Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 366 Did Liang Yanchao Find It?

Chapter 366 Did Liang Yanchao Find It?
Ji Feiyun asked in surprise, "Did Liang Yanchao find it?"

"No, it's not about the parents. You have to prepare ahead of time. He's never messy. If you really like him, you'll be married soon. I think you girls should have the same vision, so I want to hear from you guys Views."

The girl Liang Yanchao likes must be excellent.At least she has a high degree of education and outstanding ability.

Ji Feixue hadn't seen much of the world.In case he made a blind suggestion and ruined someone else's wedding room, an apology would not make up for it.

"If a provincial girl isn't good enough, her heart is high and she's in trouble. Where's the place to live? Both his father and I asked him to marry a rural guy. Preferably a local guy who knows his roots," he agreed gone."

When working in the government department, Mrs. Gao talked a lot.Ji Feixue couldn't bear it anymore.She ended up being unable to give advice.

She was in a dilemma.However, she has been in contact with Liang Yanchao for a long time.She still knew a thing or two about his likes and dislikes.Ji Feixue made some tactful suggestions based on her own personality.

"Don't worry about the opinions of the old people. What do you girls like?"

Even if Liang Yanchao wants to marry a rural man, he must have a degree and work requirements.Ji Feixue didn't know what her goal was, so she could only raise some according to her own preferences.

Mrs. Gao is more and more satisfied with her.She is gentle but not strong.She takes the subject's feelings into consideration when she does things.Being a daughter-in-law is perfect.At this age, when will she have grandchildren?
Before returning to Xiaobailou, I saw a jeep parked in the distance.

Ji Feixue was surprised. "Master, didn't you say that Liang Yanchao is still in the provincial capital?"

Mother Gao was also surprised. "Yes, I couldn't find it on the phone yesterday. Why should I come back?"

When she arrived at the store, she started to ask: "Boy, would you like to come back from the provincial capital?" I thought you didn't care about the house. "

Liang Yanchao cooperated very well. "You said it. Dare I not come back?"

"Now that you're back, you can manage the wedding room yourself. If you don't know what your future partner likes, just ask Feixue. Girls like the same things."

Liang Yanchao was not polite either.He smiled and looked at Ji Feixue. "I will trouble you again in the future."

Jiang Feixue blushed, as if she was the owner of the house.

Mrs. Gao has sharp eyesight. "Hey, why is your suit so rotten?"

Liang Yanchao remembered it later: "I guess I cut it when I got out of the car just now."

Mrs. Gao scolded, "Your Excellency still makes a fuss." I didn't bring any clothes this time.what are you wearing "

Liang Yanchao smiled and said nothing.The old lady Gao turned to Ji Feixue and said, "This brat didn't tell me in advance when he came back. The old man has been feeling unwell for the past two days. I have to go back and seek help."

"Master, why don't you just eat here and bring some to uncle later?"

"Feel sorry."

"Just a simple meal."

Mother Gao wanted to know more about the Ji family, so she answered politely.

After learning that the Gao family's mother and son were staying for dinner, Gao Lanxiang, who was fishing for sand by the river, came back specially and cooked a few dishes herself.She thanked Liang Yanchao for helping her family in the provincial capital.

The Ji family was warm and hospitable, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was harmonious.Ji Feixue kindly packed the packed meals in advance.

Mother Gao's eyes were full of joy.Especially the other parents are warm to her son and know each other well.The son also coaxed his future father-in-law to be happy and drink together.

The pink dolls on the dining table are lovely.Brother Yanchao is long, and Brother Yanchao is short.He keeps asking for food and wine.

Nan Yongpeng is a silent person who doesn't seem to know how good he is.

The old lady Gao observed secretly and found that his eyes had been fixed on the pink doll.His relationship with the Ji family seems a bit complicated.But this is someone else's family business.It is difficult for guests to speak.In any case, this does not affect the relationship between his son and Ji Feixue.

After the meal, Ji Feiyun sent Gao's mother and son to the car.He enthusiastically waved his hands and said, "Brother Yan Chao, take your time."

In the evening, I went to Ji Feixue's room to pass the time.I saw her sitting in front of the sewing machine in a daze.Ji Feiyun came over to have a look.He is making suit sleeves, but the color is not Nan Yongpeng's, "Sister, who did you make it for?"

The younger sister's soul was tortured, Ji Feixue blushed: "Because... Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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