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Chapter 16: Turning Faces Faster Than Turning Books

Chapter 16: Turning Faces Faster Than Turning Books
Big Red is the oldest and the quickest to respond.She immediately bit back, "She scolded us first and hurt my brother."

"I can clearly see who starts cursing first. Why don't you ask the village chief?"

The village head is ugly and fierce.All the children in the village are afraid of him.Moreover, Nan Yongpeng likes Ji Feiyun, they can't beat him.

Based on the principle of not losing money, Da Hong glared at Ji Feiyun.The three sisters left with their wailing brother, and dealt with the fool when they had a chance in the future.

Ji Feiyun's hand was scratched.Nan Yongpeng knelt down to see her injuries.Unexpectedly, she didn't appreciate it. "what are you doing here?"

What else can you do in the mountains? Of course it is collecting herbs.

Seeing that he didn't intend to leave, Ji Feiyun lowered his head and said seriously: "I don't like you anymore. Stay away from me." If he doesn't leave, how can she collect ginseng?
Her face changed, and Nan Yongpeng found it very funny. "Aren't you afraid that they will come back and bully you?"

"I'm not afraid of them."

Well, it's hard to please.Nan Yongpeng got up and left.

But he went in the same direction as the mountain ginseng.

Ji Feiyun was in a hurry and ran to the front to stop him. "This is my place. Detour."

As soon as the words fell, she found that Nan Yongpeng's eyes passed her, and his handsome and resolute facial features were surprised, "Shan ginseng?"

Ji Feiyun was very angry, she didn't let him pick up the leak.

"This is mine." Ji Feiyun ran to the mountain ginseng and solemnly declared his sovereignty, "I found it first!"

Only then did Nan Yongpeng react.Did she initiate it just now?
Nan Yongpeng couldn't help laughing, "Okay, yours."

Ji Feiyun asked doubtfully, "Really?"

"I won't snatch you." Looking for wild ginseng is nothing.To be able to dig it out intact is the real skill.Look at her impetuous look.It is estimated that she will pull it up directly.

Helping people to the end, Nan Yongpeng squatted down and picked up the weeds around the ginseng. "Wild ginseng has many roots. If it's damaged, it's worthless."

It's not too early to make money, Ji Feiyun won't stumble on him again.He pushed his hand away and said, "Don't touch my stuff."

The little girl film has two faces.Nan Yongpeng watched quietly from the side.

Uh, I left in a hurry and forgot my tools.The surrounding mud and stones are so hard that I can't dig them with bare hands.

Ji Feiyun did not give up easily.He broke off a branch and started digging and digging.She can't dig at all.But she can't go home and get the dick.The one next to it is waiting to pick up the leak.

Looking at Ji Feiyun who was digging ginseng, Nan Yongpeng suddenly had a flash of inspiration.This girl knows how to draw people away.She is no longer the fool she was at the beginning.In the past, things were often sent out.Now she knows how to make money for the family.

Yesterday he was very popular, but now she is ruthless.what did he do wrong
Nan Yongpeng thought for a while, and suddenly understood.Then he took out the Great Unity: "Feiyun, I saw Tian Weidong yesterday. I forgot the business. Give the money to uncle and aunt."

Ten cards of great unity, none missing.

Ji Feiyun became suspicious.He can't play the trick of being reluctant to let the child catch the wolf, can he?
"Give it to me?" The dark and sly eyes rolled.

Sure enough, because of this, Nan Yongpeng stuffed the money into his pocket, "Put it away, don't lose it."

While collecting the money, Ji Feiyun emphasized, "The wild ginseng is mine too."

"This is all yours." Without the help of the Ji family, he might not be able to survive, so he wouldn't be so greedy.

Ji Feiyun smiled and said, "Brother Yongpeng, help me dig."

Look, these are actually two faces.Turning faces is faster than turning pages.

(End of this chapter)

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