Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 321 Are You Talking About My Bad Chapter?

Chapter 321 Are You Talking Bad About Me?

Shu Qing's silver teeth were almost broken, and there was a malicious light in her eyes.Why is Ji Feiyun unlucky every time he sees her?

Little bastard, wait for her!Don't beat yourself up for being Day 15 if you dare to be Day [-] of junior high!
"Ah... sneeze... ah... sneeze... ah... sneeze..."

Ji Feiyun sneezed three times and rubbed his nose, "Yongpeng, are you speaking ill of me?"

Nan Yongpeng looks like a ghost.Does she dare to be more shameless?

Ji Feiyun rushed forward, "It must be you, scoundrel."

Nan Yongpeng was speechless.

After eating and drinking, the family happily closed the stall and went to sleep.

Ji Feixue's sewing machine ran more and more smoothly.He modified the last batch overnight and let Ji Feilong sell it on the market.

After dealing with the hoarding, she felt relieved.

After changing hands, the price has increased by 7 times.Ji Feilong wanted to bring back another batch, but when I saw Ji Feixue's red eyes, I remembered.

Ji Feilong is rarely here.He stole half a day of free time.Nan Yongpeng went on strike.

Ji Feiyun did not find him downstairs.He ran upstairs again.He opened the door and saw him sitting on the bed reading a book.He said nothing, climbed up to sit next to him, and grabbed his arm. "Yongpeng, what are you reading?"

"Industrial Machinery." The latest batch of magazines from the county library.

Ji Feiyun bent down, but didn't understand.

Nan Yongpeng explained to her: "The above introduced a machine, produced by the Provincial Machinery Factory, called a food vacuum packaging machine. It can extract air from the bag and properly extend the shelf life of food."

Ji Feiyun was startled, "There's another one now?"

"It's been around for a long time, but before that, it wasn't accessible to the general public. Now that the market is open, the Provincial Machinery Factory is advertising in magazines to boost sales." He turned a few pages. "Didn't Ji Feilong bring anything to school?" If we could buy some bags and make them into vacuum packs, we could solve this problem. "

Ji Feiyun stared at the photos in the magazine. "How much is this bag?"

"Five cents each."

"So expensive?" This is about to catch up with the wholesale price of eggs.

"It's a thick plastic bag. Our country is limited by technology. It's hard to come by, so it's expensive. However, compared to the food we sell, it's a pretty good deal."

The price of this vacuum gas filling machine is more than 2000 yuan, and 300 plastic bags can be sold.This is not a small expense.After all, we still owe the credit union 3 yuan.

Nan Yongpeng thinks it can be considered.After all, Ji Feiyun is the one responsible for opening up the territory.He fired again, and rushed forward without looking back, sending chicken feathers all over the ground.

He had to make her domain bigger and stronger.Whether it is selling trumpets or selling trumpets in the cafeteria, it is a bit of a fuss.Only by solving the problem of food shelf life can we truly enhance the brand.

Ji Feiyun was surprised.Unexpectedly, Nan Yongpeng thought more than she thought.It appears the partner did nothing wrong.

"If you want to buy it, we'll buy it." She grabbed his hand and snapped her fingers. "After the machines come back, we will do a lot of special work. Then we will open a food factory and sell our products all over the world."

Nan Yongpeng gave her a hehe.

After that discussion, let's talk about department stores.

The basic renovation is almost complete.Next, the layout of the area and the customization of various cabinets will take a lot of time, but the most important thing is the issue of ordering.

(End of this chapter)

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