Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 376 Ji Feiyun doesn't care about this!

Chapter 376 Ji Feiyun doesn't care about this!

Ji Feiyun didn't care about him.He reached for his coat and couldn't wait. "Hurry up, Ji Feixue is very skilled. You must look good in it."

Nan Yongpeng: "..."

At the urging of his father, the good-natured Nan Yongpeng grew impatient with the noise.He pushed her out the door and started unbuttoning her
Halfway through the meeting, the door opened.

Ji Feiyun poked his head out, wow!
Compared with his peers, Nan Yongpeng has matured.Tall and wearing a well-tailored, chiseled suit, he looked like a young man in his early 20s.He cut his hair short a few days ago and looks energetic and capable.

Ji Feiyun raised his head, from feet to head, his whole body was stunned.Not bad, not to mention good-looking, he smells like a successful man!

it is hot.Nan Yongpeng took off his suit jacket and threw it on the bed.When he saw Ji Feiyun, his eyes blurred.He suddenly remembered what she said yesterday, and looked down at her, "Does it sound good?"

"Good looking." I couldn't help swallowing.

As soon as he took off his coat, he revealed a neatly pressed white shirt.The hem is tucked into his trousers.He had narrow shoulders, narrow hips, and straight, thin legs.

Damn it, he also lowered his head, pulled his sleeves, and folded them three times. He moved cautiously, revealing half of his thick wheat-colored arms.This is so... sexy!
Nan Yongpeng did not forget his swallowing. "Better looking than others?"

Ji Feiyun nodded.

"Can you find someone better than me?"

"Found...not found." Alas, the damn hormones.

Nan Yongpeng also thought she couldn't find it.She has a lot of bad smelling problems.She is smart and calculating.Who wants to serve her?Growing up is also the life of a bachelor.

"Get out." There was an indescribable joy in her answer.

When I changed my clothes and opened the door, I was already gone.

Nan Yongpeng, "..." Doesn't that mean he looks good?Why not take a look?

You can't feed well.

Ji Feiyun did not know where to get an exquisite gift box.He even got a ribbon and a card, and walked into Ji Feixue's room.

Ji Feixue was dumbfounded. "Is it too deliberate?"

"People rely on clothes. Buddha depends on gold. Sister, your craftsmanship is really good. The clothes you make are no worse than the clothes in the mall. They look cheap without packaging. Put them on the gift box and write a thank you card. Absolutely It is a generous gift. Liang Yanchao, who is worth millions, is more than enough."

Sister, your mouth is full of words.

But Ji Feixue was still a little embarrassed. "Will it be bad if I dress him?"

"What happened to him?" He didn't have a wife.Who dares to gossip about you?The fabric is imported and you make it yourself.We will repay him for his trip to the provincial capital. "

The last worry dissipated.Ji Feixue folded the clothes and put them in the box.He wrote two words on the card and put one of them in the box.

The sisters got together and spent half a day tying the ribbon into a bow.

It was the first time to give someone a gift, even though it was said to be the master's son, and he didn't know him well, Ji Feixue was still very nervous.She seems to be doing an invisible thing.

Mrs. Gao's company has been very busy recently.The task of decoration fell on Liang Yanchao.It is not difficult for him to decorate his home.Just do what he likes.However, both stores are for the younger brother and sister-in-law.He had no experience in this field, so he asked Ji Feixue for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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