Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 379 She couldn't bear it.

Chapter 379 She couldn't bear it.

Ji Feiyun looked at him and smiled.She can't take it.

Bidding is scheduled for Wednesday.In the morning, each family takes turns to bid, and in the afternoon, they will taste the dishes on the spot.

There are nine dishes to be prepared, and there is a time limit. Nan Yongpeng took Li Yanmei to start.

There are tens of kilometers away.It was too late to start early in the morning.I had to leave a day early and live in the city.

Nan Yongpeng only brought a set of laundry and toiletries.The rest belonged to Ji Feiyun.There are some nice outfits and bags of food.Not even the bottle fell out.

She talked non-stop as soon as she got on the bus.She would occasionally put delicious food into Nan Yongpeng's mouth, and lay down when she was full.

She took the train to the county seat, and it was already afternoon when she arrived at the urban station.

Judging from the scale of the bus station, the city is much more lively than the county.No wonder Ji Feilong often brainwashed her.This is unmatched in town.

When he got out of the station, he had to change buses.Ji Feiyun was motion sick and a little listless.Nan Yongpeng took a taxi to Qingjiang Middle School.

Ji Feiyun felt a little distressed.It's a long way to the old temple school.Taking a taxi is a waste of money. "

"It's good. Money is spent." She passed out so badly that she might vomit if she fell again.

There was a youth hostel not far from the school, but it was getting late and there were only two rooms left.

The rooms are not next to each other.Nan Yongpeng gave the key to Li Yanmei, thinking that Ji Feiyun would spend the night with her.

As soon as he opened the room, Ji Feiyun walked in and fell down on the bed with a plop. "Yongpeng, I will sleep with you tonight."

Nan Yongpeng almost choked up, "Sleep with Yanmei."

Sister Yanmei laughed while talking.I am afraid. "

The reason will be discovered, she seems to have slept with Li Yanmei.

Nan Yongpeng was afraid that when his ancestors were away, he would be stubborn.What if he wants to leave?
After washing their faces and resting for a while, the three of them went downstairs to have dinner.Who knows, they just met Ji Feilong in the lobby and asked the front desk if Nan Yongpeng had checked in?

"Ji Feilong." Ji Feiyun asked, "What are you doing here?"

When he saw his younger sister, Ji Feilong smiled. "let me help you."

"How did you get out?" Qingjiang Middle School has been completely closed.It is not easy to remember the school gate.

"on the wall."

Ji Feiyun wanted to hit him, but he didn't turn over.

"This is my territory." Ji Feilong was full of ambition. "Let's go. I'll treat you to dinner."

There is a street not far from Qingjiang Middle School.There are several restaurants here.Ji Feilong walked into the house with ease, and quickly ordered a few dishes.

Ji Feiyun lost his appetite, so he added some soup.

Students are not allowed to leave the school.Even if the meal is not full, the dishes will be served quickly.

"This is the best food in the street. Many students visit it on weekends. Give it a try."

Ji Feiyun was looking forward to eating, but stopped and ate two chopsticks.Not bad, but not amazing either.Especially the soup we ordered was not enough.We can only use MSG.

Feilong winked at his sister, and the family will also participate in the bidding tomorrow.

It turned out that he was here to show his presence.

You can't waste your order.Several people paid and left after eating.

This has already been studied in the evening.Regardless, it came out of the wall and was criticized.Ji Feilong didn't intend to go back so soon.

He took the three kids to the back of the school. "There is a river not far from the school. In summer, many people swim in it."

It's a river, but it's actually a big river.Its name is Qingjiang.

The Qingjiang River is very wide, with a span of up to 100 meters.From the side, it is far away from the source, and there are large undeveloped wastelands on both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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