, so that she can make a clean break with the Xu family.

Ji Feiyun was shocked, but he also felt that the Xu family's actions were very wise.With Zheng Aifen and Xu Xueqing, the Xu family will only become a laughing stock in the city, and it is wise to survive without a tail.

Xu Liping was just joking with her own people when she said that Zheng Aifen was helping the evildoers.

Going shopping with Wang Jing on the weekend, seeing Xu Liping and Zheng Aifen sitting in the coffee shop, the two sisters, Ji Feiyun's imagination was blown on the spot.

She wondered what Xu Liping's brain was made of.Zheng Aifen's mother and daughter designed to drug her son, but she regarded him as a sister.

If she was Nam Yongpeng, she would have to die where she was.

When the results of the monthly exam came out, Ji Feiyun was still No. 1, but Wang Jing's grades plummeted and she was called by the head teacher to talk.

This is the consequence of puppy love.Wang Jing can either buy breakfast for Wang Zekai, or save money to buy him sneakers.Her pocket money has been greatly reduced, and sometimes she will take Ji Feiyun's share.

Ji Feiyun doesn't care about money.He just watched Wang Jing fall, but he had nothing to do.He is really distressed.

Sure enough, being in love lowers one's intelligence.Wang Zekai is obviously a scumbag, but Wang Jing only sees his kindness, and that posture can't pull back ten bulls.

Alas, Nan Yongpeng had the foresight to tell her not to fall in love until she was 18, otherwise she would wash up and leave home.

Ji Feiyun went to look for He Zijun, but he didn't know much about Wang Zekai.All he can inquire about is the surface.After thinking about it, he could only find Li Yanzhao.

Li Yanzhao and Wang Zekai are not only basketball friends, but also on the same basketball team.They are said to have a good relationship.

It is said that brothers are like brothers and women are like clothes.Li Yanzhao, who emphasizes loyalty, will not easily betray his brother.

For the sake of his sisters, Ji Feiyun had to go all out.

She asked Li Yan to call her out.She looked shy and refused to speak.

Li Yanzhao felt very strange, "The sun comes out from the west, and you actually asked me out?"

Ji Feiyun blushed, pinched the hem of his clothes and said, "I, I have something to ask you."

"What is this?" Li Yanzhao was in a good mood when she asked for help.

"How is Wang Zekai?"

"What?" Li Yanzhao felt that she had heard wrong. "Why did you ask him?"

"He wrote me a letter. I think he's a nice guy, so I'm asking you."

Li Yanzhao is completely broken. "Didn't you say you didn't fall in love very early?"

(End of this chapter)

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