Chapter 1213 No Money!

Ji Feiyun smiled knowingly, CBD has finally arrived.

"No money." Ji Feiyun flatly rejected him. "We still need another 1.2 million yuan to build landmarks. We will wait until you have money to buy land."

Su Jiarun "..." Fortunately, he planted two large fruit trees in City Y, otherwise he would not be able to sleep at night.

After the meeting, Nan Yongpeng swaggered back to the office, and Ji Feiyun hurriedly followed behind.

"It's Ren Feiyu."

Nan Yongpeng is very talkative when he is at work.His calm facial features make employees afraid to be presumptuous, and the entire company operates efficiently and orderly.

There was no freedom for three years in high school, Ji Feiyun was submerged in sea tactics, and the number of times she came to the company was only a few times.However, Nam Young-peng is gaining momentum, which surprised her on her first day at work.

Ji Feiyun called Zhao Yufei and asked him to drink tea together when he was free.

Yongpeng Construction failed to bid.How could Zhao Yufei not understand the meaning of this call? "It's been a busy couple of days. I'll ask you out when I'm free."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Feiyun couldn't help thinking.

In recent years, Lin Defa has tried every means to compete with Yongpeng for business, and the means are extremely useful.Forget those with thin margins.The profit of Xiatang Village Renovation Project is as high as 600 million, which is still a municipal project.His black hand can reach in, which means that the road ahead will be completely blocked.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.Lin Defa should not play too much.

Two days later, Zhao Yufei called and booked a private room with Ji Feiyun at the restaurant.

With friendship and investment interests, the relationship between Zhao Yufei and Nan Yongpeng is still relatively strong.He opened his mouth, laughed at him and said, "Nan Yongpeng, you are so unkind. What does it matter if a family does two things at the same time?"

Nan Yongpeng was puzzled: "What did you say?"

Seeing Lin Defa covered in fog, Zhao Yufei was surprised: "You really don't know who helped Lin Defa win this project?"

Ji Feiyun helped and said: "Brother Zhao, if we have to make it clear, we won't disturb your precious time. The resolute project has been robbed. I'm very anxious these two days, and my mouth is full of foam. Good brother, please Stop showing off."

It seemed that the two were really keeping it in the dark. Zhao Yufei said: The development of Yongpeng Construction in the past few years is obvious to all. Your plan and quotation are indeed the best.Even if Lin Defa secretly seeks a relationship to operate, the relevant departments are still very optimistic about you, but the Huo family calls, and there is someone in the middle, and you will definitely fail to win the bid. "

"The Huo family?" Ji Feiyun was covered in fog. "The Huo family?"

Zhao Yufei looked at Nan Yongpeng with a clear expression.

Ji Feiyun was stunned: "This is impossible!"

Grandpa Huo is a clean and honest person.He will not, and will not let his descendants do such a thing, nor will Nan Yongpeng.In the past few years, even if he encountered any difficult things, he always explained to Grandpa Huo by himself, and never talked to him.

Zhao Yufei didn't say much about the Huo family. "It's not on the table. I don't know who it is. I only know it's a woman who claims to be the Huo family. "

That's even more impossible.Whether it's the second aunt, the third aunt, or the second aunt, they all keep in mind the rules of the Huo family and don't interfere with anything except work.Ji Feiyun's perception of them was more or less correct, but his actions were absolutely correct.

Taking a step back, even if they stepped forward, they would help Nan Yongpeng.They have no reason to give up.

For Yu Minhua, marriage is the object of political trial.If something goes wrong, she can't get a driver's license at all.Moreover, she has not been in G City for a long time, and she has a big belly, so she can't go anywhere.She doesn't even recognize her relatives and friends.How could she call Linde?
There is only one possibility to get rid of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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