Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 360 What business do you want?

Chapter 360 What business do you want?
Just after lunch, Tian Shuchang brought Tian Weimin here.Father and son come to choose a store.

Tian Weimin is very active.When he was building a store, he asked for one next to the mall.Today, he plans to implement and sign a contract as soon as possible.

Everyone wants a good store.Several groups of people came to ask, but the father and son did not hold back when they built the street.They supported Ji Shuxing unconditionally in case of accidents.Ji Feiyun remembered their kindness and gave them a discount on top of the original discount.

"Uncle Shuchang, this street has been paved. You can decorate it." Ji Feiyun found the key and asked curiously, "What business do you want?"

Tian Shuchang smiled, "Your aunt is capable. She plans to make semi-cooked foods such as dried tofu, fried bean curd, and ecstasy." There is no shortage of vegetables in the field, so we can sell them at that time.In addition, I have an additional 100 chickens and ducks.If you want it, you can take it, if you don't want it, I'll sell it in the store.There are many students here, we plan to make some steamed buns and so on.Don't you blame us for stealing your business? "

I have saved some money working here in the past few months, plus the money from selling the forest before, I can get rid of capital.

"Of course not. Let's go our separate ways." Ji Feiyun covered his mouth and smiled. "Isn't it too hard to do so many things at once?"

"This is not the first time you have no business experience. Feel it slowly. Then you have to give Wei Kuan and Yaoan brothers more advice."

"Brother Wei Kuan is already No.1 in the store. I can't bear to give it back to you." Although Zhou Weikuan is not as active as Tian Weimin, he is honest and hardworking, telling us that he can do anything.

"I'm afraid you think he's stupid." Zhou Qibiao smiled, and asked under the hint of his youngest son: "Feiyun, the front and back streets are paved, and hundreds of mobile stalls can be painted. What are you going to do? I hear Shuxing said that he is also going to build a food factory, and he just took over a two-story job. He and your mother may not have time."

In the past, he was busy celebrating the Double Festival, but now he is busy bidding in the cafeteria.In addition, shops and rooms are still rented out, and the old ones have to be rented out at the same time.Ji Feiyun really had no idea what to do, he still wanted to post the news about renting a house in the past two days.

However, Tian Shuchang suddenly asked this question, which reminded Ji Feiyun that this booth is not so easy to manage.First, it takes time to migrate traffic. Second, it takes time to charge booths. Ji Feixue has a lot of people, so it is easy for vendors to exit corners. Fourth, there are health problems.

The best way to manage it is to set up a property management company.But this is the management model after 30 years, and it is not suitable for the current rural areas.There are only 11 or 12 times a month to catch up with the show.It was mostly built to be famous and not expect to get much money.

"I'm still worried. Uncle, what can you do?" Ji Feiyun is a smart person.Since he can speak, he must have ideas.

Tian Shuchang smiled dryly. "Both brothers and your aunt are in the store. There are not many people here. Brother Yao An is busy again. He wants to take down this painting."

This is business outsourcing.Of course Ji Feiyun couldn't wait.He knows the truth of the matter.It is not safe to give it to others.

"No problem, but I have to discuss it with Nan Yongpeng first."

Tian Shuchang breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

After seeing off the father and son, Ji Feiyun went back to the building to rest.

She always takes a nap in Nam Young-peng's room, but the door is still bolted.

Even in the morning, noon is not allowed.Isn't this bad for her?How can I offend him!
Ji Feiyun patted the door with his paw and said he was angry. "Open Sesame."

Sesame does not open.She was very angry and went back to her room.

He was too angry to take a nap.He dragged a bench to guard the door.Don't come out if you have the ability!

He tossed and turned all night, how long did he sleep in the morning?Nan Yongpeng really fell asleep.

As soon as he opened the door, Ji Feiyun's face turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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