Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 304 This is Temporary!

Chapter 304 This is Temporary!
After receiving his praise, Ji Feixue became shy and relaxed.Ji Feilong, his self-esteem was destroyed, he was embarrassed to find a hole to drill down.He said anxiously: "Ji Feilong, why don't you hurry up and get some sets, I'll go to the market and try them out?"

"This is temporary. Where can we find a sewing machine?"

Knowing that the old warehouse had a backlog, Liang Yanchao was very generous. "I have a sewing machine at home. I can lend it to you if you don't mind."

Well, having a sewing machine is useless.Two sisters can't use it.

Liang Yanchao sent the Buddha to the West. "My mom can step on the sewing machine. I'm just resting today."

Ji Feixue was very embarrassed. "I'm so embarrassed. I have to trouble someone."

"Nothing. Just treat us to dinner."

Ji Feixue was hesitant.She rarely deals with strangers, especially when she goes to the other person's house.Her hands were tense, subconsciously looking at her sister.

"Thank you, Brother Yanchao." Ji Feiyun jumped up and grabbed Third Brother's hand. "Third sister, don't you want to turn your hard work into a harvest?" Let's try a few groups first.If we can sell them, we'll replace them all. "

Ji Feixue had no choice but to nod. "Then I'll take the old one down first?" This won't bother Liang Yanchao's family too much.

"Okay, I'll take Brother Yue to clean up the room first."

Dagui and Sangui tore off their old clothes, Liang Yanchao climbed the stairs to clean up the house, and Ji Feiyun followed behind with his mouth covered and a smile.

Liang Yanchao's trick of deceiving Ji Feixue was okay, but it was all exposed by Ji Feiyun.He didn't bother to cover it up at all, "According to my conditions, can I be your brother-in-law?"

Liang Yanchao was outspoken, and Ji Feiyun did not pretend to be confused.

"As long as my sister agrees, I have no problem." She smiled like a flower, not forgetting to throw the bottom line, "but the third sister is very shy. She is too young to meet people everywhere. If you want to go to college in the future, You might have to wait. So you should think it through. If you don't have the patience, you'd better not provoke my sister."

Liang Yanchao is a very persistent person after confirming his identity.He is not afraid of waiting, but he is afraid that Ji Feixue has no heart.

For now, I can only comfort myself.A stone can cover the heat of a good man like him.Ji Feixue's fear of marriage comes from her long-term rural environment.He believes she can change.

She's like a mimosa.When she encounters movement, she covers herself up and needs to get wet slowly.

Liang Yanchao knew very well that he needed foreign aid to enter Ji Feixue's heart.The best foreign aid is Ji Feiyun.

He didn't miss any chance to contact Ji Feixue. "Can you put your sister's two sets of samples into our factory for production?"

"What about you?"

"Tell me," Liang Yanchao didn't care about money. "How much was sold, divided by the number of points."

"I have to ask her," Ji Feiyun hurriedly replied
Accepting the contract is no problem.It was over in less than an hour.I went back to the car and settled the balance.

The sisters unpacked four suits.Ji Feiyun was afraid of Ji Feixue.He drove to Liang Yanchao's house with her.

She couldn't find anyone to sew a chicken with bare hands.She didn't forget to bring two grilled chickens with salt as a message.

Liang Yanchao's home is very close to the market.The house is very run down.He went up the narrow stairs to the second floor.

Wherever he went, Ji Feiyun knew him very well.When he opened the door, he said, "Uncle Liang, Uncle Liang."

Ji Feixue followed Liang Yanchao personally, and after being introduced, she greeted timidly: "Uncle and aunt, hello."

Both Lao Liang and his wife were looking forward to their son bringing his object home.They were all eager to put on their own eyes.Especially when they saw Ji Feixue's appearance, they were very excited and subconsciously took their seats.

This is the first time the son has brought a girl home.He can bring her back to life.It can be seen that the identity of the other party is not simple.It looks small, but it looks handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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