Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 357 Does She Dare to Climb Other People's Beds?

Chapter 357 Does She Dare to Climb Other People's Beds?

No one noticed that Nan Yongpeng's face turned black.He knew that Ji Feiyun was a big-mouthed liar!
In the evening, there are several tables of guests at the barbecue stand.Li Yanmei is penniless, Ji Feilong rolled up his sleeves to help.

Later, several more tables came one after another, not to mention the barbecue.Ji Feiyun didn't even touch the drink bottle, so he had to help with chores.

When she came back hungry, she found her fan thrown into the hallway by Nam Young-peng.

Ji Feiyun lay on the bed and thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of how to offend him again.

All-round academic masters also need to study.The matter at hand is temporarily over.Nan Yongpeng made up for the loss during this period.It was morning when he closed the book.

Ji Feiyun was a little sleepy when he turned off the lights.The door suddenly opened, and there were footsteps.

Soon, a pillow was thrown, and then a person climbed onto the bed and landed beside him with a plop.

Nan Yongpeng: "..."

Late at night, she ran to a man's bed, didn't say a word, only heard a slight snoring.

Does she dare to crawl into someone else's bed?Nan Yongpeng couldn't take it anymore.The corner of his mouth twitched and he said, "If you want to sleep, go back to your room."

"" came a confused voice, "there was a ticking sound, and it kept ringing."

Nan Yongpeng was stunned.She said the ticking sound was the sound of a bomb in an amusement park.

It's been several days and she still hasn't come out?

Even so, Nan Yongpeng still felt uncomfortable.Ji Feiyun is clumsy at his age.Even if his siblings are separated, it makes sense to sleep with their parents.What's wrong with hugging him?
After all, she's clingy, even during the day.

Getting into his bed at night made Ji Shuxing and his wife think he was a pervert.

Nan Yongpeng sat up and took her back to his room.Ji Feiyun took his arm. "Yong Peng, I'm afraid."

"It's over, and it won't happen again. What are you afraid of?"

"Without you, I'm very scared." Ji Feiyun huddled into a ball. "I dreamed that you ran away. I've been chasing you. How could I fail to catch up with you? You didn't even look back. One yuan, do you want me?"

Nan Yongpeng reminded: "You have grown up. It is inappropriate to share a bed with me."

"No, I'm still a baby." Ji Feiyun was willful.

Nan Yongpeng was speechless. "Your parents will find out. Then I can't be a man."

"I'm afraid." Ji Feiyun grabbed him tightly. "Mum and Dad are in the rented house. They won't know. Anyway, I'm scared. I can't sleep alone."

"You can find Feixue."

"But the third sister is not you."

Nan Yongpeng was excited.He was depressed and hopeless.

Turn, turn, turn again, the people around are snoring non-stop, but he can't sleep!

"Hot..." The sleeping Ji Feiyun turned over and stepped on his waist.

Nan Yongpeng pushed away his restless feet and reached out to touch his forehead.As expected, she was sweating profusely.

In desperation, I had no choice but to get up and pick up the electric fan thrown in the corridor.

Ji Feiyun didn't sleep well.He usually likes to hold the quilt, but when he can't stand it, he will hold the quilt over and over again.

Nan Yongpeng continued to retreat until he reached the corner.He was almost driven insane.

Give me a hug, where are you kneading?
After worrying all night, Nan Yongpeng felt very guilty, and hurriedly took her back to his room on a cloudy day, which made her heave a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I was not caught, otherwise I would not be able to jump into the Yellow River.

When Ji Feiyun woke up in the morning, Nan Yongpeng's room was locked from the inside and no one was allowed to enter.

When she walked to Ji Feixue's room, she took out the cloth and cut it.In the past few days, she specifically asked Master how to make a suit.She also practiced her hands a few times.She was confident that she dared to start.After all, the cloth is not cheap.

But after all, this is the first time doing so.Ji Feixue is still a little vain. "If you don't do well in the exam, I hope Yongpeng doesn't mind."

"Yongpeng won't. He must be very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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