Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 340 Reluctantly agree!

Chapter 340 Reluctantly agree!

Nan Yongpeng said firmly: "This time, she will not only buy machines, but also go to the department store in the provincial capital to learn. This business is already half of her. Since she wants to go, let's see the world in advance. Don't worry , Aunt and Uncle. I will continue to read the cloud newspaper."

The husband and wife were very reluctant, but the son-in-law said he couldn't force his face to stop, so he reluctantly agreed.

But he was still worried.In private, he told his third brother to nagging, "Don't let the hustle and bustle of the provincial capital shine, and pay close attention to Feiyun."

"Mom, you don't trust me. Don't you trust Nan Yongpeng?"

It takes ten hours to get to the provincial capital.Gao Lanxiang was afraid that the children would starve on the road, so she prepared a lot of food and clothes, and bought a lot of medicine at the pharmacy to prevent headaches.

"Xiaobao, you go to the provincial capital, and you must catch up with your brothers and sisters. You can't take the next step. Strangers want to give you something to eat. Don't touch it. Call Nan Yongpeng if you encounter anything. You can't leave his sight."

Ji Feiyun took out a leather rope and jokingly said: "This one is in my hand, and the other one is in Yongpeng's. I won't lose it."

As soon as Liang Yanchao's car arrived, she flew up like a bird out of the cage, carrying big bags and small bags.

Gao Lanxiang's heart was broken.She was not too worried that Ji Feiming's son would go to the north.Raising her daughter was not easy.

Ji Feixue left the classroom at five o'clock.Liang Yanchao drove the car to the school gate and waited.

Nan Yongpeng was worried that he would be tired after driving for ten hours, so he started on the road before dark.Afraid of going the wrong way when it was dark, Liang Yanchao had no choice but to drive.

As soon as Ji Feixue got into the car, Ji Feiyun stuffed the hot lunch box into it. "Sister, please fill your stomach. We all ate."

Nan Yongpeng drove fast and steadily, and the two sisters sat in the back row.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, the wheels shuttle between the cascading mountains.Ji Feiyun shouted excitedly.When eating snacks, he stood up and did not forget to put the snacks into Nan Yongpeng's mouth.

Nan Yongpeng really thanked her, "Sit down and don't move!"

After the training, Ji Feiyun felt uncomfortable, so he slept in his place.

When I woke up, it was already dark.I can't see anything out of the window.The path seems to be difficult and bumpy from time to time.

The car parked on the side of the road and changed the car for Liu Yue.Nan Yongpeng turned his head to look at Ji Feiyun who was sitting in the back seat aggrieved.He said to Ji Feixue, "You take the co-pilot."

It was dark in the car with no lights.Just as Nan Yongpeng was sitting in the back row, a head appeared and rubbed against his arm like a dog's head.

Nan Yongpeng shook his head.

Ji Feiyun hit his chest with a small fist. "You are so cruel to me."

"No." Nan Yongpeng gently stroked her dog's head. "You can't drive."

No, I'm afraid he's hungry.

What are you hungry for?He ate two bowls before coming out.

However, when Ji Feiyun stuffed the snacks into his pocket, Nan Yongpeng lost his temper.Her tone seemed a little fierce before, but after repeated education, she didn't change.

When the dog felt comfortable, Ji Feiyun chose to forgive him.

Nan Yongpeng is a very good human flesh cushion.Ji Feiyun put his head on his lap, curled up and fell asleep.

Nan Yongpeng was afraid of catching cold, so he took a thin coat and put it on his body.

The car bumped from time to time, and Ji Feiyun couldn't sleep well.He felt safe only when he held Nan Yongpeng's hand on his stomach.He won't be beaten.

After a long period of discomfort and nausea, she sat up in a daze, lay on Nan Yongpeng's body, and murmured, "Yongpeng, I don't feel well."

Nan Yongpeng took out the golden oil and rubbed it on her temples and behind her ears.He took it and sat on his lap. "almost."

He vaguely saw that Ji Feixue seemed to be chatting with Liang Yanchao.

After an unknown amount of time, a light shone on his face.Ji Feiyun opened his eyes in a daze, and saw brightly lit lights on both sides of the broad street, and neon lights flickering in the distance.

Unlike the previous bumps, the road is wide and flat, and the car drives very fast.

Liang Yanchao loosened her stiff neck. "Here we are, this is Yangcheng."

(End of this chapter)

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