Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 337 Why Are You Blind?

Chapter 337 Why Are You Blind?
Ji Feilong couldn't help but said: "Wipe your stinky mouth clean!"

The Li brothers are used to it, "Whoever dares to stop us today, we will kill him!"

Hearing these words, Ji Feilong kicked the man away.

The others were dissatisfied and rushed to fight.Nan Yongpeng was afraid of hurting Ji Feiyun.Ling Li picked up two, Ji Feilong picked up one, and hit the wall.

Although the Li brothers were arrogant, they didn't even have the strength to backhand in front of Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feilong.Li Wenling and her sisters saw they could do it.They accused Ji of harboring evil spirits.

Ji Feiyun stood up. "It's not easy to applaud this. You can relieve your anger by beating someone like this. If you don't take it, you can take it to the police. Also, if you want to fight, don't be in my position kill."

When Li Wenling saw that it was Ji Feiyun, her mouth twisted in anger, "You are too principled. Don't rent the house to her in the first place. What's wrong now?"

"There is no fox demon on her forehead."

Ji Feiyun glanced at Li Wenling, "You and Director Liang have slept in the same bed for so many years, yet you didn't find out that he was unfaithful to the family. Why are you blind?"

"you you……"

"Yes, it's really not kind for a girl to do such a thing, but you are not a good person. You can't control your husband alone. You have the ability to kill him."

Li Wenling jumped up to the second floor angrily and pulled Director Liu down.

The glasses were missing, and Liu Lichun almost fell down along the way.

Of course, it doesn't matter.He bowed his head and covered his face with his hands.

Yeah, but he still saved face.At least I got him dressed.

"What are you covering up?" Who doesn't know that you are Director Hao of the Grain Institute? Ji Feiyun was very disgusted. "Don't do such immoral things just because you are afraid of losing face."You'd better eat national dishes.This is a disgrace to the country. "

"Ah, do state units still do such shameful things?"

The onlookers were surprised and began to discuss.

Li Wenling was in a hurry, and kicked Shu Qing before leaving: "Bitch, if you dare to pester my husband again, I won't kill you!"

The family left angrily.

Liu Lichun was beaten so badly that he fell to the ground and couldn't stand up.

A poor man must have something to do.Although people can't bear it, they can't bear this kind of behavior that destroys other people's families.For a while, no one reached out to help.

Ji Feilong was stunned.He never thought that Shu Qing was such a person.For a moment, he was numb.

However, he soon woke up.He couldn't bear to see her without dignity, and wanted to take off her shirt.

Gao Lanxiang pulled him back. "Why bother?"

"Mom, she is Wei Kuan's classmate. No matter how outrageous mistakes she makes, if Wei Kuan is here, she will help."

Finally, a woman.Although Gao Lanxiang despises her behavior, she is still soft-hearted. "Boss and Ji Feixue, find her a dress."

The eldest brother and Ji Feixue came to the second floor, found some clothes from the messy room, took them downstairs to put on the nursing chess, and made a simple hemostatic bandage for her arm.

He was beaten badly.Not only scratches, but also burns.

Under the shadow of being beaten, the elder brother lifted up the dull nurse, "Dad, Mom, I'll take her to the hospital."

Gao Lanxiang said, "Just send it to me. Don't worry about other things."

The bystanders dispersed one by one.As soon as the Ji family entered the store, they saw a mess in the store.Fortunately, the wall was not damaged.Gao Lanxiang was very distressed. "This kind of person really hurts people everywhere."

Ji Feiyun comforted her and said, "It's okay, Mom. A deposit of three months is still needed."

Everyone's mood is complicated.After checking, they closed the door and returned to Xiaobailou.

The old man came back from the hospital.The family stopped talking about it.They showered and went back to their room to sleep.

Ji Feiyun couldn't sleep.He walked to Nan Yongpeng's room and poked his spine with his small hand. "Yongpeng, when you marry a wife, will you cheat like Director Liang?"

Nan Yongpeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to catch traitors like Li Wenling?"

(End of this chapter)

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