Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 351 Don't Come Over!

Chapter 351 Don't Come Over!

Ji Feiyun walked out of the city gate, looked around the river, and wanted to run to the sparsely populated river.

She ran for a long time, panting, and saw a squatting shadow on the far bank of the river.

She hurried forward and saw Nan Yongpeng squatting on the ground with his hands in his handbag.

"Yong Peng!" She couldn't help but shed tears.

When he raised his foot, Nan Yongpeng shouted: "Don't come over!"

Ji Feiyun didn't listen to him because he wanted to beat him to death.

He ran over angrily and took a look.There is an electric meter in his handbag.It's ticking, with red text flashing on it.

Ji Feiyun was a little confused.It took him a while to read the writing.It took 4 minutes and 59 seconds.

It's not a gauge, it's a bomb.

"Come on, wait for me behind the tree."

He said that the tree was a locust tree 100 meters away.

"No, I won't." Ji Feiyun subconsciously refused, "I want to be with you."

"Ji Feiyun, be obedient!" Nan Yongpeng has never been so fierce.His face seemed to eat her.Beads of sweat kept coming out. "It won't be very dangerous, but it can't run with you. Don't worry. If it can't be dismantled, I'll throw it into the river. You wait for me there first."

"Since it's not dangerous, why don't you throw it into the river now?"

"There are a lot of sand dredging boats parked in the river. Unless it is absolutely necessary, they cannot be thrown away." Nan Yongpeng took off the shells, which were covered with threads of various colors.It was so thick it gave goosebumps.He took a breath. "Honey, wait for me there, I'll be back."


"Be obedient!" Nan Yongpeng didn't have time to repeat.

Tears flowed again.Ji Feiyun knew that things were not as simple as he said, but if he didn't go, he would disturb his thoughts.

After weighing, she reached out and hugged him from behind. "Yongpeng, you want to take me home."


Nan Yongpeng took the hairpin from his head and straightened it to use as a tool.

Tears blurred his vision, Ji Feiyun ran to the distant locust tree.

I stumbled under the locust tree and couldn't see Nan Yongpeng clearly.Only a vague shadow.

His heart sank in his throat.Ji Feiyun held his breath.He used to complain that time was passing too slowly.Now, he couldn't wait to stop, not to slip away for a moment.

She didn't know why Nan Yongpeng did this.Who gave him the courage to leave her and run away with the bomb?He may be able to save many lives, but what about his own?
He might die!
If he were dead, how many people would appreciate him, remember him?

Even if he remembered, he was dead.

Nan Yongpeng didn't think so much, it was just out of instinct.

Intuition told him that this was not an ordinary bomb.Once it exploded, blood flowed into the river.

The time jumped to 3 minutes and 42 seconds.At this time, his hand grabbed a red line.Sweat dripped from his brow as he pulled

Bang... bang... bang.

With his heart beating, he heard the ticking of the bomb.

I have a terrible headache.It was as if a voice was speaking.

Sweat blurred his vision.Nan Yongpeng closed his eyes for a while, then opened them again.He weighed it for a moment, then reached out to pull the fourth rope on the left.

Ji Feiyun had never been so nervous before.His hands were clenched tightly together.The whole world seems to be very quiet.

Then she heard the rumble of a truck.

Looking around, several trucks came quickly from the other end of the road, and then stopped at the entrance of the amusement park.Many men in military uniforms and guns jumped out of the trucks, grim expressions and orderly movements.

(End of this chapter)

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