Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 2 Did you remember wrongly?

Chapter 2 Did you remember wrongly?
Jing Junling brought up this marriage on his own initiative.

At the beginning, Jing Junling's man was sentenced to six years in prison because he was drunk and injured someone.

Jing Junling was afraid that she would be bullied by others with her children, so she forcibly hugged the Ji family's thighs, and focused on marrying the Ji family, and she didn't dislike Ji Feiyun who was sick, stupid and young.

After becoming in-laws, Ji Shuxing thought that it was not easy for Lao Tian's family, and they always arranged the easiest work for Jing Junling's mother and son, and gave them food from time to time.

The original owner was foolish and young, and only cared about his looks. He followed Tian Weidong all day long, and gave Tian Weidong the delicious food from his home.

Ji Feiyun sent all the rare food that the Ji family was reluctant to eat into Tian Weidong's mouth.

But what did Tian Weidong, a man with a human face and a heart like a beast, do?

He ate delicious food from the original owner, but his face was full of contempt, he flirted with girls in the village, and often hooked up with girls from other villages.

Jing Junling also disliked Ji Feiyun, but she was too embarrassed to voluntarily call off the engagement, otherwise she was afraid of being drowned in the saliva of the villagers.

Since there was no way to call off the marriage, Tian Weidong simply had a wrong idea.

He directly coaxed the original owner into the street, dragged her to find a crowded place to drill, and then left the original owner.

The original owner was a foolish child, and because of her young age, she didn't understand that Tian Weidong was going to throw her away, and was carried away by others while she was waiting foolishly.

Sensing Ji Feiyun's anger, Laifu also let out low growls, and quickly rushed to Tian Weidong, who had a human face and a beast heart, "Wow, woof, woof!"

Laifu's sharp teeth bit Tian Weidong's new clothes fiercely...

Gao Lanxiang ran out of the house, picked up the broom by the door, rushed over and beat and scolded, "Slap you white-eyed wolf, my old Ji Jiabai feeds you with delicious food and drink, so you don't learn well, let You are ignorant, let me see if I don't peel your skin and cram your tendons!"

Laifu dodged and dodged, dodging the broom in Gao Lanxiang's hand.

The broom didn't have time to take it back, and it directly hit Tian Weidong's face, blood splattered all over immediately.

Jing Junling's face turned dark at that time, Gao Lanxiang's move was to point at Sang and scold Huai, on the surface it was to teach the dog, but in fact it was to teach Tian Weidong a lesson?

Of course, she didn't dare to say it outright, instead she said apologetically against her will, "Sister-in-law Ji, Wei Dong didn't think twice about this matter. , Wei Dong was soft-hearted and took her out, and he didn't expect that Fei Yun would be taken away. Today I dragged Wei Dong here to apologize, beat and scold you as you like, I won't complain."

Gao Lanxiang stared at Tian Weidong, if it wasn't because of this kid's bad heart, how could Ji Feiyun be lost?How could Lao Ji break his leg?

Jing Junling was really shrewd and thoughtful, on the surface she brought Tian Weidong to apologize, but in fact she came to shirk responsibility.

Just as Gao Lanxiang was about to tear Tian Weidong apart, a little girl's sobs sounded from the door, "Auntie, it's not that I want to eat something good, it's Brother Dong who insisted on dragging me to the street!"

Ji Feiyun stood outside the door, his round face was full of grievances, and tears were falling down.

"Feiyun?" Gao Lanxiang was shocked, threw the broom gada, and immediately picked up Ji Feiyun, "You came back to life? My daughter came back to life!"

Ji Feiyun let Gao Lanxiang hug him, but stared straight at Tian Weidong.

Tian Weidong shuddered several times when he saw Shang Ji Feiyun's cold and bright eyes.

No matter how you look at it, you don't look like a young fool!

Seeing the yellow flowers being torn apart, Jing Junling couldn't hold back her old face, and said awkwardly, "Feiyun, did you remember wrongly? I clearly remember that day, you dragged Weidong to the street. Where are you going these days?" Is it? See, your eye sockets are sunken because you are so anxious."

Jing Junling's nonsense was quite natural, and it was obvious that bullying Ji Feiyun was a heartless child.

(End of this chapter)

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