Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 26 What Can You Do Without Money?

Chapter 26 What Can You Do Without Money

Gao Lanxiang turned around and supported Ji Shuxing back into the house.Ji Feixue wanted to help Luo Xueying get up, but Luo Xueying scolded her: "You useless bastard, I knew I would kill you when I was born..."

Luo Xueying is old and rude.Ji Feixue couldn't take it anymore.She covered her face and ran back to the room crying.

In the yard, only Ji Feiyun watched her sing a big play coldly.

Seeing Ji Feiyun as a bastard, Luo Xueying became even more angry.She sat on the ground, crying and shouting, just like facing the people who dug her ancestor's grave.

The neighbors have long been tired of watching the farce between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and no one came to persuade them to make peace.

The voice was too loud, Ji Feiyun blinked at Laifu.

Lai Fu bared his dog teeth and rushed to bite Luo Xueying fiercely.

Luo Xueying was not afraid of Xiao Yezhong, but what he was really afraid of was that a dead dog would not grow eyes to bite him, so he had no choice but to wave a stick and leave in embarrassment.

"You little motherless bastard, wait for me"

Ji Feiyun closed the door and went back to the room to check on Ji Shuxing's situation.It was much better, but now it has to rest for a few days after being hit in the wound.

Gao Lan babbled endlessly.Ji Feiyun took the opportunity to get close to Ji Shuxing, and injected his own energy into his body.

The family atmosphere is inherently good.They were all depressed by Luo Xueying.

In the evening, while Ji Feiyun was taking a bath, Ji Feixue took out a large sum of money, "I will go to Dr. He to buy medicine for Feiyun today. He is on a business trip. It is estimated that he will not come back within half a month. Take it first." Pay the debt."

Gao Lanxiang was surprised, "Where did you get so much money?"

Ji Feixue's eyes flickered: "I borrowed it from a classmate."

"Is that your old classmate who doesn't know how to study?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Gao Lanxiang was anxious: "This is not good. Everyone knows that he is a gangster in the town. If you really marry him, your life will be ruined."

Of course Ji Feixue knew, but what could he do?
"He didn't study well and dropped out of school very early, but if I was willing to marry him, his family could provide for my education and even share the tuition fees of my older brother and younger brother."

"No." Ji Shuxing retorted: "Your classmate is a hooligan. We can't watch you jump into the fire. Return the money to him."

Ji Feixue's eyes turned red. "What can we do without money?"

Villagers and those who are willing to borrow are human feelings.If they aren't up yet, they will be the enemy.My sister needs money for medicine.This semester is almost over.The school will inform you every day that the tuition fee has not been paid.

No, without this 500 yuan, there is no way to live.

"Sister, I don't want your money."

Ji Feiyun didn't know when to stand at the door, wiping his hair with an old towel, holding a lot of money in his hand.

She came in and put the money on the table. "I have money myself. Sister, don't marry that bad guy, he will hurt you."

In the previous life, Su Feixue also borrowed money and married a ruffian, but he didn't cherish her at all.As soon as the novelty wore off, she was often beaten, and her mother-in-law scolded her for stealing from her husband's house and giving it to her natal family.

Ji Feixue suffered from domestic violence for a long time and committed suicide by drinking medicine.

All these misfortunes were caused by Ji Feiyun's illness.New opportunities now arise.She must stop this tragedy.

The couple looked dumbfounded "Where did you get the money?"

"Selling wild ginseng." Ji Feiyun told the truth: "Brother Nan Yongpeng and I are half of each other, but he said to lend it to me first and then return it."

God, it turns out that there is really wild ginseng, and it sold for 500 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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