Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 21 1 huge sums of money

Chapter 21

As soon as Uncle Li opened the door of the pharmacy, he saw Nan Yongpeng coming.

Mr. Li told him that if they sell expensive herbs, they must inform him.

Uncle Li didn't dare to delay.He asked them to help look at the store, and then hurried back to invite Mr. Li.

When he was in school, Ji Feiyun stood on the side of the road and watched his classmates carefully.

Nan Yongpeng thought she was envious, "I won't go to school until you get better." In the past, she was sick and stupid.The Ji family didn't send her to school.Now she is bright and will probably go to school next term.

Ji Feiyun said strangely: "Why don't you go to school?"

Nan Yongpeng is in school, a freshman in high school.However, due to special circumstances, the school agreed that he would study while working, provided that he would not fall behind.

Ji Feiyun knew that in the future, he would venture into the world with a diploma.Of course, she wanted to learn and try things she hadn't experienced before.

But at present, the most important thing is not to study, but to make money.Besides, the Ji family is already overwhelmed.How can she have more money to study?
Nan Yongpeng's appearance made her eyes light up.If she can work and read at the same time, can't she solve this problem?
The Li family father and son arrived soon with anticipation.They want to know what kind of medicine the golden armor guards?
When the wild ginseng was taken out, Mr. Li was very surprised.Judging by the appearance alone, it is at least 50 years old.

50-year-old wild ginseng is hard to find, especially wild ginseng with intact roots and stems and leaves that have not withered.

Ji Feiyun was also surprised that the ginseng was dug yesterday.How is it still kept so fresh today? Even the soil is wet.

Mr. Li is very satisfied with the wild ginseng.He was a kind person, and said bluntly: "I want this ginseng, 400 yuan."

50-year-old wild ginseng can be sold for hundreds of thousands, but now it is the 80s, and 400 yuan is a huge sum of money.

However, there is still a gap between this and Ji Feiyun's assumption, "Grandpa, snake skin can be sold for 100 yuan." How can wild ginseng be sold for only 400 yuan?"

Her problem is also Nam Young Peng's problem.

"You don't understand." Mr. Li explained with a smile: "Fifty golden armor does not refer to the god of medicine, but the medicine it protects. Golden armor is very rare, at least more than 100 years old, so snake skin can be sold to 100 yuan. If it is a living thing, it can be several times the price compared with wild ginseng."

Ji Feiyun drooled quietly.Ignorance made her miss hundreds of millions!
Knowing that snake gallbladder is the most precious, Nan Yongpeng said in surprise, "I don't know what will happen if you eat snake gallbladder?"

The goods are scarce and there are no specific cases.Mr. Li also couldn't explain clearly, "Eating tonic can cure rare diseases."

Nan Yongpeng didn't say anything.

When he got 400 yuan and counted the money, Mr. Li said again: "You can take good things from now on."

Ji Feiyun had hope again: "Grandpa, what good thing do you want?"

Mr. Li was stunned by her question, "Just like Polygonum multiflorum, Ganoderma lucidum, and Tianqi, any year is fine."

"As long as it's available locally, Grandpa, I'll find you whatever you want." She's not good at anything else, but it's definitely not difficult for her to find medicine.

Mr. Li was amused by her. "Okay, I'll come to you when I need you."

This kid is fun.He took out a bag of red dates from the counter. "I'll give you something to eat. Come sit down more in the future."

Ji Feiyun thanked him sweetly.

After leaving the pharmacy, Ji Feiyun didn't want to go back to the village.She looked up at Nan Yongpeng seriously: "Brother Yongpeng, let's do business."

(End of this chapter)

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